Friday, December 27, 2019
Is Hillary Clinton Qualified for the Presidency
When it comes to the Clintons, one of Americas great political families, personal opinion rather than cold hard facts dominates the discussion. And when it comes to Hillary Clinton, Americans either love her or hate her. Shes been vilified by conservatives who not only dislike a strong feminist voice, but object even to her use of private emails to discuss personal family issues. Liberals look forward to the first female to serve in the Oval Office. House minority leader Nancy Pelosi even told an audience in Little Rock, AR, I pray that Hillary Clinton decides to run for president of the United States. So lets get down to brass tacks: Is Hillary Clinton qualified to be the President of the United States? The indisputable answer is yes. No matter what you think of her, no matter what party you vote for, Hillary Clinton is more than qualified to be the President of the United States - more, in fact, than many winners and losers of the presidential races in our history. Starting when she was a young adult, Clintons political career has been varied and rigorous, and given her both knowledge and experience in domestic and international politics. Democratic political analyst Dan Payne argues that she may be the most qualified candidate for the presidency in a generation.  The Basics: Early Experience First, lets eliminate the basic qualifications from controversy with regard to gender. As the U.S. Constitution simply states, No person except a natural born citizen, or a citizen of the United States, at the time of the adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the office of President; neither shall any person be eligible to that office who shall not have attained to the age of thirty-five years, and been fourteen years a resident within the United States. The article does not state that the president must be male. And at 67, Clinton more than meets the age qualification; she is also a natural born citizen who has lived in the United States her entire life. Right there shes already got everything the Constitution requires. But the popular understanding of qualifications for the Presidency goes beyond the mere demographic requirements. Clinton also possesses all the things we want in a president. She is very knowledgeable, the result of an extensive education, including law school, that gave her the intellectual training useful for dealing with the many facets of the presidency. Of the 44 presidents of the United States, 25 have been lawyers.  Clinton combined her interest in law and politics at an early age, and it informed her career. As an undergraduate at Wellesley College, Clinton majored in political science and combined academic excellence with school government. As the first ever student speaker at the college graduation ceremonies, she said, The challenge now is to practice politics as the art of making what appears to be impossible, possible. She then attended Yale University law school, where she worked on social justice campaigns and provided legal support to children and the poor.  Star Ascendant: National Political Experience Clinton then brought her concern for disenfranchised Americans into the national arena as part of Senator Walter Mondales Subcommittee on Migratory Labor. Not long after, she worked under John Doar on the team that advised the House Committee on the Judiciary about the impeachment process during the Watergate scandal (contrary to a popular lie, she was NOT fired from the Committee.) As the director of field operations in Indiana for Jimmy Carters presidential election campaign, she learned about high level electoral politics; later President Carter appointed her to the board of directors of the Legal Services Corporation. From 1987 to 1991, she was the first chair of the American Bar Associations Commission on Women in the Profession. As First Lady of Arkansas and First Lady of the United States When her husband Bill was elected governor of Arkansas, Clinton brought her legal and professional experience to the job of First Lady for 12 years. There, she continued to advocate for children and families by co-founding the Arkansas Advocates for Children and Families. She also chaired the Arkansas Educational Standards Committee to reform the states struggling education system, and served on the boards of the Arkansas Childrens Hospital, Legal Services, and the Childrens Defense Fund. In addition, she worked with the business community by serving on the boards of Wal-Mart and other Arkansas-based companies. When Bill was elected President of the United States, he drew upon her extensive legislative and legal experience by appointing her to spearhead the administrations attempt at introducing a national health care program. This drew controversy and failed, but her other activities, including working to create the Adoption and Safe Families Act and the Foster Care Independence Act, were more successful.  National Political Experience Clintons own political career took off after Bills two terms as president ended and she was elected to Congress as the first female senator from New York. There, she satisfied conservative critics by supporting military action in Afghanistan and the Iraq War Resolution following 9/11. As part of her service in the Senate, she worked on the Armed Service Committee for eight years. This may be why, after her failed attempt at securing the Democratic partys presidential nomination in 2008, the winner of that election, Barack Obama, appointed her as Secretary of State by Barack Obama. Though not a great risk-taker, and continually hounded by conservative critics looking for some way to pin Benghazi on her, Republican Senator Lindsey Graham has nonetheless described her as one of the most effective secretary of states, greatest ambassadors for the American people that I have known in my lifetime. The First Female President? Clinton is thoroughly qualified for the presidency. Her combination of gold old book learnin and extensive political and legal experience can be an invaluable contribution. The real concern about Clinton seems to be whether or not people like her, not whether or not shes qualified. Now, the American people will have to decide in 2016 whether or not she will be the first female elected to the Presidency.
Thursday, December 19, 2019
Caesar A New Temple Honoring Cleopatra - 1735 Words
Another thing was that Caesar built a new temple honoring Cleopatra. Even though it was said to be dedicated to the Roman goddess Venus, it has a statue of Cleopatra as Isis inside of it. Many people took this as Caesar saying that Isis was as important as Venus. These are the things that ultimately led to Caesar’s death. Several Roman senators, led by Marcus Brutus and Longinus Cassius, began meeting to make a plan to assassinate Caesar. So on the 15th of March (commonly known as the ides of March), 44 B.C., Caesar was called for a meeting of the Senate. Even though everyone had heard of this plot, Caesar saw himself too high to die in such a way, and no matter how many times Cleopatra and even Mark Antony pleaded for him not to go. Even Caesar’s own wife had a dream the night before that Caesar would be killed, yet he still decided to go. When he entered, Tillius Cimber knelt before him as though he was going to present a petition for Caesar, Caesar motioned him away , and just as he walked passed Tillius pulled at his toga. Then a man named Casca drew his dagger and wounded Caesar on the shoulder, then all his assassins came from every side and Caesar was being thrown in one direction and then in another. He was wounded twenty-three times. The last thing he did was turn to Brutus and say â€Å"You too, my son?†, and fell down in his own pool of blood, right next to Pompey’s statue. Within minutes, Caesar was dead. Once Cleopatra heard that Caesar was dead, she fled from Rome,Show MoreRelatedAugustus s Life During The Civil War1741 Words  | 7 PagesAugustus’ great uncle, Julius Caesar, was involved in this war. Augustus’ father was married to Atia, who was the daughter of Julia, Caesar’s sister. Later on in Augustus’ life, Caesar’s distant family relationship was idle to how Augustus came into power. When Augustus’s grandmother, Julia, died, Augustus delivered the eulogy at her funeral, which was his first public appearance. Soon after, Caesar won the civil war and was given the title of dictator of Rome. In order for Caesar to claim power, he needed
Wednesday, December 11, 2019
Healthcare System Analysis and Implementing
Question: Discuss about the Healthcare System Analysis and Implementing. Answer: Introduction Recently the Healthcare systems across the whole world has been undergoing several up gradations. The existing system is facing various kind of difficulties such as, a variety of statistics are being obtained from a larger variety of patients. In addition to this technological alterations and the increase in the cost of services provided by the healthcare organizations are also causing some difficulties for the Healthcare systems (Willis, Reynolds Keleher, 2016). The report contains the problems regarding, My Health Record and providing solutions for it (Hemsley et al., 2016). The report consists of a brief background of My Health Record, A brief analysis of it regarding the problems, capabilities and benefits of it. Background of My Health Record My Health Record is a system that performs the task of recording the Healthcare data electronically. It serves as an alternative to keeping records of the data from the Healthcare systems in documentations and paper. The system can keep the record of the medical history of a person till date very efficiently. In addition to this it also will help the healthcare systems in collection of information, and storing and handling them very efficiently. The Australian government are said to have made a big amount of investment for the implementation of the project. Approval for funding for completion of the project has also been given. Problems Faced by the Healthcare system The Commonwealth Government of Australia are looking forward to digitizing their healthcare system. But several problems have arisen (Britt et al., 2013). The problems are: There has been an increase in the total population of Australia over time (Vardoulakis, 2014). It is projected that by 2053, of the total population of Australia around 21% would have an average age of 65. With increasing rate of aged people in Australia, maintenance of the total population of the country is turning into a serious issue. Additionally, the budget is also very challenging for the government and hence, maintaining a cost efficient system is becoming a serious challenge. The development in the technology has been very helpful in the process of providing protection to the population from several chronic diseases. However, the implementation of such a system is very difficult considering the financial area. The cost for implementation of the project is immense and this create an additional pressure on the government and overburden them with the budget. Problems regarding research: Australia have had an impressive history medically. Although, the health sector need perform a more expanded form of research on the various diseases that have come up in recently in Australia. But, they lack the data recording system that would enable to perform such research techniques. One of the main issue is the equity issue. It is very difficult to provide the healthcare services to the entire population on an equal basis. The difficulties arise as because, most of the population that are not affluent are not receiving the facilities that they require, although the affluent sector of the population are added advantage in this case. This hampers the prospect of morality and increase the variety in expectancy of life of different sectors of the population. Capabilities of My Health Record The Record system should be capable of overcoming the issues that are being faced now (Hsiao et al., 2013). It should maintain the patients health records and also solve the demographic issues. It should have a list of all diseases and their medication. In addition to this it should also provide notes and documents related to the clinical diseases. It should make documentation of the external diseases and also provide some guidelines for curing these disease. It should also provide some instruction and safety guidelines for the aged and lonely sector of the population. It should provide some facilities like Notifications, collection of specimens and Reminders. It should also provide some authentication facilities for safety of the data of the patients. Benefits of My Health record The My Health Record would improve the service quality provided by the healthcare system and chance of medical errors would also get reduced (Woods et al., 2013). It would also reduce the cost and increase the performances. Additionally it would also be very cost efficient by improving the billing techniques and eliminating the excess cost. This system would be very effective in situation where severe epidemics occur. This would make the healthcare organizations aware of various new diseases. Awareness among the common people will also be spread. The cost of testing methods would also be reduced by this system. Conclusion Conclusively it can be said that, My Health Record, would be a very useful tool for the digitization process of the healthcare system of Australia. There have been some problem with the existing healthcare system. Firstly, the government has to bear a huge amount of cost for maintain their healthcare system and there has been an increase in the number of aged people within the total population of Australia. But, these are the minor issues which can solved very easily with the implementation of My Health Record. Additionally, the Health Record system would provide various kinds of benefits to the healthcare system and the society as well. It make the organizations and the common people more aware of various unique diseases. In addition to this it would also increase the cost efficiency of the present system. This system would provide various kind of facilities within a single structure. References Britt, H., Miller, G. C., Henderson, J., Bayram, C., Valenti, L., Harrison, C., ... O'Halloran, J. (2013).General Practice Activity in Australia 2012-13: BEACH: Bettering the Evaluation and Care of Health(No. 33). Sydney University Press. Hemsley, B., Georgiou, A., Carter, R., Hill, S., Higgins, I., van Vliet, P., Balandin, S. (2016). Use of the My Health Record by people with communication disability in Australia: A review to inform the design and direction of future research.Health Information Management Journal,45(3), 107-115. Hsiao, C. J., Jha, A. K., King, J., Patel, V., Furukawa, M. F., Mostashari, F. (2013). Office-based physicians are responding to incentives and assistance by adopting and using electronic health records.Health Affairs, 10-1377. Vardoulakis, S., Dear, K., Hajat, S., Heaviside, C., Eggen, B., McMichael, A. J. (2014). Comparative assessment of the effects of climate change on heat-and cold-related mortality in the United Kingdom and Australia.Environmental Health Perspectives (Online),122(12), 1285. Willis, E., Reynolds, L., Keleher, H. (Eds.). (2016).Understanding the Australian health care system. Elsevier Health Sciences. Woods, S. S., Schwartz, E., Tuepker, A., Press, N. A., Nazi, K. M., Turvey, C. L., Nichol, W. P. (2013). Patient experiences with full electronic access to health records and clinical notes through the My HealtheVet Personal Health Record Pilot: qualitative study.Journal of medical Internet research,15(3), e65.
Tuesday, December 3, 2019
Symbolism in Hemingway’s Soldier’s Home Essay Example
Symbolism in Hemingway’s Soldier’s Home Paper Ernest Hemingway is often noted for his unadorned prose style, which manages nevertheless to be extremely suggestive and effective in its plainness. The short story, Soldier’s Home, is a semi-autobiographical sketch which is certainly not cloyed with metaphors and symbols. Despite this fact, Hemingway manages to contextualize his story and give it a hidden meaning, through other literary devices and narrative elements. One of the important symbolic elements in the story is the book about war that Krebs is reading and which is one of the very few things that the former soldier finds fascinating after having come back from the front. The denotative meaning of the symbol is obvious: Krebs is inactive after having returned home and he spends most of his time reading or playing different games. The theme of the story is obviously the impossibility of a man who has experienced war to reconnect with his family and with his own life. There is an emphasis in the book on the permanent confusion Krebs seems to live in and on his inability to readjust to his own environment. The young former soldier is back at home, trying to find his own place in the midst of the small town’s community. Somehow however, he is still a soldier, unable to come to terms with his own experience and discomforted by the lies and exaggerations about the front, which circulate in the small community. Thus, the book about war that Krebs dwells on with such interest is symbolic for his inability to leave the war behind and continue his life as it used to be. We will write a custom essay sample on Symbolism in Hemingway’s Soldier’s Home specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Symbolism in Hemingway’s Soldier’s Home specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Symbolism in Hemingway’s Soldier’s Home specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer He could not fully grasp the experience that he underwent and now he is desperately trying to understand it from the outside. This is even more difficult as neither the book about war nor the stories recounted by other soldiers can actually convey the sheer terror and chaos of his experience on the front. Hemingway uses the symbol of the book about war to emphasize the inability of the soldier to reconnect with his normal life and to understand its meaning. The symbol is used in the context of many other elements that convey Krebs’ distance from his own life. The book about war is a literary symbol that Hemingway employs in a specific context. In conjunction with the other elements in the story, this symbol translates the long lasting and devastating effect of war on the lives of those who have experienced it. Works Cited: Meyer, Michael. The Compact Bedford Introduction to Literature. New York: Bedford, 2005
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