Thursday, August 27, 2020
Economics and Market free essay sample
?Survey the view that making an oligopolistic advertise increasingly contestable is the most ideal approach to improve the productivity of that showcase. The hypothesis of completely contestable markets was introduced as a speculation of the hypothesis of entirely serious markets and was introduced as giving rules to the lead of guideline, to be specific to permit opportunity of passage and exit and to guarantee equivalent access of contenders. An oligopolistic advertise is a specific market that is constrained by few firms. An oligopoly is a lot of like a syndication, wherein just one organization applies command over the greater part of a market, anyway in an oligopoly, there are in any event two firms controlling the market. A contestable market is one where officeholder firms face genuine and possible rivalry. A market with just one firm can in any case be contestable if there are not kidding dangers of passage into that showcase. By expanding a market’s contestability, the general proficiency ought to improve on the grounds that it would make occupant firms all the more profitably, progressively, allocatively and x-proficient. This paper will along these lines contend that contestability is the most ideal approach to make a market progressively serious as it improves every one of the four parts of proficiency. So as to improve a market’s contestability, obstructions to passage must be brought down. The Royal Mail used to be a lawful imposing business model yet now firms are permitted to enter the market for sending letters. This has expanded contestability. Licenses and other authoritative obstructions could be brought all together down to build contestability. Firms are along these lines ready to create items that they would beforehand not have been permitted to make. Anyway there is likewise a threat that by lessening licenses, firms and business visionaries will have no motivating force to concoct or improve. Lessening taxes, for example, the European Union’s choice to decrease taxes on imported products from the inside the EU from January 2014, will cause firms’ expenses to reduce subsequently making it more probable that they will sell their merchandise. Furthermore, by battling against arrangement, ruthless estimating and cartels, it is simpler for firms to enter the market which will expand contestability. Firms that would have considered conniving or entering a cartel are probably not going to do as such in a contestable market due to the chance of another firm that can create the great at a lower cost or an attempt at manslaughter passage. On the off chance that there are low section and leave costs, at that point firms can participate in attempt at manslaughter strategies. This implies on the off chance that an industry is making supernormal benefits, at that point a firm can enter and exploit the significant expenses and high benefits. Cartels and agreement are both wasteful on the grounds that they include constraining yield while raising the cost of their great which makes them allocatively and profitably wasteful. In this way a contestable market is progressively proficient. In an incontestable market, a firms’ point of picking up imposing business model force through benefit expansion by delivering at the yield of MC=MR (Figure 1) is profitably, allocatively and x-wasteful in light of the fact that they can satisfice and produce over the SRACT (Figure 2). X-effectiveness happens when a firm works on their SRATC and they are probably going to be progressively wasteful on the off chance that they are in an incontestable market since they don't have to deliver on their SRATC. Beneficial effectiveness includes delivering at the absolute bottom on an organizations short run normal cost bend where AC=MC and Allocative proficiency happens where MC=AR and when all assets are being disseminated so as to fulfill need. On the off chance that this market were contestable, at that point firms would be compelled to be produce at lower expenses and sell at lower costs, in this manner being progressively effective. Except if the occupant firm decreases its costs, at that point they should leave the market or hazard making odd benefits. This can be seen on Fig. 3 where P2 and Q2 make typical benefit in this manner maintaining a strategic distance from danger of section from different firms. This is in contrast with the incontestable market of P1 and Q1 where the firm benefit amplifies where MC=MR. Firms in a contestable market are accordingly is gainfully, allocatively and x-productive. Because of the way that organizations, in a contestable market, need to ceaselessly improve purchaser decision and their nature of merchandise or administrations, they are bound to powerfully effective. Dynamic productivity includes firms putting resources into better nature of item or more purchaser decision. In spite of the fact that organizations in an incontestable market are bound to have bigger supernormal benefits, they are less inclined to put away their cash since they have less of a motivator to contend and may choose to satisfice instead of put resources into innovative work. Along these lines a firm in a contestable market must be all the more progressively effective on the off chance that they need to keep on making benefit since they are rivaling different firms and should separate themselves through an improved nature of item. Another approach to improve contestability is through the web. The web can bring down market costs and sunk expenses for new firms. Firms no longer need to stress over spending unreasonably on commercial to make amazing brand. With insignificant consumption, they can without much of a stretch arrive at a huge number of customers around the world. Additionally, since the expenses of exit are lower, more will face challenge. Besides, the web implies a few organizations may decide to work totally online which essentially assists with diminishing enormous overhead expenses. Anyway enormous built up firms can rehearse limit evaluating and can drop down the cost of their merchandise to a level where new firms may think that its unrewarding to join the business.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Memory and its contribution to understanding consumer behavioral Essay
Memory and its commitment to understanding buyer conduct change. (Brain science in commercial center) - Essay Example (1999) Observation in shopper conduct is guided by the mindfulness a customer has with respect to his market and the items in the market.(Barry, 2010) This mindfulness originates from how a maker or a maker publicizes his/her items, so the buyer gets mindful of those items, and afterward from that point onwards he begins to request the item which will satisfy his needs of an agreeable life. (2009) Memory is one of the significant factors in the assurance of shopper needs and needs. Memory is formed by a great deal of different viewpoints which arouse into one stream and help a buyer review his wants, needs, and needs, methods of fulfillment, the reasonableness lastly the inspiration to purchase. Memory is described by all the information the purchaser has about a specific item. Clearly, memory is molded when a shopper appends himself to an item which satisfies his needs and wants. In this way, it is relevant for the makers to deliver and advertise items which remain everlastingly into the consumer’s sub cognizant. The sub cognizant is the thing that manages the memory, and along these lines it is essential to have a very surprising, outsider however alluring methodology towards the advertising of the item, so the customer is helped to remember the specific item when he goes to shop. Memory can be separated into two perspectives: The momentary memory and the drawn out memory. The momentary memory is described by logos, trademarks, the firm’s name, the items name. Consequently, anything which is appealing may pull in the consideration of the customer right away. The drawn out memory is the thing that includes for a particular maker over the long haul to advance the items. Long haul memory should be dedicated and scoured on continually by the maker with substantial promoting and publicizing. (Flamand, 2010) Red Bull(2008) is a prime case of this. They have proceeded with monstrous advertising of their item through
Friday, August 21, 2020
Important Tips For Writing Essays For College
Important Tips For Writing Essays For CollegeFree essay samples for college are actually very common but, with the fact that they are being asked for on the internet, it is important to know the exact right place to get the samples. One thing that is essential for people who are working in their business websites or writing blogs is that they need to make sure that they have a connection to the host. These sites are not free and there is a cost associated with the hosting and running of these sites.It is possible that some places out there do offer free essay samples for college but, this is the case when the people posting the essays are not receiving any kind of payment at all. The other thing that needs to be checked is that the content of the essay can be seen by students studying in colleges. When a student goes to college for the first time, a lot of research work is done on the student so that they can prepare well for the tests and essays that will be submitted.Essay samples for college are also used for college students to familiarize themselves with the style of writing and the grammar they will be asked to write in different forms of assignments. The essay is meant to be a simple writing with an outline. The essay sample for college helps the students to write the essay successfully so that they can be able to show what they know.College students are very busy and, even though they have the freedom to choose what they want to do, they often make errors in their work. This is why free essay samples for college should be used by them because they know that there are some mistakes in the work they have done. If this is a form of help for the students, then this is very welcome.However, there are some things that people should consider before they write essays online. The first thing to keep in mind is that, if the essay contains any grammatical mistakes or if it has any other mistakes, then these are not good enough for the web. Students should try to w rite the essays correctly the first time so that the result is perfect.The second thing that the students need to check before they write the essays online is whether they know where they will be publishing them. Sometimes people find the essay samples for college very difficult to access because of the privacy issue they have. There are also those that would upload the essays online without using the 'delete' button in order to get rid of all the extra material.There are some websites out there that ask for the students to pay in order to have their essays samples for college. However, there are sites that offer the essay samples for college for free. Students have to see which sites are popular and will be useful to them before they register with them.Free essay samples for college are considered one of the best ways to prepare for the entrance exam of the colleges. They are often asked for in order to give something back to the students for helping them with their project. Howeve r, students have to make sure that they get the correct help and the work they write should be carefully reviewed by the parents or guardians.
Monday, May 25, 2020
Writing Technique And Sentence Structure - 1230 Words
MWP4 Final Writing is a tool used in many subjects, and it has a great deal of importance in our society. In this article written by Fish, the reader is given his perspective on what a writing course should encompass. Fish begins the article by pointing out the problem with english composition classes today. On the first page he mentions how one day ,while grading papers, he noticed that his graduate students did not write clean proper sentences. Fish took it upon himself to find out why students lack simple writing skills and how english composition professors can fix it? After finding the answers to his questions Fish came to the conclusion that the only way to teach writing is by focusing on technique and sentence structure. He believes that once a student masters the skills it takes to write then they can write successfully. Writing is used daily and it is important that we master the ability. Fish has a good argument that supports the focus on writing technique, but he misses the importan ce of other writing factors such as evidence, audience, and rhetoric. Fish is no amauetur when it comes to writing or teaching writing. In the second part of the article he gives the reader a resume showing off his full writing career. It is clear that he puts high importance on writing. While he searched for a better way to teach students how to write, he came to the realization that focusing on writing for the sole purpose of writing is the best way to improve. The ACTA also agreesShow MoreRelatedThe Seven Tips For Effective Business Writing1110 Words  | 5 Pagesbusiness writing. It allows flow of thoughts to be logical and easy to follow. Analyzing purpose, examining reader’s need and outlining before writing are some of the ways to make writing coherent. In addition to these, there are several other techniques that can help to structure effective paragraphs and essays. One way to write coherently is to write with unity. This can be achieved by establishing a main idea and summarizing it into a single sentence called topic sentence. Any sentences or paragraphsRead MoreCritical And Sophisticated Type Of Academic Writing And Can Easily Be Constructed By Breaking Down Its Basic Structure933 Words  | 4 Pages Essays are a comprehensive and sophisticated type of academic writing and can easily be constructed by breaking down its basic structure. A quality essay is one that presents and supports an argument on a particular topic by applying well-constructed research. Writing an academic essay can be a complicated task, but by paying attention to key elements such as structure, content and presentation, the essay will be easy to develop. However incorrect use of these basic steps can lead the paper to lackRead MoreEvaluate Interpersonal and Written Communication Skills1019 Words  | 4 Pagesbecause I have do not come into contact who have hearing problems in my everyday life, also it is not necessary for me to lip read when I am talking to people because I do not have any hearing problems. Written Techniques P1 Report In my report for P1 I demonstrated a variety of written techniques well such as I structured my report in the correct format such as by having a contents page, front cover but also by structuring the content of the report in paragraphs so that it was easy for the reader toRead MoreA Farewell to Arms1229 Words  | 5 Pagespoint that attracted my attention the most was the writing style. When the reader starts reading the novel, he first has to get used to the writing style before he can focus on the storyline. 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I have learned the purpose of writing and the structure to make a solid concrete essayRead MoreWhen Writing An Essay1391 Words  | 6 PagesWhen writing an essay, especially one to convince others of your competence, it is important to have a central point in mind. Throwing in idle points here and there cause the writer to appear unorganized and sloppy, not at all what a college is looking for. If my central theme is passion then both the introductory and closing sentences should in some way have a connection to passion. The meat of the essay should have evidence for the referenced passion. Closing the paragraph out explaining that passionRead MoreRheto rical Analysis : The Rhetorical Triangle 1129 Words  | 5 PagesOver the course of this semester I learned several skills and techniques this semester to improve my writing skills for the future. This class has helped me learn many skills that I did not know before I first walked in here. I personally feel that I have made an improvement in the acknowledgment I had in writing. One of the major writing principles that I will never forget is the rhetorical triangle for example, logos, ethos, and pathos make up the rhetorical triangle I used in my Rhetorical AnalysisRead MoreCreative Writing As A Tool For Enhancing Algerian Efl1441 Words  | 6 PagesCreative writing in EFL: Creative writing has begun to gain its popularity in the field of EFL/ ESL. This issue is recently mostly intrigued the interest of many countries including, United Kingdom, Pakistan, Trinidad and Tobago, Singapore, Australia and New Zealand, Ireland, United States and south Africa (Google Trends, 2015). Alan Maley is considered as one of the pioneers in the field of teaching creative writing in EFL settings. He, in fact, has numerous scholarly articles on creative writing inRead MoreAnalyzing Style in Literature Essay1045 Words  | 5 PagesAnalyzing Style in Literature The style of a piece is a function of the writer’s craft or the techniques used by the writer to communicate his ideas. To discuss the style of work of literature, consider the diction (vocabulary choices), the syntax (sentence construction) and the tone (author’s attitude toward the subject and the reader). A. DICTION: When analyzing diction, consider the following: ============================================================ Read More Rhetorical Techniques in Richard Wright’s Black Boy Essay651 Words  | 3 PagesRhetorical Techniques in Richard Wright’s Black Boy Richard Wright uses language in his novel, Black Boy, as a source to convey his opinions and ideas. His novel both challenges and defends the claim that language can represent a person and become a peephole into their life and surroundings. Richard Wright uses several rhetorical techniques to convey his own ideas about the uses of language. First, Wright’s language and writing style in Black Boy challenge Baldwin’s ideas. For example, pages
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Literary Terms - 3784 Words
Literary Terms Packet The terms in this packet will be used throughout the semester in literature discussions and on exams. Please memorize and be able to use and identify all terms in papers and on exams. Some information in this packet came from Modern English by Arnold Lazarus, and A Dictionary of Literary, Dramatic, and Cinematic Terms by Sylvan Barnet, Allusion A reference to someone or something that is known from history, literature, religion, politics or some other branch of culture. An example is Sandra Cisneros Straw into Gold, which is an allusion to the folktale about Rumpelstiltskin. Example: I have seen my head . . . brought in upon a platter is an allusion to the execution of St. John the†¦show more content†¦The opposite is understatement, which is an assertion that states less than what is true or real (Last week I saw a woman flayed, and you will hardly believe how much it altered her person for the worse.--Swift). Understatement can be used to make an ironic point or to provide humor. Examples of Hyperbole: You know youre in Arizona when: --You notice your car overheating before you drive it. --You no longer associate bridges or rivers with water. --You actually burn your hand opening the car door. --No one would dream of using vinyl upholstery in a car. -4- Understatement examples: Ah, a little bedtime snack! (to describe a 7-course meal) Elie Wiesel says, I was fifteen. (After he experiences the Holocaust and sees a young boy hung) Yes, it hurts a bit. (A young man tries to be brave when he has sev ered one of his fingers) Please write two examples of hyperbole: ___________________________________________________________ and ____________________________________________________________ ______ Imagery The use of language to evoke or create a picture or a concrete sensation of a person, thing, place, or experience. These words appeal to our senses of taste, touch, sight, hearing, and smell. Example: There was an old Negro woman with her head tied in a red rag, coming along a path through the pinewoods. Her eyes were blue with age. The air was sweetened by the summer roses. Irony InShow MoreRelatedStudy Guide Literary Terms7657 Words  | 31 Pages AP Literary and Rhetorical Terms 1. 2. alliteration- Used for poetic effect, a repetition of the initial sounds of several words in a group. The following line from Robert Frosts poem Acquainted with the Night provides us with an example of alliteration,: I have stood still and stopped the sound of feet. The repetition of the s sound creates a sense of quiet, reinforcing the meaning of the line 3. allegory – Where every aspect of a story is representative, usually symbolicRead MoreLiterary Terms For The End1411 Words  | 6 PagesLiterary Terms for â€Å"In the End†Linkin Park’s â€Å"In the End†is a song that many people can relate to because it is about a situation that everyone has encountered. The approach Chester uses to describe a hard situation by using the structure, symbolism and prosody he specifically picks out makes the song catchy and relatable. The way he forms the song and the words he picked out allows a depressing moment to become an inspiration for anyone going through hard times. The most important literary termRead MoreThe Most Schizophrenic Literary Terms1458 Words  | 6 PagesThe Most Schizophrenic Literary Terms Mixtape in Existence 1. Allegory Hotel California- Eagles Contrary to a seemingly pervasive belief, the Eagles Hotel California isnt an ode to Satanism. Rather, the song serves as an ominous warning about the self destructive nature of greed and as a pointed criticism of the wildly hedonistic lifestyle frequently espoused during the 1970s. The Hotel California spoken of in the song serves as an allegory for a lifestyle that is undeniably alluring,Read MoreLord of the flies literary terms2489 Words  | 10 PagesLord of the Flies: Literary Elements Symbolisms Scar: imperfection. The island could be a Utopia, but the scar tells the reader the island is flawed. Conch: order. The conch is used to call the boys to get themselves organized. Its possession: authority. The Individual who holds the shell has the right to speak. Fire: spirit of civilization that must be constantly fed Piggy’s glasses: government and political vision (created the spirit of civilization) Simon’s butterflies: innocence of childhood Read More The Lottery: Examples Of Literary Terms, And A Journal Entry701 Words  | 3 Pages A. 1) The tone, mood or atmosphere in the story begins with that of happiness and euphoria, by setting us up with a wonderful day that most everyone would enjoy. (Quote: â€Å"The morning of June 27th was clear and sunny, with the fresh warmth of a full-summer day†¦Ã¢â‚¬ [pg147] ) However, later on in the story, it takes a different tone, and by the very end the tone is that of panic, disdain and fear. (Quote: â€Å"‘It isn’t fair, it isn’t right,’ Mrs. Hutchinson screamed, and then they were upon her.†[pg 155]Read MoreLiterary Analysis Term Paper for Tom Sawyer : a Classic Novel771 Words  | 4 PagesLiterary Analysis Term Paper for Tom Sawyer: A Classic Novel Mark Twain’s book is a novel that follows the juvenile life of a small boy. You will see how much fun the main character, Tom, and his friends have by skipping school, fishing, swimming, and using with their imaginations to have a good time. The Adventures of Tom Sawyer is a classic novel for many reasons. The plot gives us an idea about how people lived in the era the book takes place in. Readers enjoy the book because they can relateRead MoreLiterary Theories And Literary Criticism1318 Words  | 6 PagesLiterary theories and literary criticism New Historicism 1. †¢ It is a literary theory based on the criticism of Stephen Greenblatt and philosophy Michel Foucault. †¢ It states that literature should be studied and interpreted in context with the author’s history as well as the history of the critic. †¢ Acknowledges that the author’s literature is influenced by his/her situations or surroundings. †¢ The critic’s response is also influenced by his/her surroundings, beliefs, values and prejudices. †¢ ShowsRead MoreKarma Upon Death by Scrabble960 Words  | 4 Pagesavailable letters. The story narrates how the words in the game reflect the practical life of the players. In every story there are literary devices used to help develop the theme of the story. In this story the terms imagery, the use of foreshadowing, and mostly irony. By the end of this essay readers will realise how all the use of these literary terms helped develop the theme of karma in Charlie Fish’s Death By Scrabble. Imagery in Death By Scrabble I shown a lot and helps conquerRead MoreLiterary Criticism Of Literature And Literature873 Words  | 4 PagesLiterature has no set definition, mainly because throughout history writers, as well as literary historians have failed to construct an agreeable definition (Bressler 12). When one thinks of literature, he or she should think of literary criticismâ€â€different critical perspectives. Literary criticism requires readers to analyze literary texts with knowledge of theories. Thus, the next time one reads a text, he or she should first identify the theory that he or she plans to use. The theories representRead MoreThe Scarlet Letter By Nathaniel Hawthorne1397 Words  | 6 Pagespuritans. Hawthorne came to realization that everyone is human and as humans we make mistakes, we should not punish each mistake to the extreme. Using the original work of Nathaniel Hawthorne and the literary criticism of three critics, I analyze the different interpre tations of the scarlet letter in terms of individualism, conformity, and homoerotic dynamics. While researching the scarlet letter I found many different perceptions of the novel, The Scarlet letter is a story that changes interpretation
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Essay on Santiago as Code Hero in The Old Man and the Sea
In Ernest Hemingway’s novel, The Old Man and the Sea, Santiago demonstrates the traits of the code hero. The Hemingway’s code hero covers the principal ideals of honor, courage, and endurance in a misfortune life. Throughout the novel, Santiago shows a contrast between opposite attitudes and values which associate his behavior with the guidelines of the code. In this case, the depiction of conflicting values, such as dignity despite humility, perseverance despite despair, and victory despite defeat are aspects that help to describe and understand the role of Santiago in the novel, and reflect the reason why this character is perfectly suited to the heroic conduct established by Hemingway. The first argument to be addressed is how the†¦show more content†¦The nobility of character of the old man prevents him from feel hate and rancor toward the other fishermen. Despite the taunts of the other fishermen, Santiago is quiet and admits having a bad streak of luck. This makes him an honorable man, which avoids any conflict and is able to recognize his flaws as a fisherman. Although the sea has given him several bitter drinks, he is able to keeping on loving it. â€Å"A man is honest when he acts honestly, he is humble when he acts humbly, he loves when he is loving or being loved.†(Waldmeir 165). Perhaps, the crowning act of humility in Santiago is when he is forced to recognize that by his own forces he will not be enough to grab the fish, and decides to carry out prayers to the Almighty. At the end of the hunting of the big animal, Santiago does not become conceited. His simple and humble soul thanks with a prayer for the outcome of his effort. Although t he fighting has been severe and bloody, the old man was not self-styled hero†. Santiago humbly considers himself as one fisherman more, and the categorization as a hero depends on the readers. â€Å"It is the knowledge that a simple man is capable of such decency, dignity, and even heroism, and that his struggle can be seen in heroic terms, that largely distinguishes this book.†(Young 131). The evident relation between his humility and dignity helps to place Santiago as a perfectShow MoreRelated Santiago as Code Hero in Hemingways The Old Man and The Sea1027 Words  | 5 PagesSantiago as Code Hero in Hemingways The Old Man and The Sea The Old Man and the Sea is a heroic tale of mans strength pitted against forces he cannot control. It is a story about an old Cuban fisherman and his three-day battle with a giant Marlin. Through the use of three prominent themes; friendship, bravery, and Christianity; the Old Man and the Sea strives to teach important life lessons to the reader while also epitomizing Santiago, the old fisherman, as a Hemingway code hero. TheRead MoreThe Sea And The Old Man1176 Words  | 5 PagesJason Chadwick Mr. Spence Freshman Honors English October 31, 2014 The Sea and the Old Man An old man, alone in the ocean with no other humans in sight, struggles to pull an eighteen-foot marlin close enough to his boat to strike the killing blow. He is tired, and almost at the end of his strength. He thinks to himself, I will try one more time. In The Old Man and The Sea by Ernest Hemingway, protagonist Santiago finds himself in an ongoing struggle for dominance. He must persevere through pain andRead MoreThe Old Man and the Sea: Analysis of Santiago841 Words  | 4 PagesThe Old Man and The Sea: Analysis of Santiago Ross Mueller Mr. Harocopos AP. English 11 29 September 1996 Ernest Hemingway had a specific type of character in each and every one of his works of literature. These characters were called the Hemingway Code Heroes. Hemingway Code Heroes followed a strict code of behaviors which allowed them to live their life to the fullest. These Heroes lived simple lives without all the luxuries that others had. They concentrate on the problem at hand and do notRead MoreEssay about Hemingways Themes1593 Words  | 7 PagesHemingways Themes â€Å"Hemingway’s greatness is in his short stories, which rival any other master of the form†(Bloom 1). The Old Man and the Sea is the most popular of his later works (1). The themes represented in this book are religion (Gurko 13-14), heroism (Brenner 31-32), and character symbolism (28). These themes combine to create a book that won Hemingway a Pulitzer Prize in 1953 and contributed to his Nobel Prize for literature in 1954 (3). â€Å"Santiago’s ordeal, first in hisRead More The Old Man and the Sea Essay1361 Words  | 6 Pages In The Old Man and the Sea, Ernest Hemingway describes an old fisherman and the unfortunate trials he faces as his quot;luckquot; runs out. Through the novel, the fisherman, Santiago, replicates Hemingways ideal man, a noble hero. Hemingway had a Code of Behavior that he himself followed. He had morals that were strict and an appreciation for instinct and human nature. He had a specific way of living life and an understanding of time. He believed in taking risks and acting upon instinctRead MoreEssay on The Hemingway Code Hero and The Old Man in the Sea2251 Words  | 10 PagesThe Hemingway Code Hero and The Old Man in the Sea The Old Man and the Sea is a beloved novel because of the style in which Hemingway writes, his idea of a hero, and how he applied it affectively. The code for his heroes way in which they act with courage, always strive to prove them selves one more time, not to complain about their suffering. The writing techniques brought the story in to full multimedia life by letting the reader see what is going on. Finally, the way it all just seems toRead MoreErnest Hemingway Research Paper3978 Words  | 16 Pagesthrough his written works and actions how a â€Å"hero†should conduct himself/herself. Hemingway often partook in hunting, fishing, and could be seen attending Spanish bullfights. Hemingway uses these experiences, and the ones he gained from World War II to enhance his already superb writing. Admirers often praise Hemingway for how he believes a man should live his life, and how he also emulates this belief in his characters by â€Å"tying the life of the hero to [Hemingway himself]†(Young, 41). TheseRead MoreThe Old Man And The Sea Essay1718 Words  | 7 Pagesearly to mid 20th century. Known mainly for his success in writing the critically acclaimed novel, The Old Man and the Sea, Hemingway had many symbolic meanings instituted throughout this novel and many other works. Many having the theme of a hero confronting a natural force, as seen when Santiago confronts the mighty sea. Along with the heroic themes, Hemingway had become a religious Catholic man growing up and decided to include many religious references and biblical allusions. Since the beginningRead MoreThe Influence Of Heroism In The Old Man And The Sea By Ernest Hemingway754 Words  | 4 Pageshave different perspectives on a lot of things and for most†¦. it’s how to be a man or a hero depending on how you look at it. But it’s not about heroism. It’s the views on how to be a man (at least to me). The Hemingway’ way is different f rom most writers but it might just be the most influential. That is just my opinion. Out of all his works, we take three stories and one from Tim O’Brien whose work is influenced by the man himself. Our stories all tie in with one another and a trait they all shareRead More Plight of the Code Hero in the Works of Ernest Hemingway Essay2466 Words  | 10 PagesThe Plight of the Code Hero in the Works of Ernest Hemingway        In his novels Ernest Hemingway suggests a code of behavior for his characters to follow: one that demands courage in difficult situations, strength in the face of adversity, and grace under pressure. Termed the code hero, this character is driven by the principal ideals of honor, courage, and endurance in a life of stress, misfortune, and pain. Despite the heros fight against life in this violent and disorderly world
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Position Paragraph Assignment Essay Example For Students
Position Paragraph Assignment Essay As history props, the Stuart learned nothing from the Civil War. One would think that after hiding away, awaiting the day that England would decide to restore monarchy, they would have realized the faults in their fathers beliefs that had caused the disastrous civil war. Once they had reclaimed the throne from 1 1 years of Commonwealth. They followed the ways of their father, Charles, into the belief of the Divine Right of Kings. This made Parliament wonder, did the Stuart learn any thing from the Civil War? Charles was the first monarch after he Civil War. When parliament decided that England needed a king, Charles was called over from France where he had been hiding from Oliver Cromwell army. Charles was a hide-away Catholic, because he, unlike his father, was attempting to stay on parliaments good side. Creditableness religious tolerance, which gave him the ability to worship in the Catholic style, while keeping parliament happy. Although Cheerlead never went to the extremes of his predecessors, he still was a believer in the Divine Right of Kings, giving him, in is mind, full power over England, All in all, though Charles was not a bad ruler to fix much of Englands problems, he still kept the beliefs of his father. As said by Judge Blackstone, The constitution of England had arrived to full vigor, and the true balance between liberty and prerogative was happily established by law, in the reign of King Charles the Condiments, unlike his brother Charles, was just like his father. James believed, to the extreme, in the Divine right of Kings. Along With his previously stated belief, James also believed in Absolute Monarchy and was a devote Catholic. These three beliefs caused James to be very much disliked by parliament, and therefore, the people. After putting up with two years of his reign. Parliament finally called in Mary, Compassionately daughter, and William Of Orange, her husband, to come and force James to abdicate the throne. This change was welcome. Although James and his descendants, who are known as the Jackboots, tried to reclaim the throne they never succeeded, James did not, in recorded history, learn any thing from his ethers mistakes. Both Charles and James were not the best monarchs England had ever seen. Both Charles and James were believers in the Divine Right Of Kings. Both Charles and James were images to their father. Charles was a hidden believer. He never showed his true motive until its time had come, even if many of those times never came to pass. James was an open believer. Even more like his father, he did not care what people thought, and showed off his beliefs for all he was worth, which in his mind was a lot.
Saturday, April 11, 2020
3 Tips for Writing Stellar Georgia Tech Essays
3 Tips for Writing Stellar Georgia Tech Essays SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips Before you envision yourself getting settled in at Georgia Tech, you must get through the hurdle of writing the Georgia Tech essays. The Georgia Tech supplement requires you to write two short essays.So what are the possible essay prompts? And how should you answer them? Keep reading to learn exactly what the Georgia Tech essays are, what kinds of topics you can write about (and what kinds of topics to avoid), and how to ensure you’re submitting a quality essay. Feature Image: Wally Gobetz/Flickr What Essays Does Georgia Tech Require? The Georgia Tech application includesa total of three essays. One of these is a personal essay that answers a prompt from either the Common Appor the Coalition App(depending on which system you apply through). This essay should be around 500-550 words, and must not be longer than 650 words. You can visit the Common App and Coalition App websites to see the essay prompts for the 2018-19 application cycle. The other two essays are part of the Georgia Tech supplement and are referred to as the Georgia Tech short answer questions, since your responses to these are shorter than the personal essay you must write for the Common App/Coalition App. Like the longer personal essay, these two shorter essays are required components of the Georgia Tech application. The prompts for these essays are given on both the Common App and Coalition App, and each short answer must be 250 words or less (about half the length of a regular college essay). This is just a general overview of the Georgia Tech essays. But in order for you to write them, you need to know what the current Georgia Tech essay prompts are. We'll take a look at the prompts next! What Are the Georgia Tech Supplement Essay Prompts? As you now know, in addition to writing a long Common App or Coalition App personal essay, you must answer two questions as part of the Georgia Tech supplement. Below are the possible essay prompts you’ll have for these questions. Georgia Tech Essay 1: Why Georgia Tech? For the first Georgia Tech supplement essay, there is just one prompt, which asks you to discuss why you’ve chosen to apply to Georgia Tech. This prompt is essentially a version of the "why this college" prompt, which we discuss more in our in-depth guide on how to write a "why this college" essay. You may write up to 250 words for your response. Here is the prompt: Why do you want to study your chosen major at Georgia Tech, and how do you think Georgia Tech will prepare you to pursue opportunities in that field after graduation? Georgia Tech Essay 2: Mini Personal Essay For the second Georgia Tech essay, you’ll havethree possible prompts from which to choose. Each question is fairly different from one another, giving you a broad choice in terms of how you can approach this essay. It'sbest to think of this essay as a mini personal essay since you’ll be writing about a certain aspect of yourself (depending on the prompt you choose).Once again, your response must be 250 words or less. Here are the prompts: Please choose ONE of the following questions and provide an answer in 250 words or less. Tech’s motto is Progress and Service. We find that students who ultimately have a broad impact first had a significant one at home. What is your role in your immediate or extended family? And how have you seen evidence of your impact on them? Georgia Tech is always looking for innovative undergraduates. Have you had any experience as an entrepreneur? What would you like Georgia Tech to provide to further your entrepreneurial interests? In our application review, we want to get to know you better. One way to do that is to understand a typical day for you. Please describe your typical day. Now that we’ve covered the basics of the Georgia Tech essay prompts, let’s take a look at how you should answer these prompts to give yourself the best shot at getting into this prestigious college. In this next section, we'llgo through both supplemental essays and their prompts, giving you tips on how to choose the best prompt for you so you can write a memorable essay. For this first essay, you must answer the critical question: why Georgia Tech? How to Write Georgia Tech Essay 1 (Why Georgia Tech?) As a reminder, the first Georgia Tech essay prompt asks you to explain, in 250 words or less, why you want to attend the school: Why do you want to study your chosen major at Georgia Tech, and how do you think Georgia Tech will prepare you to pursue opportunities in that field after graduation? In your response, you should discuss why you decided to apply to Georgia Tech and how the major you’ve chosen will help you achieve your academic or professional goals. This prompt is a version of the "why this college" prompt. Specifically, this prompt is a "why us" prompt, as it’s asking you to elaborate on why this college and the major you’ve chosen are best suited to you and your aspirations. In other words, what about Georgia Tech and the field of study you want to pursue there will help you achieve your future goals? To answer this question, you’ll need to do some research on Georgia Tech and the academic program you’re applying for. The easiest way to do this is to go to the Georgia Tech website to get an overview of what's offered by your program, including the kinds of classes, study abroad options, professors, and internship opportunities. If possible, I suggest visiting the campus to sit in on classes and meet professors so you can get a clearer feel for the academic program as well as the environment at Georgia Tech as a whole. In your essay, try to pick a specific characteristic to focus on- don’t just say you want to attend Georgia Tech because it’s prestigious or well known. Lots of colleges are! Next, you’ll need to know how your education at Georgia Tech will help you after college. For example, you could write about how you think Georgia Tech’s cooperative education program will help you gain relevant professional experience and make connections with like-minded peers. Regardless of what aspects of Georgia Tech and your major you want to write about, make sure to clearly connect the essay back to you and your own interests and goals. Here are some possible topics you could use for your "Why Georgia Tech?" essay: An anecdote relating some sort of positive personal experience you had at Georgia Tech (such as while on a campus tour) A positive interaction you had with someone affiliated with Georgia Tech, such as a current student or professor involved with the major you’re applying for Your excitement about getting to work witha particular faculty member, and how this opportunity will help you further your career goals Your enthusiasm for getting to study in a program or major/minor that's not usually offered at many schools or that has a unique, interesting angle at Georgia Tech A special facility or piece of equipment you're looking forward to being able to work in or with, and that isn’t offered on other campuses or is very rare How to Write Georgia Tech Essay 2 (Mini Personal Essay) For your second Georgia Tech essay, you’ll get to choose from three possible options and write a response in 250 words or less on some aspect of yourself. Below, we go over each essay prompt, giving you tips on whether to choose a prompt and what to write about so you can come up with an effective response- one that willideally wow the admissions committee! What kind of impact do you have on your family/gaggle? Prompt 1: Your Family Role Tech’s motto is Progress and Service. We find that students who ultimately have a broad impact first had a significant one at home. What is your role in your immediate or extended family? And how have you seen evidence of your impact on them? This essay prompt is focused on how you impact your own family and what kind of (positive) role you play in your family unit. Georgia Tech asks this question to get a feel for how you act in personal situations and what these experiences might suggest about your possible future impact on other Georgia Tech students and on society as a whole. Here are some possible roles you could discuss in your essay (since you won’t have a lot of space for your response, it’s best to choose the role you think best defines you and in the most positive light): Mediator of conflicts or fights Encourager of trying new things or getting someone out of their comfort zone Supporter of others in difficult situations or times of need Decision maker (i.e., someone who often makes major decisions for their family or helps others in their family make important decisions) Protector/caretaker of younger siblings, cousins, or other family members Planner of activities or events, such as vacations, chore schedules, meals, etc. Should You Choose This Prompt? You don’t have to come from a particularly interesting, crazy, or unique family to be able to choose this prompt and write a great essay. The point of this essay is to explain what kind of impact you’ve had on your family or a family member, and to relate this to your future role and impact at Georgia Tech and beyond. If you can quickly identify how you interact with your family and what kind of effect you’ve had on them, this is a good prompt to choose.If, however, you’re not sure whether this prompt is a good fit for you, try asking yourself the following questions: Is there a certain noun or adjective your family members would use to describe you and your role in the family? Do you have any younger siblings or cousins whom you’ve had to lead, give advice to, or offer support to in some critical way? Was there a time you had a positive impact on or made a positive contribution to your family? What happened, and what might this imply about what kind of role you’ll have as a student at Georgia Tech? Tips for Answering This Prompt Focus on a specific anecdote to make your essay more realistic and relatable. Don’t just say you’re a mediator because you always have to break up fights between your two younger siblings. Give us the details, the nitty-gritty: who said what and to whom? How did you react? What kind of (positive) outcome did your involvement have in the end? Write about something that's significant to you.You don’t have to write about something super rare or out of the ordinary, but it should still be important and memorable to you. For instance, you could write about the time you cheered up your sister after she tripped during a track meet, making her miss the chance to come in first. This indicates that you’re not only caring but are also supportive and willing to be there for people in times of need. Prompt 2: The Innovative Entrepreneur Georgia Tech is always looking for innovative undergraduates. Have you had any experience as an entrepreneur? What would you like Georgia Tech to provide to further your entrepreneurial interests? This essay prompt is a lot more professionally-oriented than the first one, which mainly focuses on your personality and interpersonal relationships. With this prompt, you’re expected to talk about a specific experience you’ve had as an entrepreneur. This could be a highly professional experience, such as that time you worked part-time with a startup to build and sell an invention that prevents wildfires. Or it could be something that you did entirely on your own, such as going door-to-door to sell soaps and lotions you made. Should You Choose This Prompt? This prompt specifically targets applicants with entrepreneurial backgrounds. If you don’t have entrepreneurial experience or aren’t interested in entrepreneurship, it's best to choose a different prompt. Tips for Answering This Prompt Focus on just one entrepreneurial experience. Don’t cram in a list of all your professional endeavors- this isn’t what Georgia Tech wants! Instead, talk about only the most significant experience you’ve had in the field. This could be your first venture into entrepreneurship or your most recent. Then, concentrate on what made the experience so meaningful to you. Be specific about how Georgia Tech can help you accomplish your goals. Don’t just say that the rigorous academic environment will encourage you to work hard. What specifically does Georgia Tech have that can help you explore your professional interests? For example, you could mention itsGlobal Social Venture Competition orIdeas to Serve Competitionand how you plan to participate in these events to boost your entrepreneurial skill set. Prompt 3: Your Typical Day In our application review, we want to get to know you better. One way to do that is to understand a typical day for you. Please describe your typical day. This final essay prompt is arguably the most fun and creative of the three since it’s all about your day-to-day life. By seeing what your usual routine looks like, Georgia Tech can learn more about what kind of person you are and how your personality and interests might mesh with those of other students on campus. Should You Choose This Prompt? I recommend picking this prompt if you are a fan of its more laid-back, creative nature and are enthusiastic about being able to delve deep into the ostensibly mundane details of your life. This is also a good prompt to choose if you aren’t sure whether the other prompts are well suited for you or if you really can’t think of anything interesting or unique to write for them (the big plus with this essay prompt is that the main topic of your essay is essentially given to you!). Tips for Answering This Prompt Write about the most interesting, unique, or important parts of your daily routine.You don’t need to have some crazy or super weird routine, but since you don't have a lot of space to write, you'll want to focus on the most interesting and significant moments from your day. For instance, say you take harp lessons every day after school; this would be a unique detail to mention. Or maybe you volunteer at an animal shelter a few days a week. Even if you feel your days are boring, you can always shake up your essay by inserting some fun and quirky description (see the next tip for more details on how to do this). Avoid overly general descriptions- add color with specificity.You can liven up your essay by being specific and injecting your voice into what you write. Instead of writing, "I wake up at 7 a.m. and eat a bowl of cereal before heading to school," it’d be far more interesting to write, "My alarm goes off at 7 a.m., but I don’t get up until 7:32. After launching into a familiar panic and rummaging through my dresser to find that one pair of holeless socks I own, I race downstairs to scarf down a small bowl of Apple Jacks before rushing outside and hopping on the rusty bicycle I’ve owned since I was 12." Reflect on what you do- don’t just list your activities. The topic of this essay runs the risk of becoming a laundry list of what you do each day. Remember that the point of this prompt isn’t to list your actions but to present a running commentary on why you do the things you do and how these have influenced your personality, point of view, interests, and/or goals. Don’t be afraid to shake up the organization of your essay. Most applicants write about their daily activities in chronological order. While there’s nothing wrong with this approach, you can illuminate your more creative side by writing about your routine in a more unique way, such as by grouping similar activities together or by ranking your level of satisfaction at each point throughout the day. No matter what style of organization you choose, just make sure that your essay is comprehensible and doesn’t come off too pretentious-sounding. Want to build the best possible college application? We can help. PrepScholar Admissions is the world's best admissions consulting service. We combine world-class admissions counselors with our data-driven, proprietary admissions strategies. We've overseen thousands of students get into their top choice schools, from state colleges to the Ivy League. We know what kinds of students colleges want to admit. We want to get you admitted to your dream schools. Learn more about PrepScholar Admissions to maximize your chance of getting in. Georgia Tech Essay Examples + Analysis We've writtentwo Georgia Tech essay examples (one for each short answer question) to help give you an idea as to what and how you could write your Georgia Tech essays. Additionally, we go over what makes them good essays for a Georgia Tech application. Georgia Tech Essay Example 1 (Why Georgia Tech?) "Honestly, I can’t imagine what my life would be like if I hadn’t gone to Georgia Tech." Katrina was a few years older than me and the sister of my best friend, Troy, who’d given me her email address so I could ask any questions I had about her time at Georgia Tech. This was the last line of her response- and by far the most memorable. Like Katrina, I can’t imagine myself not attending Georgia Tech. As an aspiring environmental engineer, I see Georgia Tech as a gateway to not just learning but also professional success. The flexibility of the major would allow me to focus specifically on my passion for reducing the negative effects of climate change and securing access to clean water. As a senior, I plan to take several hydraulics-focused electives. In addition, through the InVenture Prize, which I hope to participate in at least twice, I’ll be able to utilize the knowledge I’ve gained through my classes, projects, and fieldwork by translating it into a concrete vision- specifically, an invention that will increase the availability of fresh, healthy water for disadvantaged communities. After graduation, and as a proud Georgia Tech alumnus (ideally with an InVenture Prize), I plan to implement the skills I’ve gained through my environmental engineering major in the nonprofit sector. I haven’t met Katrina yet, but I feel as though I know her- perhaps it’s that shared sense of joy at having discovered the perfect school for the paths we’ve chosen. Here’s why this Georgia Tech essay works: It’s got a creative hook that draws you in. This Georgia Tech essay opens with a quotation that immediately makes it feel as though you’re reading a compelling story. It then goes on to connect this hook directly to the narrator who "can’t imagine †¦ not attending Georgia Tech," ensuring the focus remains on the applicant and not Katrina. It mentions specific features of Georgia Tech. The applicant doesn’t just write about how prestigious Georgia Tech is but specifically mentions opportunities she’s interested in taking advantage of, such as hydraulics courses and the famous InVenture Prize competition. The mark of a good college essay = an acceptance letter! Georgia Tech Essay Example 2 (Mini Personal Essay) For this essay example, the applicant is responding to the third prompt, which asks you to describe your typical day. I like to think I’ve gotten used to that sense of dread before English class, but not quite yet. It’s my first class of the day, and I’m feeling a little too tired to be able to make sense of Pride and Prejudice. But I try anyway because I really love the book. It sits on my shelf, creased and torn from years of curling up in bed with it. At lunchtime, I pull out my copy of Freakonomics. My aunt lent it to me weeks ago after I told her I was interested in reading more nonfiction. And I can’t seem to put it down- even as my tuna sandwich begs me to eat it before the bell rings. School ends at 2:30, and a few minutes later I hop on the bus, takeFreakonomicsout of my backpack, and immediately flip to the bent corner of page 68, where I'd left off at lunch. At 4, I leave home to go to my part-time job at the local library. There, my manager, Shelley, greets me with her toothy grin and sing-songy voice: "Hey, Reggie, how was school?" I smile and chat a bit before heading straight for the bookshelves, as if I'm being pulled forward by an invisible thread. While working, I can't help but devour the title of each book I put away. Maybe one of these days I'll leave work without checking out a new book to read- but I can't see this happening anytime soon. Here’s why this Georgia Tech essay works: It has a focused, interesting narrative. This applicant isn’t just describing banal day-to-day activities but is concentrating on how his daily routine ultimately connects back to his love of reading. This approach makes the essay far more unique and memorable. It uses specific, creative imagery. With this prompt, telling a captivating story is vital. After all, most people’s "typical days" aren’t that exciting. This applicant, however, uses interesting imagery, from his manager’s "toothy grin" to the tuna sandwich that "begs" him to eat it. All of this drives home the fact that the applicant is not merely an avid reader but is also a very creative thinker and writer. How to Write a Great Georgia Tech Essay: 3 Essential Tips Now that you know the specifics of each Georgia Tech essay prompt, here are three key tips to use while writing your essay, no matter which prompt you choose. #1: Be Specific and Concise The Georgia Tech supplemental essays only give you room for up to 250 words, which is about half the length of a typical personal statement. Since you’re so tight on length, you’ll need to make sure you’re using the space you have wisely. Don'twrite super flowery, verbose descriptions or rely on overly vague examples. Instead, be as specific as you can be so that you’re emphasizing only the most important parts of the story you want to tell. Specificity will make your essay more concise and easier to follow. #2: Show, Don’t Tell You’ve probably heard this refrain a million times, but it’s especially important for college essays: show your experiences, emotions, and perspectives instead of simply telling them to your readers.Doing this will make your Georgia Tech essays sound vibrant and alive rather than dull and boring. One of the very best ways to catapult your descriptions to a whole new level and to lend a stronger voice to your writing is to use a variety ofliterary devices, including flashbacks/anecdotes, imagery, and euphemisms. #3: Polish and Proofread Before you submit your Georgia Tech essays, make sure to take some time to read them over, edit them, get feedback, and proofread them. The best way to do this is to start by writing a rough draft. Once finished, put your essay away for a little while- anywhere from a couple of days to a week or so depending on the amount of time you have left before college applications are due- and then take it out again. As you read your essay, mark any areas that are unclear, awkwardly worded, or irrelevant. You should also proofread your essay for any glaring typos and errors in punctuation, spelling, and grammar. Once you’ve repeated this process a few times, it’s time to get a new set of eyes to look it over for you. Ask someone you trust, such as a teacher, parent, or counselor, to read your essay and offer comments and corrections on it. Doing all of this will ensure that your essay is completely polished by the time you turn it in to Georgia Tech! What’s Next? If you're reading this, you're likely not only applying to Georgia Tech.Get more tips with our expert guides to the Stanford essays, the Northwestern essay, and the Harvard essay. Applying through the Common App? Check out this comprehensive list of schools that accept the Common App, and learn more about how to write the Common App essay. To learn more about Georgia Tech and how to get in, take a look at its admission requirements page. Want to write the perfect college application essay? Get professional help from PrepScholar. Your dedicated PrepScholar Admissions counselor will craft your perfect college essay, from the ground up. We'll learn your background and interests, brainstorm essay topics, and walk you through the essay drafting process, step-by-step. At the end, you'll have a unique essay that you'll proudly submit to your top choice colleges. Don't leave your college application to chance. Find out more about PrepScholar Admissions now:
Tuesday, March 10, 2020
Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte
Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte Free Online Research Papers Jane Eyre, a novel about an English woman’s fights told through the writing of Charlotte Brontà «, has filled its audience with thoughts of hope, love, and deception for many years. These thoughts surround people, not just women, everyday, as if an endless cycle from birth to death. As men and women fall further into this spiral of life they begin to find their true beings along with the qualities of others. This spiral then turns into a web of conflicts as the passenger of life proceeds and often these conflicts are caused by those sought out to be guides through the journey of life but merely are spiders building a magnificent web to catch its prey. In Jane Eyre, Brontà « uses the literary elements of plot and character to convey the theme that a person often falls in love with a manipulator because she has little experiences of other forms of love and as a result she has to establish her own integrity. Brontà « uses the character element of opinions to show how some people often form conclusions about others and express them in their thoughts as either cruel or friendly. Since Brontà « bases Jane Eyre as story told through a young lady the reader is allowed to experience her thoughts and reactions to those around her who make her very personality. As Jane is in her youth she develops these notions about her own family yelling at her cousin John saying, â€Å"You are like a murdereryou are like a slave-driver- you are like the Roman Emperors.†(p. 8) Not only showing that Jane has the intellectual maturity much greater than that of a normal ten-year-old but also that she finds John cruel and sees him becoming a bad man when he grows up. Due to Mrs. Reed’s lack of discipline John did grow as his cousin perceived causing his own demise and the relief of Jane for her cousin no longer could torment those lesser than himself. â€Å"Mr. Rochester continued blind for the f irst two years of our union: perhaps it was that circumstance that drew us so very near – that knit us so very close: for I was then his vision, as I am still his right hand. Literally, I was the apple of his eye.†(p.578) Jane expresses her grief over Rochester’s injuries but emphasizes her constant love as everything that he has lost. Rochester appears completely opposite from the first time they met; he’s helpless just as Jane was when they first met and it is her influence which provokes him to her. All of Jane’s, along with the other characters, opinions cause changes in positions from being blind to walking for the blind, or from being led to doing the leading. Brontà « uses the character element of appearance to show that corrupting people often influence others by their mere charismatic look. This is shown through the description of Edward Rochester as he first meets Jane and begins his moral capture of Jane. â€Å"He had a dark face, with stern features and a heavy brow; his eyes and gathered eyebrows looked ireful and thwarted, just now; he was past youth’ but had not reached middle age; perhaps he might be thirty-five. I felt no fear of him and but little shyness.†(p.142) These words spoken by Jane clearly show that by a slight glance, without even knowing a person, a conclusion is made; Jane’s decision here is that Rochester is her protection, her scapegoat out of her life of solitude. She also mentions how she doesn’t fear him, allowing the audience to sense his commanding aura as if it were a protective wall giving this young shy lady the ability to comfort herself in this strange new acquaintance. Jane continues by saying, â€Å"Had he been a handsome, heroic-looking young gentleman, I should not have dared to stand thus questioning him against his will and offering my services unwillingly.†(p.142) This is an example of the theory that women choose to be with men that they feel will ensure them with protection and strong healthy children. Every woman has her vision of that prince charming that will ride in on his steed and woe her off her feet and give her that magical kiss to free her from all previous burdens that she may have had. Jane seems to take notice to Rochester’s age but in change is intrigued by his masculinity, which she experienced in short at Lowood School with Mr. Brocklehurst. All it took was an accidental meeting between Jane and her employer to begin the cycle of love that would eventually overtake then empower a meek woman inexperienced in the art for which she has been a pawn of. Brontà « uses the stylistic character element of speech to induce a thought that the words of some admirable people often influence others and sometimes can even be heard from them. Through the mentoring of Rochester and St. John does the reader see two different men, both in some way bringing them closer to Jane turning her into what they have both become. â€Å"Brontà «Ã¢â‚¬â„¢s authorial strategy is to balance one kind of temptation with its obverse: if Rochester is all romantic passion, urging her to succumb to emotional excess, St. John Rivers is all Christian ambition, urging her to attempt a spiritual asceticism of which she knows herself incapable.†(Joyce Carol Oates) Oates relates these men to their backgrounds and how they both tempt Jane with their own strategies of moral tactics. Because Jane was raised in a strict boarding school it becomes apparent why she can be attracted to St. John and his Christian-like ways, but her inexperience with love due to Lowood al ways causes her to be attracted to Rochester. Rochester ask Jane, â€Å"am I cruel in my love†(p.365) This question provokes Jane to decide whether she truly knows love or not. A young woman from a boarding school having to resolve her love for this man causes a type of confusion in Jane and she is left with the mere thought that she must love this man. Rochester furthermore entangles Jane when he tells her, â€Å"Be not far from me, for trouble is near: there is none to help.†(p.377) Rochester gives her assurance that he is her protection and that she has somewhere to go when trouble rises. This is better for Rochester because he knows that this is the first and only secure place that she has known of and if trouble arises she will come to him for help as her guide and mentor. Men realize that they can input their vibes into young woman and often do this in order to either please their own lustful wants or fulfill their needs. Brontà « uses the plot element of general events to show that as corrupters advance with those easily manipulated they change, not only themselves, but also those they try to manipulate. Jane initially meets Mr. Rochester as a governess to Ad?le, but their conversations lead to mysterious times of revealing each others past so Rochester decided to dress as a fortune-teller. Fortune-tellers are seen as mysterious and able to unlock truths, which apparently Rochester attempts to do; find the truths about Jane’s emotions, especially anything about him. When Rochester reveals his identity Jane realizes the traps she’s fallen in and the entrapment that Rochester causes for his own wants to know about Jane. As Rochester remain handicapped before their marriage he ask Jane if she would marry a, â€Å"crippled man, twenty years older than [her], whom [she] will have to wait on.†(p.570) This particular event is Jane’s deciding moment where she picks to stay with the man that she supposedly loves or to go out and adventure like the one she somewhat had love for in St. John. Jane chooses to stay with Rochester and start a beautiful life together as she had always planned to do. As she is married to Rochester Jane sends Ad?le off to school in order to get rid of her French heritage. This is exactly what Jane didn’t want to happen when Blanche Ingram was supposedly going to marry Rochester. The reader can find this her ultimate change from an innocent woman to the one manipulating others in place of her crippled husband. When Jane finally ends as a manipulator the reader sees that corruption can be passed and characters undergo changes due the actions of those around them. Brontà « uses the plot element of a specific event to reveal that some people have dark past which cause them to seem mysterious and sometimes very intriguing, this is seen in the discussion between Jane and Rochester for the fir time in the house. Rochester begins his insightful conversation by telling Mrs. Fairfax that Jane is the reason for his sprained ankle. The reader immediately catches this as distaste for Jane and sees Rochester as a resentful man full of hatred. The men Jane had known in her life were all full of hate; from little John Reed to the schoolmaster, Mr. Brocklehurst. Rochester then brought up her former schoolmaster, asking about conditions at Lowood and what all she had the privilege to learn while attending. Rochester becomes more involved asking these type questions and allows Jane to find her security in him for he is her employer and must know her background if she wishes to teach his Ad?le. The thought of Lowood has significance because of the low, which symbolizes her lowest point of existence and if she is able to just talk about it he will know where it is that haunts her most. They end with comments on Jane’s artwork and how imaginative it is. This partially is due to her over-imaginative youth with books and troubling family. Rochester hit every point of the childhood Jane wanted to forget so that he would know a little about the new lady sleeping in his home. In order for someone to come accustomed to their surroundings they must make peace with their past; Rochester guides Jane into accepting her past. Brontà « uses the plot element of digression to express that individual questioning and talking between two people can provoke one, such as Jane when she gets her fortune told, to express all their feelings and find themselves in the process. Rochester, imposing as a gypsy, begins by asking Jane about now she is feeling and why she’s not nervous. This type of introduction gives Jane a sense of self-determination knowing that she feels fine and controls her own destiny no matter what the fortune-teller may say. This type of confidence is found through self-examination and allows its seekers the will to continue no matter what the outcome may be. Though Jane replied to the fortune-teller as being fine the fortune-teller told her â€Å"You are cold, because you are alone; no contact strikes the fire from you that is in you. You are sick, because the best of feelings, the highest and the sweetest given to man, keeps far away from you. You are silly, because, suffer as you may, y ou will not beckon it to approach, nor will you stir one step to meet it where it waits for you.†(p.248) Rochester notices her fault and clearly points them out to her. Allowing a person to hear their own faults causes them to examine whether or not these accusations are true or not. In Jane’s case Rochester pinned out Jane’s faults and he’s doing his part to help her become more like him instead of being a shy, little, shrewd Quaker. The fortune-teller finally mentions Jane’s love for Rochester, but unknown to Jane the fortune-teller is Edward Fairfax Rochester. Jane hints toward this love but has clearly been manipulated by Rochester into his entanglement of love, which Blanche was thought to be in the center of. The main point of Rochester’s deception is to encourage Jane to except her love and express is to someone other than Rochester and to feel love for the first time if at all possible. As Brontà «Ã¢â‚¬â„¢s novel is read over through the generations, the theme that a person can be manipulated into love and often times has to find her own integrity is passed on. By using many different elements of plot and characters she creates a novel forever found to be part of American Literature and English History. 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Saturday, February 22, 2020
Role and Effects of Financial Intermediaries Essay
Role and Effects of Financial Intermediaries - Essay Example Typically the first party is a provider of a product or service and the second party is a consumer or customer. In the U.S., a financial intermediary is typically an institution that facilitates the channelling of funds between lenders and borrowers indirectly. That is, savers (lenders) give funds to an intermediary institution (such as banks), and then that institution in turn gives those funds to spenders (borrowers). This may be in the form of loans or mortgages. Alternatively, they may lend the money directly via the financial markets. (Wikipedia, 2006) (Paraphrasing made) Riskinstitute (n.d) said, â€Å"The FSA provides that no person shall carry on, or purport to carry on, investment business in the UK unless he is authorised or exempted from authorisation (FSA, s.3). It explained that pursuant to the FSA, a person carries on investment business in the UK if he carries on investment business from a permanent place of business maintained by him in the UK or if he engages in an activity in the UK which falls within one of several categories identified in Part II of Schedule I to the FSA and are not excluded by Part III and, in respect of that activity, he is not an exempt person. It explained, â€Å"A financial intermediary is, therefore, subject to regulation in the UK where investment business is carried on from a UK base, wherever the customer is situated. A financial intermediary will also be subject to UK regulation where that financial intermediary, not operating from a UK base, nevertheless carries on business from overseas into the UK (e.g., soliciting UK customer business). Certain exceptions apply in the latter case, e.g., where the overseas person is: transacting with a UK authorised person; responding to an initiative taken by a UK investor or continuing an existing business relationship with him; or promoting his investment services in accordance with the advertising and cold-calling rules, provided that overseas person is not otherwise
Thursday, February 6, 2020
Effects of Interest Rates on Consumer Purchasing Term Paper
Effects of Interest Rates on Consumer Purchasing - Term Paper Example An increase in interest rates may have different effects on the consumer buying behaviors. One of the effects is that it causes a rise in borrowing cost. Therefore, consumers are going to be discouraged to borrow or save. The increased interests will leave consumers with little disposable income and therefore this will reduce consumption or consumer buying  (Soderlind, p.402). Another effect of a rise in interest rates on consumer behavior is the desire to save rather than to spend. The consumers will tend to save their money since they will be encouraged by the high-interest rates the banks offer. The value of the dollar increases with a rise in interest rates. One cause for the increase is the increased money flows. Therefore, investors are more likely to save in US banks if the US rates are high compared to other countries. The main result of a stronger dollar is that it makes exporting from the US not to be competitive leading to increase in exports and a reduction in imports. In the long run, consumer consumption will have reduced in places outside the United States of America. Increased interest rate reduces the buyers’ willingness to make investments, as well as risky purchases. Consequently, they shy off from borrowing and end up saving for fear of losing their money. In such cases, demand for products reduces and there is a general reduction in consumer expenditure on goods (Esch, p. 302). The rise in interest rates has the general effect of reducing the consumers’ demand for purchasing products. In the case of an increase, consumers try to save and spend less due to a reduced disposable income. On the other side, a reduction in the interest rates will affect the consumers buying behavior in various ways. One way is that lower interest rates will result in reduced returns on savings.Â
Tuesday, January 28, 2020
What automation does Essay Example for Free
What automation does Essay Office automation is one of the most important step towards the development of a better operations environment (Endrijjonas, 2005). Automation is considered a sure way to the development of a better operational environment and is often associated with increased productivity. Automating an office alone is not enough in ensuring this as the human aspect and contribution in automation is considerable. It is necessary for humans to intervene in any automated process as machines are created by man and are therefore bound to err. Moreover, the implementation of an automated office environment largely depends on the instruction streams that the system has been programmed with and is thus heavily dependent on the nature of the organizations operations. Automation is seen as a means to ease the work load. The office environment is one of the most tedious environment one can be in. The number of processes required for the functioning of an office make it difficult to implement a manual system. Therefore, an automated system does the same work in an environment that provide multiple functionality and at a speed that no ordinary man can ever achieve. Thus, the workload is managed more efficiently as the accuracy associated with the use of machines is higher than that of a manual system. Moreover, machines are seen as a means to the elimination of repetitive processes, and therefore the available human resource is used optimally. The overall result of the implementation of an automated system is efficiency in the operations process, which lead to optimal performance and thus increased performance which is seen in high throughput. One of the most misunderstood aspect of office automation is that the creation of a new system or tool is mandatory. This is a fallacy as there are instances where a wise selection of the available tools is all that is needed. Moreover, automation may imply the development and improvement of the existing system tools. Advantages Of Building There are several pros associated with building office automation software from scratch. The nature of the organization plays an important part in the determination of the advantage that the organization will accrue as a result of such a decision. Building is defined as coming up with a new system from scratch or from the system that is currently in place. Therefore, building is an initiative that will take place in the organization for a considerable time period and should therefore be monitored well within the organizational context. Economic One of the major consideration that an organization has to make in consideration of the development path in coming up with an automated Helpdesk support system is economic growth (Endrijjonas, 2005). The main aim of any business is making profits so as to engage in developmental and diversification agenda. The economic benefits accrued by the implementation of a system is thus a major consideration in deciding whether to choose or buy. When an organization builds a help desk support system, the organization from the first day of implementation becomes the owner of the system. Therefore, its asset base increases and so does the stability. This trend continues and any additional features added to the system will not only improve the efficiency of the system but also ensure that the organization grows. Therefore, the approach ensures that the organization grows at a level that is sustainable in consideration of its resource base. Furthermore, the need for additional funding, expertise and support from outside sources is eliminated or reduced by building. The needs of organizations may change, and they often do considerably. An important consideration in ensuring the growth of an organization is the effective address of their needs as at the time of occurrence (Grabbe, 2007). Industry and market trends are not the easiest aspect of business to predict as they are influenced by factors that are beyond the control of man. As a result the nature of an organizations need for automation is quite dynamic. A problem of this nature definitely requires a solution that befits, building an automated Helpdesk support system goes in line with dynamism. Building ensures that the system meets its objectives. Learning and development of technical staff is a consideration in development; the IT staff in developing the system get first hand knowledge and experience in developing and thus gain skills which will lead to better delivery by the automated system. Change is an aspect that is not easily accepted not only by humans but also by particles. According to Newton resisting change is normal for any particle, the psychological effect of change causes a general resistance (Kenyon, 2001). Therefore, organizations are often advised to implement changes in a gradual manner so as to ensure that all members of the organization are in line with the changes and thus uniform growth is experienced. Implementing an automated system is a change process and any organization should treat it one. Building an automation software goes in line with this and is thus appropriate is therefore appropriate. This is a very important consideration as the effect of a poorly managed change process on the economic stability of an organization is far much worse and often offsets the benefits and is a situation that any organization should go at any length to avoid. Cultural Organizational culture is cultivated for a number of years. Changing the culture as a means to development takes a number of years (Endrijjonas, 2005). Failure to incorporate the correlation of a strategy to corporate culture and the effect they have on each other is a source of failure of many project. Automation of office Helpdesk services is no exception and therefore all organizations must adopt a positive attitude towards the development of a culture friendly approach.
Monday, January 20, 2020
College Admissions Essay: Seeking Wisdom :: College Admissions Essays
Seeking Wisdom My neighbors aren't too surprised to see me in my front yard at midnight frantically scraping off the back window of my car. A couple of months ago, I began to write messages there, on the smooth glass. This week's is "A candle loses nothing of its light by lighting another candle." Project Wisdom inspired me to transform the back of my car into my billboard to the world. At my high school the "Words of Wisdom" are read every day. Several of the daily readings ask the question "What are you waiting for?" As Student Council President, I am always encouraging students in my school to participate in community service projects and school pride activities, but I didn't think I could have any impact outside of school. With Project Wisdom's reassurance, I have opened my arms to the rest of the community. My favorite "Words of Wisdom" inspired me the most: "We must not, in trying to think about how we can make a big difference, ignore the small daily differences we can make which, over time, add up to big differences." Besides volunteering at the city court and the hospital, I am exploring other avenues to help my fellow man. I started a school tradition that is sure to last: "Bowie Community Service Month." At work, I initiated and coordinated a community activity involving about 40 kids ages 5-10. But greater still, I have inspired. My little sister and her group of friends are now volunteering in the city. Project Wisdom has given me the confidence, by speaking directly to me, to venture into the community. I know the words of wisdom reach other students and teachers at school as well. It is difficult to exactly measure the effectiveness of Project Wisdom, except by careful observation of the students' facial expressions while they listen to the daily "Words of Wisdom," and to attribute the general improvement in
Sunday, January 12, 2020
Germany experienced a period of political Essay
Political calm, spd can’t compromise, Hindenburg causing problems, lack of cooperation between parties causing polarisation but no outright revolutions that happened during 1919-24, growing foreign relations lorcano/treaty of berlin Economic development, result of lorcano meant breathing space from reparations also dawes and young plan and rentenmark – dawes plan borrowed US money lead to increase in capital. Later though fulfilment still causing problems and unemployment pay is causing issues, increase in taxes Social progress, conservative right unhappy and manifests in literature and cinema expressing glory in WW1 contrasts with neue sachlichkiet modern Weimar culture, Bauhaus linking art and functionality. Highlighting social issues within Weimar Overall relative calm but lack of progress, economic development but in short term and social progress but not helping Weimar. The years 1924 to 1929 are often described as the ‘Golden years’ but it is debatable to what extent Germany actually experienced political calm, economic development and social progress during this time. Certainly there was not the turbulence of post-war Germany and the consequences of the crippling Versaille Treaty were not as harsh in this period but this does not mean it was a time of development and progress. It can be suggested that it was not a period ‘of political calm’, there was certainly a lot of tension between the various political parties that made up the many coalition governments in this period, the failure of so many governments alone suggests that there were serious political issues. The narrowing of the interests of each party meant that it was becoming increasingly difficult for effective coalition governments to be formed. The SPD were especially difficult in this time as they were against compromising with the ‘bourgeois parties’ as they felt a change in ideals would occur and proposed policies like the Heidelberg Programme which would see private ownership of industry be taken over by social owners. Obviously many parties from the left felt this but the SPD had the largest amount of seats in the Reichstag, over 150 at their peak in the 20’s, and therefore had the ability to put the government into a stalemate. The SPD’s inability to compromise makes the political stage even worse when Hindenburg is elected as president in 1925. Hindenburg, being a veteran of the Franco-Prussian war and the general who won the battle of Tannenburg was already conservative and took as many steps as he could to reduce the power the SPD had. Hindenburg also believed the powers of the president should be unrestrained and even blocked a draft that would limit his ability to use Article 48. This incoduscive atmosphere meant that by the time the SPD were willing to cooperate with a coalition government, individual interests and polarisation of parties had developed and no one else was interested. Therefore this cannot be classed as a period of political calm due to the stagnant politica l system. However, it could be suggested that this tension is to be expected as people are still feeling the effects of the First World War and political calm could be defined by the lack of extreme political parties attempting to take over. When this era is compared to the years 1919 to 1924 it is by far a time of political calm as there were no outright attempts at revolution. The years before saw extreme right and left wing idealists try to take over and the fact that this was not attempted during the ‘golden years’ meant it was a time of relative political calm. This is not to mention the successes in Stresemann’s foreign policy, which put Germany back on track to becoming a serious European power once again. The admittance of Germany into the league of nations and the signing of various treaties, such as the Lorcano treaty, meant Germany were in a period of political calm; not experiencing the diplomatic humiliation of the years before. The various treaties signed by Stresemann also helped the economic development in this period. The Dawes gained significant investments from the US and the Young Plan reduced the reparations Germany would have to pay, and set a timescale for how long they would have to pay. This gave the country some ‘breathing space’ to repair and develop its own economy. The young plan, for example, reduced the amount they would have to pay by 1700 million marks than they would in conjunction with the Dawes plan. These plans, alongside the introduction of the rentenmark meant there was an increase in German capital in this period, which can certainly be classed as a period of economic development. Whilst there is definitely evidence of economic development in the mid-1920’s it did also experience financial issues. The increase in unemployment, 15% of the workforce were unemployed by 1929, put a heavy strain on the welfare system of Weimar Germany. The institution for paying unemployment benefits had to borrow money from the Government, 342 million reichsmarks, and the parties could not agree how to find this money. The SPD would increase taxes while the DVP would cut benefits. This can be seen as a backwards move in economic development, as the system did not address the problem of unemployment, but just found more money to pay it, with the decision of how to pay for the unemployment benefits was delayed until 1930. This can be seen as the government almost shooting themselves in the foot and making a short term fix for a long term problem. This short-sightedness can also be argued to be found in Stresemann’s policies, for borrowing money from the US. An international financial crisis would leave over-dependant-on-America Germany in a high amount of debt, which is what happened when the Wall Street Crash occurred. Therefore it can be said that these years were a period of economic development, but that there would be little long term effect on the country from these developments. Social progress is probably the only contention that can be absolutely agreed with, with very influential movements like the Bauhaus dominating this period of time, summed up as Neue Schlachkliet. This movement, saw a progression in modern views and an attempt to undermine the Weimar government by exposing the issues faced through literature, theatre and film. The need for educational and social reform was well documented and although this did not bode well for the Weimar government it definitely showed progress in attitudes of the general public. The conservative nature of many Germans could still be found and also classed as a social progress in the form of anti-democratic writings and films that promoted the glory of the First World war. The two social ideas both grew in this period, but neither celebrated the Weimar Government so whilst it was undoubtedly social progress it was not productive for the Weimar republic. There is definitely a case for political calm, economic development and social progress in the mid-1920’s but they were not necessarily the advances that would warrant the term ‘golden years’. The political calm was only due to a lack of serious opposition to the government but still they could not successfully form an effective coalition government and whilst the economy did improve in this time the provisions made were short-sighted and the country was over-reliant on foreign investments. Whilst social progress was made in this era it is easy to see that the progress wasnot in the name of democracy and presented the Weimar government with future problems as popular ideology differed from what they promoted.
Saturday, January 4, 2020
Nationalism V Communism - 1765 Words
After the Boxer Protocol, came the end of Imperial China - this meant that the people were no longer governed by the ‘Son of Heaven’, and thus left with no other form of guidance. In a way, they were forced to look at other options. One option was a political philosophy, Three People’s Principles, developed by Sun Yat-sen to make China a free, prosperous, and powerful nation. This led to the emergence of the Nationalist party, also known as the Kuomintang. However, instead of devoting interests towards this ‘unification’ of one nation through Nationalism, democracy, and the livelihood of the people, China had experienced widespread instability in a rift between the Chinese people and the Nationalists that governed them. War provided the†¦show more content†¦Protests against food shortages and price gouging multiplied†¦.Inflation had risen to the unimaginable figure of just over 100,000 percent by the end of 1947 – and it was to g o to 2,870,000 percent by the end of 1948 in the Kuomintang areas. Soldier morale within the group also plummeted. Many of the officers were poorly trained and due to Chiang Kai-shek’s inefficient management, also resulted in internal conflicts. The different forces were badly coordinated and often distrusted one another. Corruption was also evident within the party. Instead of fighting for the peasants, they self-justified their disorderly behavior and took advantage of the peasants instead. The conscripts used their positions to carve up as much wealth for their own, while the soldiers lived off of the land and stole from the population. Chiang Kai-shek turns a blind eye to everything corrupt around him, even his own actions. Thus, another factor leading to the eventual change to a Communist government was the comparison – the fact that the Communists had highly effective tactics and instead of meeting the peasantry with hostility, they won their loyalty by playing on the dissatisfaction, â€Å"Production byShow MoreRelatedHis 103: the Asian World Notes Essay1646 Words  | 7 Pages1) Nationalism, socialism, and religion have all played a major role in anti-colonial struggles and post-colonial constructions in India and Southeast Asia. Which of these three ideologies do you think was most effective for colonized peoples and why? I. Nationalism was most effective for the colonized peoples of India and South East Asia a. Both socialism and Nationalism worked together to fight against imperial rule. Nationalism brought the people of India and Southeast Asia togetherRead MoreThe War Of The Cold War1123 Words  | 5 Pages Truman has a different plan than Stalin. 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