Monday, May 25, 2020
Writing Technique And Sentence Structure - 1230 Words
MWP4 Final Writing is a tool used in many subjects, and it has a great deal of importance in our society. In this article written by Fish, the reader is given his perspective on what a writing course should encompass. Fish begins the article by pointing out the problem with english composition classes today. On the first page he mentions how one day ,while grading papers, he noticed that his graduate students did not write clean proper sentences. Fish took it upon himself to find out why students lack simple writing skills and how english composition professors can fix it? After finding the answers to his questions Fish came to the conclusion that the only way to teach writing is by focusing on technique and sentence structure. He believes that once a student masters the skills it takes to write then they can write successfully. Writing is used daily and it is important that we master the ability. Fish has a good argument that supports the focus on writing technique, but he misses the importan ce of other writing factors such as evidence, audience, and rhetoric. Fish is no amauetur when it comes to writing or teaching writing. In the second part of the article he gives the reader a resume showing off his full writing career. It is clear that he puts high importance on writing. While he searched for a better way to teach students how to write, he came to the realization that focusing on writing for the sole purpose of writing is the best way to improve. The ACTA also agreesShow MoreRelatedThe Seven Tips For Effective Business Writing1110 Words  | 5 Pagesbusiness writing. It allows flow of thoughts to be logical and easy to follow. Analyzing purpose, examining reader’s need and outlining before writing are some of the ways to make writing coherent. In addition to these, there are several other techniques that can help to structure effective paragraphs and essays. One way to write coherently is to write with unity. This can be achieved by establishing a main idea and summarizing it into a single sentence called topic sentence. Any sentences or paragraphsRead MoreCritical And Sophisticated Type Of Academic Writing And Can Easily Be Constructed By Breaking Down Its Basic Structure933 Words  | 4 Pages Essays are a comprehensive and sophisticated type of academic writing and can easily be constructed by breaking down its basic structure. A quality essay is one that presents and supports an argument on a particular topic by applying well-constructed research. Writing an academic essay can be a complicated task, but by paying attention to key elements such as structure, content and presentation, the essay will be easy to develop. However incorrect use of these basic steps can lead the paper to lackRead MoreEvaluate Interpersonal and Written Communication Skills1019 Words  | 4 Pagesbecause I have do not come into contact who have hearing problems in my everyday life, also it is not necessary for me to lip read when I am talking to people because I do not have any hearing problems. Written Techniques P1 Report In my report for P1 I demonstrated a variety of written techniques well such as I structured my report in the correct format such as by having a contents page, front cover but also by structuring the content of the report in paragraphs so that it was easy for the reader toRead MoreA Farewell to Arms1229 Words  | 5 Pagespoint that attracted my attention the most was the writing style. When the reader starts reading the novel, he first has to get used to the writing style before he can focus on the storyline. The writing style used in A Farewell to Arms helps the reader to understand the ideas of the main character and the emotions and moods the main character is experiencing. Hemingway’s style contains vivid descriptions and sensory details, different sentence structures that portray different emotions and the novelRead MoreReflective Essay Reflection746 Words  | 3 Pagesmultiple foundations when it comes to writing. When I first entered college, the only knowledge w hen it comes to writing was the basic of gathering a bunch of information on a piece of paper. Knowing that writing wasn’t my strongest suit throughout my academic career, it was challenging for me. Going through my first college class, which was English 101, I realized that writing is more than just putting words on paper. I have learned the purpose of writing and the structure to make a solid concrete essayRead MoreWhen Writing An Essay1391 Words  | 6 PagesWhen writing an essay, especially one to convince others of your competence, it is important to have a central point in mind. Throwing in idle points here and there cause the writer to appear unorganized and sloppy, not at all what a college is looking for. If my central theme is passion then both the introductory and closing sentences should in some way have a connection to passion. The meat of the essay should have evidence for the referenced passion. Closing the paragraph out explaining that passionRead MoreRheto rical Analysis : The Rhetorical Triangle 1129 Words  | 5 PagesOver the course of this semester I learned several skills and techniques this semester to improve my writing skills for the future. This class has helped me learn many skills that I did not know before I first walked in here. I personally feel that I have made an improvement in the acknowledgment I had in writing. One of the major writing principles that I will never forget is the rhetorical triangle for example, logos, ethos, and pathos make up the rhetorical triangle I used in my Rhetorical AnalysisRead MoreCreative Writing As A Tool For Enhancing Algerian Efl1441 Words  | 6 PagesCreative writing in EFL: Creative writing has begun to gain its popularity in the field of EFL/ ESL. This issue is recently mostly intrigued the interest of many countries including, United Kingdom, Pakistan, Trinidad and Tobago, Singapore, Australia and New Zealand, Ireland, United States and south Africa (Google Trends, 2015). Alan Maley is considered as one of the pioneers in the field of teaching creative writing in EFL settings. He, in fact, has numerous scholarly articles on creative writing inRead MoreAnalyzing Style in Literature Essay1045 Words  | 5 PagesAnalyzing Style in Literature The style of a piece is a function of the writer’s craft or the techniques used by the writer to communicate his ideas. To discuss the style of work of literature, consider the diction (vocabulary choices), the syntax (sentence construction) and the tone (author’s attitude toward the subject and the reader). A. DICTION: When analyzing diction, consider the following: ============================================================ Read More Rhetorical Techniques in Richard Wright’s Black Boy Essay651 Words  | 3 PagesRhetorical Techniques in Richard Wright’s Black Boy Richard Wright uses language in his novel, Black Boy, as a source to convey his opinions and ideas. His novel both challenges and defends the claim that language can represent a person and become a peephole into their life and surroundings. Richard Wright uses several rhetorical techniques to convey his own ideas about the uses of language. First, Wright’s language and writing style in Black Boy challenge Baldwin’s ideas. For example, pages
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Literary Terms - 3784 Words
Literary Terms Packet The terms in this packet will be used throughout the semester in literature discussions and on exams. Please memorize and be able to use and identify all terms in papers and on exams. Some information in this packet came from Modern English by Arnold Lazarus, and A Dictionary of Literary, Dramatic, and Cinematic Terms by Sylvan Barnet, Allusion A reference to someone or something that is known from history, literature, religion, politics or some other branch of culture. An example is Sandra Cisneros Straw into Gold, which is an allusion to the folktale about Rumpelstiltskin. Example: I have seen my head . . . brought in upon a platter is an allusion to the execution of St. John the†¦show more content†¦The opposite is understatement, which is an assertion that states less than what is true or real (Last week I saw a woman flayed, and you will hardly believe how much it altered her person for the worse.--Swift). Understatement can be used to make an ironic point or to provide humor. Examples of Hyperbole: You know youre in Arizona when: --You notice your car overheating before you drive it. --You no longer associate bridges or rivers with water. --You actually burn your hand opening the car door. --No one would dream of using vinyl upholstery in a car. -4- Understatement examples: Ah, a little bedtime snack! (to describe a 7-course meal) Elie Wiesel says, I was fifteen. (After he experiences the Holocaust and sees a young boy hung) Yes, it hurts a bit. (A young man tries to be brave when he has sev ered one of his fingers) Please write two examples of hyperbole: ___________________________________________________________ and ____________________________________________________________ ______ Imagery The use of language to evoke or create a picture or a concrete sensation of a person, thing, place, or experience. These words appeal to our senses of taste, touch, sight, hearing, and smell. Example: There was an old Negro woman with her head tied in a red rag, coming along a path through the pinewoods. Her eyes were blue with age. The air was sweetened by the summer roses. Irony InShow MoreRelatedStudy Guide Literary Terms7657 Words  | 31 Pages AP Literary and Rhetorical Terms 1. 2. alliteration- Used for poetic effect, a repetition of the initial sounds of several words in a group. The following line from Robert Frosts poem Acquainted with the Night provides us with an example of alliteration,: I have stood still and stopped the sound of feet. The repetition of the s sound creates a sense of quiet, reinforcing the meaning of the line 3. allegory – Where every aspect of a story is representative, usually symbolicRead MoreLiterary Terms For The End1411 Words  | 6 PagesLiterary Terms for â€Å"In the End†Linkin Park’s â€Å"In the End†is a song that many people can relate to because it is about a situation that everyone has encountered. The approach Chester uses to describe a hard situation by using the structure, symbolism and prosody he specifically picks out makes the song catchy and relatable. The way he forms the song and the words he picked out allows a depressing moment to become an inspiration for anyone going through hard times. The most important literary termRead MoreThe Most Schizophrenic Literary Terms1458 Words  | 6 PagesThe Most Schizophrenic Literary Terms Mixtape in Existence 1. Allegory Hotel California- Eagles Contrary to a seemingly pervasive belief, the Eagles Hotel California isnt an ode to Satanism. Rather, the song serves as an ominous warning about the self destructive nature of greed and as a pointed criticism of the wildly hedonistic lifestyle frequently espoused during the 1970s. The Hotel California spoken of in the song serves as an allegory for a lifestyle that is undeniably alluring,Read MoreLord of the flies literary terms2489 Words  | 10 PagesLord of the Flies: Literary Elements Symbolisms Scar: imperfection. The island could be a Utopia, but the scar tells the reader the island is flawed. Conch: order. The conch is used to call the boys to get themselves organized. Its possession: authority. The Individual who holds the shell has the right to speak. Fire: spirit of civilization that must be constantly fed Piggy’s glasses: government and political vision (created the spirit of civilization) Simon’s butterflies: innocence of childhood Read More The Lottery: Examples Of Literary Terms, And A Journal Entry701 Words  | 3 Pages A. 1) The tone, mood or atmosphere in the story begins with that of happiness and euphoria, by setting us up with a wonderful day that most everyone would enjoy. (Quote: â€Å"The morning of June 27th was clear and sunny, with the fresh warmth of a full-summer day†¦Ã¢â‚¬ [pg147] ) However, later on in the story, it takes a different tone, and by the very end the tone is that of panic, disdain and fear. (Quote: â€Å"‘It isn’t fair, it isn’t right,’ Mrs. Hutchinson screamed, and then they were upon her.†[pg 155]Read MoreLiterary Analysis Term Paper for Tom Sawyer : a Classic Novel771 Words  | 4 PagesLiterary Analysis Term Paper for Tom Sawyer: A Classic Novel Mark Twain’s book is a novel that follows the juvenile life of a small boy. You will see how much fun the main character, Tom, and his friends have by skipping school, fishing, swimming, and using with their imaginations to have a good time. The Adventures of Tom Sawyer is a classic novel for many reasons. The plot gives us an idea about how people lived in the era the book takes place in. Readers enjoy the book because they can relateRead MoreLiterary Theories And Literary Criticism1318 Words  | 6 PagesLiterary theories and literary criticism New Historicism 1. †¢ It is a literary theory based on the criticism of Stephen Greenblatt and philosophy Michel Foucault. †¢ It states that literature should be studied and interpreted in context with the author’s history as well as the history of the critic. †¢ Acknowledges that the author’s literature is influenced by his/her situations or surroundings. †¢ The critic’s response is also influenced by his/her surroundings, beliefs, values and prejudices. †¢ ShowsRead MoreKarma Upon Death by Scrabble960 Words  | 4 Pagesavailable letters. The story narrates how the words in the game reflect the practical life of the players. In every story there are literary devices used to help develop the theme of the story. In this story the terms imagery, the use of foreshadowing, and mostly irony. By the end of this essay readers will realise how all the use of these literary terms helped develop the theme of karma in Charlie Fish’s Death By Scrabble. Imagery in Death By Scrabble I shown a lot and helps conquerRead MoreLiterary Criticism Of Literature And Literature873 Words  | 4 PagesLiterature has no set definition, mainly because throughout history writers, as well as literary historians have failed to construct an agreeable definition (Bressler 12). When one thinks of literature, he or she should think of literary criticismâ€â€different critical perspectives. Literary criticism requires readers to analyze literary texts with knowledge of theories. Thus, the next time one reads a text, he or she should first identify the theory that he or she plans to use. The theories representRead MoreThe Scarlet Letter By Nathaniel Hawthorne1397 Words  | 6 Pagespuritans. Hawthorne came to realization that everyone is human and as humans we make mistakes, we should not punish each mistake to the extreme. Using the original work of Nathaniel Hawthorne and the literary criticism of three critics, I analyze the different interpre tations of the scarlet letter in terms of individualism, conformity, and homoerotic dynamics. While researching the scarlet letter I found many different perceptions of the novel, The Scarlet letter is a story that changes interpretation
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Essay on Santiago as Code Hero in The Old Man and the Sea
In Ernest Hemingway’s novel, The Old Man and the Sea, Santiago demonstrates the traits of the code hero. The Hemingway’s code hero covers the principal ideals of honor, courage, and endurance in a misfortune life. Throughout the novel, Santiago shows a contrast between opposite attitudes and values which associate his behavior with the guidelines of the code. In this case, the depiction of conflicting values, such as dignity despite humility, perseverance despite despair, and victory despite defeat are aspects that help to describe and understand the role of Santiago in the novel, and reflect the reason why this character is perfectly suited to the heroic conduct established by Hemingway. The first argument to be addressed is how the†¦show more content†¦The nobility of character of the old man prevents him from feel hate and rancor toward the other fishermen. Despite the taunts of the other fishermen, Santiago is quiet and admits having a bad streak of luck. This makes him an honorable man, which avoids any conflict and is able to recognize his flaws as a fisherman. Although the sea has given him several bitter drinks, he is able to keeping on loving it. â€Å"A man is honest when he acts honestly, he is humble when he acts humbly, he loves when he is loving or being loved.†(Waldmeir 165). Perhaps, the crowning act of humility in Santiago is when he is forced to recognize that by his own forces he will not be enough to grab the fish, and decides to carry out prayers to the Almighty. At the end of the hunting of the big animal, Santiago does not become conceited. His simple and humble soul thanks with a prayer for the outcome of his effort. Although t he fighting has been severe and bloody, the old man was not self-styled hero†. Santiago humbly considers himself as one fisherman more, and the categorization as a hero depends on the readers. â€Å"It is the knowledge that a simple man is capable of such decency, dignity, and even heroism, and that his struggle can be seen in heroic terms, that largely distinguishes this book.†(Young 131). The evident relation between his humility and dignity helps to place Santiago as a perfectShow MoreRelated Santiago as Code Hero in Hemingways The Old Man and The Sea1027 Words  | 5 PagesSantiago as Code Hero in Hemingways The Old Man and The Sea The Old Man and the Sea is a heroic tale of mans strength pitted against forces he cannot control. It is a story about an old Cuban fisherman and his three-day battle with a giant Marlin. Through the use of three prominent themes; friendship, bravery, and Christianity; the Old Man and the Sea strives to teach important life lessons to the reader while also epitomizing Santiago, the old fisherman, as a Hemingway code hero. TheRead MoreThe Sea And The Old Man1176 Words  | 5 PagesJason Chadwick Mr. Spence Freshman Honors English October 31, 2014 The Sea and the Old Man An old man, alone in the ocean with no other humans in sight, struggles to pull an eighteen-foot marlin close enough to his boat to strike the killing blow. He is tired, and almost at the end of his strength. He thinks to himself, I will try one more time. In The Old Man and The Sea by Ernest Hemingway, protagonist Santiago finds himself in an ongoing struggle for dominance. He must persevere through pain andRead MoreThe Old Man and the Sea: Analysis of Santiago841 Words  | 4 PagesThe Old Man and The Sea: Analysis of Santiago Ross Mueller Mr. Harocopos AP. English 11 29 September 1996 Ernest Hemingway had a specific type of character in each and every one of his works of literature. These characters were called the Hemingway Code Heroes. Hemingway Code Heroes followed a strict code of behaviors which allowed them to live their life to the fullest. These Heroes lived simple lives without all the luxuries that others had. They concentrate on the problem at hand and do notRead MoreEssay about Hemingways Themes1593 Words  | 7 PagesHemingways Themes â€Å"Hemingway’s greatness is in his short stories, which rival any other master of the form†(Bloom 1). The Old Man and the Sea is the most popular of his later works (1). The themes represented in this book are religion (Gurko 13-14), heroism (Brenner 31-32), and character symbolism (28). These themes combine to create a book that won Hemingway a Pulitzer Prize in 1953 and contributed to his Nobel Prize for literature in 1954 (3). â€Å"Santiago’s ordeal, first in hisRead More The Old Man and the Sea Essay1361 Words  | 6 Pages In The Old Man and the Sea, Ernest Hemingway describes an old fisherman and the unfortunate trials he faces as his quot;luckquot; runs out. Through the novel, the fisherman, Santiago, replicates Hemingways ideal man, a noble hero. Hemingway had a Code of Behavior that he himself followed. He had morals that were strict and an appreciation for instinct and human nature. He had a specific way of living life and an understanding of time. He believed in taking risks and acting upon instinctRead MoreEssay on The Hemingway Code Hero and The Old Man in the Sea2251 Words  | 10 PagesThe Hemingway Code Hero and The Old Man in the Sea The Old Man and the Sea is a beloved novel because of the style in which Hemingway writes, his idea of a hero, and how he applied it affectively. The code for his heroes way in which they act with courage, always strive to prove them selves one more time, not to complain about their suffering. The writing techniques brought the story in to full multimedia life by letting the reader see what is going on. Finally, the way it all just seems toRead MoreErnest Hemingway Research Paper3978 Words  | 16 Pagesthrough his written works and actions how a â€Å"hero†should conduct himself/herself. Hemingway often partook in hunting, fishing, and could be seen attending Spanish bullfights. Hemingway uses these experiences, and the ones he gained from World War II to enhance his already superb writing. Admirers often praise Hemingway for how he believes a man should live his life, and how he also emulates this belief in his characters by â€Å"tying the life of the hero to [Hemingway himself]†(Young, 41). TheseRead MoreThe Old Man And The Sea Essay1718 Words  | 7 Pagesearly to mid 20th century. Known mainly for his success in writing the critically acclaimed novel, The Old Man and the Sea, Hemingway had many symbolic meanings instituted throughout this novel and many other works. Many having the theme of a hero confronting a natural force, as seen when Santiago confronts the mighty sea. Along with the heroic themes, Hemingway had become a religious Catholic man growing up and decided to include many religious references and biblical allusions. Since the beginningRead MoreThe Influence Of Heroism In The Old Man And The Sea By Ernest Hemingway754 Words  | 4 Pageshave different perspectives on a lot of things and for most†¦. it’s how to be a man or a hero depending on how you look at it. But it’s not about heroism. It’s the views on how to be a man (at least to me). The Hemingway’ way is different f rom most writers but it might just be the most influential. That is just my opinion. Out of all his works, we take three stories and one from Tim O’Brien whose work is influenced by the man himself. Our stories all tie in with one another and a trait they all shareRead More Plight of the Code Hero in the Works of Ernest Hemingway Essay2466 Words  | 10 PagesThe Plight of the Code Hero in the Works of Ernest Hemingway        In his novels Ernest Hemingway suggests a code of behavior for his characters to follow: one that demands courage in difficult situations, strength in the face of adversity, and grace under pressure. Termed the code hero, this character is driven by the principal ideals of honor, courage, and endurance in a life of stress, misfortune, and pain. Despite the heros fight against life in this violent and disorderly world
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Position Paragraph Assignment Essay Example For Students
Position Paragraph Assignment Essay As history props, the Stuart learned nothing from the Civil War. One would think that after hiding away, awaiting the day that England would decide to restore monarchy, they would have realized the faults in their fathers beliefs that had caused the disastrous civil war. Once they had reclaimed the throne from 1 1 years of Commonwealth. They followed the ways of their father, Charles, into the belief of the Divine Right of Kings. This made Parliament wonder, did the Stuart learn any thing from the Civil War? Charles was the first monarch after he Civil War. When parliament decided that England needed a king, Charles was called over from France where he had been hiding from Oliver Cromwell army. Charles was a hide-away Catholic, because he, unlike his father, was attempting to stay on parliaments good side. Creditableness religious tolerance, which gave him the ability to worship in the Catholic style, while keeping parliament happy. Although Cheerlead never went to the extremes of his predecessors, he still was a believer in the Divine Right of Kings, giving him, in is mind, full power over England, All in all, though Charles was not a bad ruler to fix much of Englands problems, he still kept the beliefs of his father. As said by Judge Blackstone, The constitution of England had arrived to full vigor, and the true balance between liberty and prerogative was happily established by law, in the reign of King Charles the Condiments, unlike his brother Charles, was just like his father. James believed, to the extreme, in the Divine right of Kings. Along With his previously stated belief, James also believed in Absolute Monarchy and was a devote Catholic. These three beliefs caused James to be very much disliked by parliament, and therefore, the people. After putting up with two years of his reign. Parliament finally called in Mary, Compassionately daughter, and William Of Orange, her husband, to come and force James to abdicate the throne. This change was welcome. Although James and his descendants, who are known as the Jackboots, tried to reclaim the throne they never succeeded, James did not, in recorded history, learn any thing from his ethers mistakes. Both Charles and James were not the best monarchs England had ever seen. Both Charles and James were believers in the Divine Right Of Kings. Both Charles and James were images to their father. Charles was a hidden believer. He never showed his true motive until its time had come, even if many of those times never came to pass. James was an open believer. Even more like his father, he did not care what people thought, and showed off his beliefs for all he was worth, which in his mind was a lot.
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