Saturday, August 31, 2019
Foreign Direct Investment in Bangladesh
Home  About Bangladesh  Investment and Trade  FDI in Bangladesh Foreign Direct Investment in Bangladesh| | | | Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) has played a key role in the modernization of the Bangladesh economy for the last 15 years. | Inflows of Foreign Direct InvestmentThere was an inflows of $666m foreign direct investment in 2007 which raised significantly in 2008 to $1086m. As of 2011, inflows of foreign direct investment recorded to $1136. 8m. Inflows of foreign direct investment during 2007-2011Source: World Investment Report 2011 Private Investment Statistics Year| Proposed Local Investment| Proposed Foreign Investment| Total Proposed Investment| Growth % | | Project| BDT| Project| BDT| Project| BDT| | 2005-2006| 1754| 18370| 135| 24986| 1889| 43356| 124. 62| 2006-2007| 1930| 19658| 191| 11925| 2121| 31583| -27. 15| 2007-2008| 1615| 19553| 143| 5433| 1758| 24986| -20. 9| 2008-2009| 1336| 17117| 132| 14749| 1468| 31867| 27. 54| 2009-2010| 1470| 27414| 160| 6261| 1630| 33678| 5. 67| 2010-2011| 1298| 39976| 148| 26935| 1446| 66912| 98. 71| 2011-2012| 1604| 497078| 209| 338910| 1813| 835989| 212| * March, 2012Source:Bangladesh Economic Review-2011 (Bangla version), Ministry of FinanceForeign and Joint Venture InvestmentIn the year 2009-10 (February), there were 89 new foreign and joint venture investment projects registered to BOI which amount to $590m.The projects were invested to mainly in the service, engineering, clothing and agricultural sectors. Sectorwise foreign and joint venture investment during 2010-2011** As of March, 2011Source:Bangladesh Economic Review-2011 (Bangla version), Ministry of FinanceCountrywise foreign and joint venture investment during 2009-2010* Country| No. of Projects| Proposed Investment (US$ m)| Saudi Arabia| 3| 478. 652| Australia| 4| 2. 036| USA| 5| 2. 990| Finland| 2| 3. 023|India| 9| 8. 451| South Korea| 12| 33. 768| Malaysia| 3| 3. 056| Netherlands| 5| 8. 544| China| 12| 21. 000| United Ki ngdom| 5| 3. 507| Pakistan| 2| 0. 990| Japan| 8| 2. 624| Denmark| 1| 1. 217| Sri Lanka| 2| 0. 646| Canada| 2| 1. 017| Taiwan| 1| 0. 502| Singapore| 4| 1. 929| Turkey| 1| 0. 150| Greece| 1| 0. 156| Italy| 2| 1. 039| Hong Kong| 5| 14. 805| Total| 89| 590. 102| As of February, 2010Source:Bangladesh Economic Review-2011 (Bangla version), Ministry of Finance|
Friday, August 30, 2019
Reliance Life Insurance Project Essay
Many people take to trading in the mistaken belief that it is the simplest way of making money. Far from it, I believe it is the easiest way of losing money. There is an old Wall Street adage, that â€Å"the easiest way of making a small fortune in the markets is having a large fortune†. This game is by no means for the faint hearted. And, this battle is not won or lost during trading hours but before the markets open but through a disciplined approach to trading. 1. A successful trader has a trading plan and does his homework diligently Winning traders diligently maintain charts and keep aside some hours for market analysis. Every evening a winning trader updates his notebook and writes his strategy for the next day. Winning traders have a sense of the market’s main trend. They identify the strongest sectors of the market and then the strongest stocks in those sectors. They know the level they are going to enter at and approximate targets for the anticipated move. For example, I am willing to hold till the market is acting right. Once the market is unable to hold certain levels and breaks crucial supports, I book profits. Again, this depends on the type of market I am dealing with. In a strong up trend, I want the market to throw me out of a profitable trade. In a mild up trend, I am a little more cautious and try to book profits at the first sign of weakness. In a choppy market, not only do I trade the lightest, I book profits while the market is still moving in my direction. Good technical traders do not worry or debate about the news flow; they go by what the market is doing. 2. A successful trader avoids overtrading Overtrading is the single biggest malaise of most traders. A disciplined trader is always ready to trade light when the market turns choppy and even not trade if there are no trades on the horizon. For example, I trade full steam only when I see a trending market and reduce my trading stakes when I am not confident of the expected move. I reduce my trade even more if the market is stuck in a choppy mode with very small swings. A disciplined trader knows when to build positions and step on the gas and when to trade light and he can only make this assessment after he is clear about his analysis of the market and has a trading plan at the beginning of every trading day. 3. A successful trader does not get unnerved by losses A winning trader is always cautious; he knows each trade is just another trade, so he always uses money management techniques. He never over leverages and always has set-ups and rules which he follows religiously. He takes losses in his stride and tries to understand why the market moved against him. Often you get important trading lessons from your losses. 4. A successful trader tries to capture the large market moves Novice traders often book profits too quickly because they want to enjoy the winning feeling. Sometimes even on the media one hears things like, â€Å"You never lose your shirt booking profits.†I believe novice traders actually lose their account equity quickly because they do not book their losses quickly enough. Knowledgeable traders on the other hand, will also lose their trading equity  though slowly  if they are satisfied in booking small profits all the time. By doing that the only person who can grow rich is your broker. And this does happen because, inevitably, you will have periods of drawdowns when you are not in sync with the market. You can never cover a 15-20 per cent drawdown if you keep booking small profits. The best you will do is be at breakeven at the end of the day, which is not the goal of successful trading. A trading account that is not growing is not sustainable. Thus when you believe you have entered into a large move, you need to ride it out till the market stops acting right. Traders with a lot of knowledge of technical analysis, but little experience, often get into the quagmire of following very small targets, believing the market to be overbought at every small rise  and uniformly so in all markets. Such traders are unable to make money because they are too smart for their own good. They forget to see the phase of the market. Not only do these traders book profits early, sometimes they even take short positions believing that a correction is â€Å"due†. Markets do not generally correct when corrections are â€Å"due†. The best policy is to use a trailing stop loss and let the market run when it wants to run. The disciplined trader understands this and keeps stop losses wide enough so that he is balanced between staying in the move as well as protecting his equity. Capturing a few large moves every year is what really makes worthwhile trading profits. 5. A successful trader always keeps learning You cannot learn trading in a day or even a few weeks, sometimes not even in months. Successful traders keep reading all the new research on technical analysis they can get their hands on. They also read a number of books every month about techniques, about trading psychology and about other successful traders and how they manage their accounts. I often like to think about traders as jehadis; unless there is a fire in the belly, unless there is a strong will and commitment to win, it is impossible to win consistently in the market. 6. A successful trader always tries to make some money with less risky strategies as well Futures trading, for example, is a very risky business. The best of chartists and the best of traders sometimes fail. Sure, it gives the highest returns but these may not be consistent  and the drawdowns can be large. Traders should always remember that no matter how good your analysis is, sometimes the market is not willing to oblige. In these times the 4-5 per cent that can be earned in covered calls or futures and cash arbitrage comes in very handy. It improves the long term sustainability of a trader and keeps your profit register ringing. Traders must learn to live with lower risk and lower return at certain times in the market, in order to protect and enlarge their capital. Disciplined traders have reasonable risk and return expectations and are open to using less risky and less exciting strategies of making money, which helps them tide over rough periods in the markets. 7. A successful trader treats trading as a business and keeps a positive attitude Trading can be an expensive adventure sport. It should be treated as a business and should be very profit oriented. Successful traders review their performance at regular intervals and try to identify causes of both superior and inferior performance. The focus should be on consistent profits rather than erratic large profits and losses. Also, trading performance should not be made a judgement on an individual; rather, it should be considered a consequence of right or wrong actions. Disciplined traders are able to identify when they are out of sync with the market and need to reduce position size, or keep away altogether. Successful trading is like dancing in rhythm with the market. Unsuccessful traders often cut down on all other expenses but refuse to see what might be wrong with their trading methods. Denial is a costly attitude in trading. If you see that a particular trade is not working the way you had expected, reduce or eliminate your positions and see what is going on. Most disciplined and successful traders are very humble. Humility is a virtue that traders should learn on their own, else the market makes sure that they do. Ego and an â€Å"I can do no wrong†attitude in good times can lead to severe drawdowns in the long term. Also, bad days in trading should be accepted as cheerfully as the good ones. So disciplined traders maintain composure whether they have made a profit or not on a particular day and avoid mood swings. A good way to do this is to also participate in activities other than trading and let the mind rest so that it is fresh for the next trading day. 8. A successful trader never blames the market Disciplined traders do not blame the market, the government, the companies or anyone else, conveniently excluding themselves, for their losses. The market gives ample opportunities to traders to make money. It is only the trader’s fault if he fails to recognise them. Also, the market has various phases. It is overbought sometimes and oversold at other times. It is trending some of the time and choppy at others. It is for a trader to take maximum advantage of favourable market conditions and keep away from unfavourable ones. With the help of derivatives, it is now possible to make some money in all kinds of markets. So the trader needs to look for opportunities all the time. To my mind, the important keys to making long term money in trading are: * Keeping losses small. Remember all losses start small * Ride as many big moves as possible * Avoid overtrading. * Never try to impose your will on the market It is impossible to practice all of the above perfectly. However, if you can practice all of the above with some degree of success, improvement in trading performance can be dramatic. 9. A disciplined trader keeps a cushion If new traders are lucky to come into a market during a roaring bull phase, they sometimes think that the market is the best place to put all one’s money. But successful and seasoned traders know that if the market starts acting differently in the future, which it surely will, profits will stop pouring in and there might even be periods of losses. So do not commit more than a certain amount to the market at any given point of time. Take profits from your broker whenever you have them in your trading account and stow them away in a separate account. I say this because the market is like a deep and big well. No matter how much money you put in it, it can all vanish. So by having an account where you accumulate profits during good times, it helps you when markets turn unfavourable. This also makes drawdowns less stressful as you have the cushion of previously earned profits. Trading is about walking a tightrope most times. Make sure you have enough cushion if you fall. 10. A successful trader knows there is no Holy Grail in the market There is no magical key to the Indian or any other stock market. If there were, investment banks that spend billions of dollars on research would snap it up. Investing software and trading books by themselves can’t make you enormously wealthy. They can only give you tools and skills that you can learn to apply. And, finally, there is no free lunch; every trading penny has to be earned. I would recommend that each trader identify his own style, his own patterns, his own horizon and the set-ups that he is most comfortable with and practice them to perfection. You need only to be able to trade very few patterns to make consistent profits in the market. No gizmos can make a difference to your trading. There are no signals that are always 100 per cent correct, so stop looking for them. Focus, instead, on percentage trades, trying to catch large moves and keeping your methodology simple. What needs constant improving are discipline and your trading psychology. At end of the day, money is not made by how complicated-looking your analysis is but whether it gets you in the right trade at the right time. Over-analysis can, in fact, lead to paralysis and that is death for a trader. If you can’t pull the trigger at the right time, then all your analysis and knowledge is a waste.
Born-Haber Process Lab
Chemistry Lab: Haber’s Process (A Computer Simulation) Cherno Okafor Mr. Huang SCH4U7 October 8th, 2012 Introduction The Haber process is the process by which ammonia (NH3) is produced. The equation for this reaction is†¦ The symbol shown in the middle means it is a reversible reaction so the product can decompose back into the reactants. Therefore, optimum conditions must be selected to get the greatest yield. When the forward and backward reactions are the same, it is said to be in a state of dynamic equilibrium.The position of this dynamic equilibrium can be moved forward by changing the conditions the reaction is done in. This follows Le Chatelier’s Principle which says changes to a system in equilibrium will move it in an opposite direction. Condition (Dependent Variables)| Effect (Independent Variables)-Yield, Equilibrium Time, Net Profit| Pressure| Increasing this will improve the yield because the forward reaction reduces pressure. However, putting up the p ressure too far is impractical and becomes too expensive. Temperature| A higher yield can be obtained by using a low temperature since the forward reaction produces heat, but this also will make the reaction slower, and less profitable. | Catalyst| The Haber process makes use of catalysts like iron, tungsten, and platinum to speed up the reaction, however this does not improve the yield. | Note: The conditions of the Haber process must be finely balanced to reach a combination of highest yield and fastest reaction, this is very important because getting this right will make sure this industrial process is as profitable as possible.Data Collection and Processing (Raw Data): Variables| Results (No Catalyst)| Results (No Catalyst)| Results (No Catalyst)| Results (No Catalyst)| Results (No Catalyst)| Temperature ( °C)| 658| 660| 663| 677| 680| Pressure (Atm. )| 464| 482| 510| 658| 694| Time to Equilibrate (Min)| 10. 16| 10. 17| 10. 17| 10. 15| 10. 15| Yield (%) | 15. 8| 16. 3| 17. 1| 21. 2| 22. 2| Amount ($) per day| 36,454. 36| 36,413. 56 | 36,380. 36 | 36, 361. 71| 36,321. 0| RESULTS: * After this first trial using no catalysts, it is evident that the equilibrium time is extremely slow and unfortunately, only produces a small yield yet with a large amount of net profit per day. * Another thing was the temperature. The net profit and yield seemed to be at its highest when the temperatures were set at around the 600-700 °C range. With an extremely low temperature though, the time to equilibrate was close to a million years, so temperature had to be fairly high * In terms of the pressure, it had to be between the 400-700 Atm. ange (not too high so that it would yield a high cost and not too low so that it would yield a low percentage and net profit) but just in the middle * I wanted to find balance in my profit and yield, so with no catalyst, I adjusted the bars so that the temperature value was fairly close to the pressure value and the results were a greater net profit, with a reasonable equilibrium time of reaction Variables| Results (With Iron Catalyst) | Results (With Iron Catalyst)| Results (With Iron Catalyst)| Results (With Iron Catalyst)| Results (With Iron Catalyst)| Temperature ( °C)| 468| 475| 472| 473| 479| Pressure (Atm. | 721| 881| 809| 832| 989| Time to Equilibrate (Min)| 10. 18| 10. 16| 10. 17| 10. 16| 10. 18| Yield (%) | 58. 8| 63. 9| 61. 7| 62. 4| 66. 9| Amount ($) per day| 33, 793. 48| 33, 909. 39| 33, 805. 15| 33,893. 81| 33, 753. 80| RESULTS: * After this second trial, I used the catalyst of iron. Iron was by far the most profitable catalyst to use as it was not that expensive as the others (Tungsten and Platinum), and it produced a high yield with a pretty high amount as well * In terms of the temperature, it was a very typical 400-500 °C range which is also a very high temperature and the yield of ammonia would be high and my net profit as well. For pressure, I increased its value to the 700-900atm range and th is in conjunction with my high temperature range produced the best results as I produced high yields from 50-70% with the exact same time frame it took for the non-catalyst reaction to equilibrate * So obviously with the addition of the iron catalyst, I did not have to take more or less time for the equilibrium reaction to take place, I instead produced a higher yield of ammonia with a fairly large net profit, which was my goal in the first place Variables| Results (With Tungsten Catalyst)| Results (With Tungsten Catalyst)| Temperature ( °C)| 429| 435|Pressure (Atm. )| 346| 418| Time to Equilibrate (Min)| 10. 46| 10. 16| Yield (%) | 50. 4| 49. 9| Amount ($) per day| 19, 506. 24| 19, 495. 86| RESULTS: * Finally, for this last third trial, I used Tungsten catalyst. This Tungsten catalyst was not as efficient as the iron catalyst, and it also cost more. * In terms of temperature, the 400-450 °C range which was average because increasing the temperature would have created more econo mic problems such as higher costs of energy/production, etc. With iron, it was fairly easy to play around with the temperature, but for Tungsten it was more challenging. I also had to lower the pressures, but not too low so that the equilibrium time would be slow, but not too high either so that I would be losing a lot of profit because of the economic costs * As a result, this adjustments yielded only a little less than what I yielded with iron, however still a fairly high yield. The only decrease was in the net profit, because of the expenses of Tungsten. * The Temperature-Equilibrium Considerations: * One must shift the position of the equilibrium as far as possible to the right in order to produce the maximum possible amount of ammonia in the equilibrium mixture.The forward reaction of the production of ammonia is exothermic. Therefore according to Le Chatelier’s Principle, this will be favoured if one lowers the temperature. The system will respond by moving the position of equilibrium to counteract this-producing more heat. In order to get as much ammonia as possible in the equilibrium mixture, one needs as low a temperature as possible. * The Temperature-Rate Considerations: * The lower the temperature one uses, the slower the reaction becomes. In this case though as a manufacturer, I am trying to produce as much ammonia as possible per day.It makes no sense to try and achieve an equilibrium mixture which contains a very high proportion of ammonia if it takes several years for the reaction to reach that equilibrium. Therefore, one needs the gases to reach equilibrium within the very short time that they will be in contact with the catalyst (or without) in the reactor. * During my experiment lab, I noticed that the temperature range of 400-700 °C is a compromise temperature, producing a reasonably high proportion of ammonia in the equilibrium mixture, but also in a very short time. * The Pressure-Equilibrium Considerations:There are only 4 molec ules on the left-hand side of the equation, but only 2 on the right. According to Le Chatelier’s Principle, if you increase the pressure the system will respond by favouring the reaction which produces fewer molecules. That will cause the pressure to fall again. In order to get as much ammonia as possible in the equilibrium mixture, one needs as high a pressure as possible. * The Pressure-Rate Considerations: * Increasing the pressure brings the molecules closer together. In this particular instance, it will increase their chances of hitting and sticking to the surface of the catalyst where they can react.The higher the pressure, the better in terms of the rate of a gas reaction. * Economic Considerations: * Very high pressures are extremely expensive to produce on two accounts: * One has to build extremely strong pipes to withstand the very high pressure. * Also, high pressures cost a lot to produce and even maintain. That means that the running costs of your manufacture are very high for you. * During my lab, I noticed that 200 atm is a reasonable choice of pressure. If the pressure used is too high however, the cost of generating it exceeds the price you can get for the extra ammonia produced. The Catalyst-Equilibrium Considerations: * The Catalyst actually has no affect whatsoever on the position of the equilibrium. Adding a catalyst does not produce any greater percentage of ammonia in the equilibrium mixture. Its only function is to speed up the reaction. * The Catalyst-Rate Considerations: * In the absence of a catalyst, the reaction is so slow that virtually no reaction happens in any sensible time. The catalyst ensures that the reaction is fast enough for a dynamic equilibrium to be set up within the very short time that the gases are actually in the reactor.Conclusion: To sum up, the objective of this computer simulation lab was to produce a high yield of ammonia with as high a net profit as possible, while considering the economic factors suc h as energy cost, and production cost, and even catalyst costs. It turned out that I was prohibited from using platinum as a catalyst because it was too expensive. Out of the remaining catalysts: Iron, and Tungsten, Iron was the most efficient and profitable one as it is less expensive and yielded a great amount of ammonia while I was able to make a large profit as well.The Tungsten catalyst did yield a fairly high amount of ammonia, however not a very high net profit was made from it and this is again due to the economic implications of energy and production as mentioned. When I did not use any catalysts, the problem was that the time to equilibrate the reactions was atrocious, and very slow. With the criteria â€Å"highest yield and fastest reaction†in mind, the most optimal combination to produce ammonia was the 400-500 °C (479 °C) temperature range, with the 900-1000 Atm range (989atm). and along with the iron catalyst produced 66. % of ammonia, and at least $33, 000 in net profit. I chose this result as the best one because of the balance of the dependent variables of time, yield, and net profit. I could not find my way up to at least $34, 000 or above in net profit with the iron catalyst. I only managed to exceed that profit when I did not use any catalysts, but again the reaction time is way too slow and hence senseless. I probably could have kept on going to gradually adjust the temperature and pressure one by one to look for an even higher yield and net profit, but time is an issue and I would have to sit for a long time doing this.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Constitutional Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1
Constitutional Law - Essay Example The juvenile was sent by his father to live with the paternal grandparents in South Carolina. The hospitals in the state did not have any Paxil, so they opted for an alternative drug, Zoloft. Zoloft is also an antidepressant. The accused experienced extreme side effects as a result of drug substitution. In addition, the doctors decided to double the dosage in an effort to reduce the side effects (State v Pittman). On the day he committed the offense, the defendant was punished by his grandfather. He resented the punishment and took the decision to kill both grandparents. He used their shotgun to kill. He shot them and burnt the house using candles and paper. He consequently stole the family dog, $33 and left the house in his grandparents’ car. The trial court also heard that he was apprehended some counties away from the scene of the crime and claimed that the death of his grandparents was a result of burglary. The defendant attorneys argued that the accused ought not to have been tried as an adult due to health and mental issues. The defense attorneys argued that the Pittman was under duress from a mental condition. The claim is grounded on the fact that prior to the crime, the convict had a depression problem. Pittman was under antidepressant drugs at the time he committed the crime. South Carolina state law does not have an age limit that differentiates a juvenile trial and an adult trial. The trial court in South Carolina determined that the defendant could be tried as an adult. The prosecution showed that it was indeed the defendant that committed the crime using a shotgun. The court also heard the happenings prior to the attack and after the attack. The prosecutor proved that the offense was carefully choreographed, thus warranting an adult trial. However, the defense team is adamant that although Pittman committed the crime, he was a juvenile under depression. The accused was also under new medication that negatively impacted on his mental
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
U.S. Employment Regulations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 18
U.S. Employment Regulations - Essay Example This paper illustrates that the Wage and Hour Division (WHD) implements the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). The Act provides policies for minimum wages, overtime pay, recordkeeping, and child labor. It gives exemptions for minimum wage and overtime pay. The Act obliges employers of covered employees to pay them a minimum wage of not less than $7.25 per hour. Youth employees, who are below 20 years of age, may receive a minimum wage of not lower than $4.25 an hour, during the first 90 successive calendar days of employment. Employers are not allowed to terminate existing employees to hire youth or people whom they can pay the youth minimum wage. Furthermore, employers can adopt a piece-rate basis in paying employees, as long as the latter get at least the required minimum hourly wage rate and overtime for hours worked that are more than 40 hours in a workweek. In addition, the Act allows the employment of particular individuals at wage rates below the statutory minimum wage, as long as they get certificates from the Department of Labor. They are the following: â€Å"Student learners; full‑time students in service establishments, agriculture, or higher education; and individuals whose productive capacities for the work to be performed are impaired by physical or mental disabilities†¦Ã¢â‚¬ . The Act does not provide limitations for hours or days per week of work, as long as the employee is not less than sixteen years old. Nevertheless, the Act obliges employers to compensate covered employees for overtime pay, which is not less than one and one-half times their standard rate of pay, for all hours that exceed 40 in a workweek, unless employees are considered as exempted.Â
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Conceptual Framework of Super Dry Company Essay
Conceptual Framework of Super Dry Company - Essay Example This understanding can be done through carrying out interviews, use of questionnaires, reading different journals on the development of these stores. Interviews are carried out in understanding on the views of different individuals on the development of the store. Questionnaires help in understanding the opinions of individuals on the quality of products that this company produces. These questionnaires can be necessary to the researcher and the company at large; this is because the company will learn about different tastes and preferences of the consumers. The management of the company is a crucial factor to consider in this study. The management is to be transparent if at all an organization is to succeed in realizing its set goals. The social structure of the organization is to well defined where there is a free and healthy environment conducive to the workers (Hasegawaoru, 2002, p. 63). Hypothesis and variables Hypothesis is necessary the testing of different variables to ensure a ccurate data from a research. If super dry stores come up with the appropriate strategy of carrying out its operations then it will maintain its success in attracting more customers worldwide. (Hoover, 2000, p. 47) In addition to that if it is able to deal with its challenges effectively then it will be able to maintain a healthy competitive environment. Dependable variable- success. Independent variable- challenges. Literature review This store has been able to formulate different strategies. Among these strategies has to reach wide range customers all over the world and this has been done through the expansion of its company. Creating more stores that can allow easy access to products by customers in Europe. Another strategy is producing goods according to the customers’ preference and tastes. Checking on the prices of goods is another strategy that has been applied by this store this is done by observing the economic background of the target customers, the affordability of the products (Kare-Silver, 2011, p. II2). The super dry store has been popular through the nature of their products, they produce extraordinary products that are unique than their competitors in the business of fashion. This, therefore, attracts more customers to the products produced. It was noted that communication is an important factor to consider for a company’s success. Good communication should be encouraged between buyers and sellers, management and the workers and finally, there should be good communication between the workers as a whole. Information should be clearly communicated to different specifics. For instance rules, and regulations of an organization should be clearly communicated to the staff members.
Monday, August 26, 2019
Lesson Plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 3
Lesson Plan - Essay Example It is taken from the website of the Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations, Australia. It presents a model lesson plan for a state school in Australia. A lesson plan is a detailed description of the course instructed by the teacher to the class. Lesson plans are developed by the teacher on a daily, weekly or monthly basis. The lesson plan critique presented in this paper evaluates the course on the basis of its objectives, activities and assessment. Students will start learning the value of water and natural resources at an early age, which is beneficial for them and society. The objectives of the lesson plan include focusing on the values of responsibility, care, compassion, respect and sustainability. The key learning areas here include art, society & environment and science. The first activity includes thinking about water in a session. Students can think and generate questions on the topic such as: What is water? Where does it come from? How it is stored and used? Is there enough availability of water for the humanity? Questions like these can certainly generate a lot of curiosity among children and help them in knowing its value and appropriate use. The thinking session will be followed by questions and queries discussed by students among themselves. They will be asked to write their ideas on the board. This activity asks students to identify ways of using water resources. Several pictures and short movies are shown to students and questions are asked based on water usage, responsible usage and conservation of water. Students are to visit the school campus and ask to note down the ways of water usage on a sheet of paper. Students will come to know the overall water usage from different sources such as drink taps, kitchen, gardening water, staff rooms and toilets. After this, they will categorize all what they have seen inside the school campus. The curriculum will move ahead with two activities covered in the
Sunday, August 25, 2019
The School of the Americas Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
The School of the Americas - Essay Example The schools presence in the region represented the United States growing role in Latin America. With the signing of the Inter-American Treaty of Reciprocal Assistance (Rio Treaty) in 1947 (Bureau of Political-Military Affairs Washington, DC) the United States involvement in the region grew even more. Yet another name change came in 1949. The U.S. Army Caribbean School continued to train both U.S. and Latin American soldiers. In 1963 the school got its most notable name: The School of the Americas (SOA). The SOA began training using Spanish only and controversy surrounding the school began. With the handing over of the Panama Canal to the government of Panama the school needed a new home. After much politicking, the Spanish speaking school was moved to Fort Benning, Georgia rather than Texas that had a Spanish speaking population (where the school thought was the most logical choice). In an August 1996 report sent to the Honorable Ronald V. ... The School of Americas thus played a part in this transition by providing Spanish language military training to Latin American countries that chose to send soldier-students. The School of the Americas closed in December of 2000 after much controversy and reopened in January 2001 as the Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation as a result of the National Defense Authorization Act. 2. Training Provided. As stated earlier, The School of the Americas functioned as a Spanish language military school and continues as the Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation. It is interesting to note that the new school offers instruction (again in Spanish) in many of the same courses that the SOA did at the same location. The current school offers training to Latin American military personnel in courses such as2: Civil-Military Operations Course Information Operations Course Departmental Resource Management Human Rights Instructor Course Peace Operations Course The schools website claims that all courses listed are accredited at at least the baccalaureate level, students can receive credit for courses taken,3 and that all students receive at least eight hours of human rights training. As the SOA the school offered courses using manuals with such titles as4: Human Resource Exploitation Training Manual-1983 KUBARK Counterintelligence Interrogation-July 1963 3. The Controversy. As the SOA, the school came under scrutiny by various human rights groups because of the type of training provided to the Latin American students and the resulting human rights violations by SOA graduates. The United States was accused of training these soldiers to protect its economic interests in the region. CIA manuals used by
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Philosophy, What Represents a Personality Essay
Philosophy, What Represents a Personality - Essay Example Every individual in the society is influenced by a particular behaviour, which is learned by adapting the conditions of external environment, escorted by the unique characteristics combined to form a personality; it depends upon the quality of characteristics to form personality, however it entirely depends upon the way of thinking of an individual as to how he perceives such attributes. Like for example intelligence could be taken in the positive sense as well as in the negative sense. When a person utilizes his "intelligence" capability in the positive manner, his visions are likely to be broader in accepting the different forms of knowledge. Similarly when a person is characterized by certain motivational and positive approach, while utilizing his creative skills, he starts thinking of perceiving knowledge and while thinking in a forward direction he would consciously or unconsciously search for the logic behind that approach. Another example is of a student who has attained a "bad" grade, is scolded by his teacher. If, approached in a positive way, he would work hard to achieve a better grade the next time. In this manner he is ready to accept any advice and considers it useful, and as long he remains positive and work hard, he search for the logic behind that advice given to him by his teacher. The negative attributes are identified by the impedance towards a positive approach or we can say as a lack of "can do" attitude. When the positive qualities of a person are superseded by the negative influence of personality, then the negative attributes cause him harm by blocking the ways of knowledge. In the above example if the student, instead of realizing his mistake and working hard, does not bother about the teacher's comments and continue with a careless attitude that would be considered as a negative element of his personality. Further more, if he were followed by arrogance, then for sure he would go on with his "uncaring" approach, which would ultimately hinder in the way of "acceptance of knowledge", cause him harm and he would be in a loss. Personal Epistemology Epistemology is concerned with the origin, nature, limits and methods of human knowledge. It is obvious that a person who is influenced by positive characteristics searches for knowledge. His mind actually searches logic behind knowledge and justified reasoning behind logic. So we can say it serves as a chain ware comprising of knowledge, logic and reasoning. Reasoning because a sensible positive approached person's mind does not accept things if they are not justified to the extent of satisfying the mind. Here comes the perception, which is built when his mind is satisfied by the justifiable reasoning. Now the question arises, if a positive minded person searches for reasoning to find logic, which later becomes his perception, then what about the justifications of a negative minded person Here come two cases. Either the negative approached person does not seek for logic because his mind does not feel in need of justifications. We can say in this sense he is lack of common sense, hi s mind is devoid of creativity to seek the truth or logic. That implies that such a person is devoid of intelligence required for justifications. Or, in the other case, if he seeks for logic, it would be in his own interest, supporting his views, his decisions and ultimately encourage his own perceptions. So,
Friday, August 23, 2019
Module project Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Module project - Assignment Example The company operates in all areas of oil and gas industry, these areas include exploration of oil and gas, supplies and distribution, marketing, production, refinery, petrochemical development and power generation (McIntosh, 2001). The company is also concerned about environmental conservation, and it has invested heavily on the production, and distribution of renewable energy (Carroll, 1999). It supports initiatives of developing and distribution bio-fuel energy, wind and solar power, and hydrogen energy. Shell has branches in 100 countries, and operates an approximate number of 44000 service stations. The company producing more than 3 million barrels of oil per day, and this makes it second to Exxon Mobil. Due to its massive size, and huge capital base, the company is an important player in the international system. It has the capability of influencing world leaders to enact policies that will encourage capitalism, and liberalization of their economies (Carroll, 1999). Due to its s ize, and the complex business activities the company engages in, the company operates under four main divisions. These are projects and technology, upstream international, upstream Americas, and downstream (Bruijn et al, 2002). The role of upstream international is to manage business operations of shell that are outside the American continent. The division is responsible for identifying new oil and gas fields. It refines crude oil, liquefies it and transports the gas. The division creates the necessary infrastructure required to supply and deliver the oil products of the company to the target market. The division operates through geographic locations, and each location has its own CEO. In some instances, the upstream international unit collaborates with all its geographic units to deliver a service considered essential and important (Bruijn et al, 2002). This only applies when the geographic unit of the company does not have the necessary skills to deliver the service. The Projects and Technology department is responsible for developing new and technological innovative systems, for purposes of improving the efficiency of the organization. The Unit concerns itself with the distribution of the organizations major projects, and it is not restricted to regions (Carroll, 1999). It supplements the technological innovations of Upstream and Downstream divisions of Shell, and it is responsible for providing leadership and advice on the areas of environmental conservation, health, safety, and procurements and contracting. The downstream division is responsible for the production, manufacture, marketing, and distribution of the products and services of Shell Company. The unit refines, distributes and transports crude oil products (Green, 1985). The upstream America is responsible for the business activities of the organization in North and South America. In this region, the organization looks for new sources of oil, and gas. It also creates an infrastructure that has the capability of efficiently transporting the products of the company to its target markets (Jordan, 2001). The division is responsible for extracting bitumen from oil sand. It converts them to crude oil, and thereafter refines them to produce energy. The main objective of the company is to search for oil and gas, and thereafter produce the product, manufacture it’s, and deliver the product to the market. The company also explores for gas, refines it, and transports
Thursday, August 22, 2019
World Literature Group Project Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
World Literature Group Project - Essay Example Sir Thomas Browne was not only a renowned author but a physician too (1605–82), and this preoccupation of his is reflected in his works. His works reflected his viewpoint as a Scientist, physician and psychologist. Many of his essays reflect his interests in nature. From the essays we can also verbally see his interest in pseudo-orthodoxy but how he would incorporate it is an exquisite challenge. His point of view is, â€Å"A curious mix of traditional and non-traditional ideology that never fully becomes one thing or the other in his articulation of it†. (Borderland, 2002) For him there is nothing, which is too big and too small, which is of great importance and which is of less importance. All has a specific place in a Universe, which he tries to visualize and posters as someone align. He never contemplates on the issue of the various steps, which leads to the life’s existence on this earth, but he focused on the external signs of mortality, which are visible to our eyes, and what is in store for us after death. As any other greatest writer he truly contemplates on the aspect that style in the man. He is permeated with the Platonic mysticism, which enables him to visualize this world as the image. And this is his theme, which his implies in his works He thinks that whole world is an image, a shadow of a system created by nature and God- This is a shadow which is invisible but which is pouring us with life and soul. The whole life we are leading is a whole image and a good experience from which is basically a food for us to meditate and ponder upon. The use of sophisticated words, citations, use of metaphors and analogies were quite common among writers of 17th century but Browne was exceptional as he uses them with ardent skill and edge of his mental power. His Religio Medici entails his own religious beliefs and how well to apply these religious beliefs in the world and
Evaluate Goals Essay Example for Free
Evaluate Goals Essay Goal 1 is in accordance with one of the â€Å"six conditions that are necessary and sufficient to achieve therapeutic changes on the part of the client which is counselor congruence or genuineness in the therapeutic relationship†(Crutchfield, et al, 2000). Goal 2 means developing bonds between analyst and client as what Adler had stated: â€Å"Adler’s encouragement skills included demonstrating concern for clients through active listening and empathy, and communicating respect for and confidence in clients†(Crutchfield, et al, 2000). Goal 3 pertains to keeping the therapeutic session simple without minding the time, in accordance to two of the six given conditions necessary for therapeutic changes in client which is: warmth or unconditional regard for the client, and the ability of counselor to empathize with the client. Goal 4 means that I will now concentrate on my fourth goal which is to develop empathy with the client by focusing on the client’s emotions. In psychotherapy, â€Å"empathy refers to â€Å"feeling into†the experience of another person†(Feller and Rocco Cotton, 2003). I believe this is an important step that will lead to the last of the six conditions stated by Adler, which is unconditional positive regard to the client (Crutchfield, et al, 2000). After reviewing my pre-practicum Residency packet, I came into conclusion that my goals have inspired me and will definitely serve as my driving force to enter Residency II.I believe that taking Residency II is what I needed in order to become an expert in my field of study. Bibliography Crutchfield, L. , Baltimore, H. , Felfell, M. Worth, S. (2000, March). Empathic Responding Skills across Counselor Education Training Tracks: A Comparison Study, Journal of Humanistic Counseling, Education Development. Retrieved July 10, 2009, from Academic Search Premier database. Feller, R. , Rocco Cotton, E. (2003). The Importance of Empathy in Therapeutic Alliance. EBSCO Publishing.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
A study into Reflection and the factors it achieves
A study into Reflection and the factors it achieves According to Fish and Twinn (1997) reflection can be defined as systematic, decisive and inspired thinking regarding certain act with the purpose of understanding its roots and procedures. According to Fish and Twin (1997), reflection has three stages- The learning opportunity The collection of information and critical analysis The changed prospective ( Spalding, 1988) So from the stated definition it can be presumed that reflection is a daily process where we reflect as a person in order to face everyday problems and situations. In other words it can be said as moveable processing of beliefs and judgments regarding an incident. So the reflection can be presented as: Considerate reflection (Tickle, 1994) Learning from What is reflection?Experience (Spalding, 1998) Systematic, decisive and inspired thinking (Fish and Twinn, 1997) So the purposes of the Reflective analysis report is to identify gaps between the learning and skills, to analyze multifaceted and testing situations, to analyze the group dynamism and inspect the technique we normally use for decision making. (Bolton, 2001) In order to translate the personal reflection in to formal procedure, Kolbs (1984) reflective practice can be discussed. Experience Action Conceptualization Reflection Figure- Kolbs cycle of reflective practice (Taken from Experimental learning, prentice Hall) Action Here in this applied management project the main action from my point of view is to review the literature on market segment from a consumer managers prospective. Another mentionable action is the analysis and discussion part where I need to analysis the effects of new technology on market segmentation. Experience In case of completing this applied management project, the challenges I face are a lifelong experience to me. This applied management project is intended to imitate a realistic business situation, giving me the opportunity to show my ability in case of using knowledge and expertise obtained through the structure of the program. Through this applied management process I have successfully able to carry forward the learning of realistic business scenario in to the academic field. In addition I have also learned to underline the relationship among the variables of the program by synthesising and discovering new areas in details. Reflection In the academic prospective the true reflection of this project will come when I will receive grades for this module. But the important point for me is the reflection in my career. That means how this project will help me to advance forward to face the challenges offered by the corporate world. Conceptualization My overall impression regarding the writing of this applied management project is that this project will make me stronger and completive before I confront with the corporate world. Chapter-2 Recollection of Experience In order to demonstrate the experience I have faced in case of completing this applied management project, I would like use Gibbs (1998) cycle. Descriptions (What Happens?) Action plan (If it arose again what you will do?) Feelings (What were the feelings?) Evaluation (What was good and bad regarding the experience?) Conclusion Description (What sense can you make of the situation?) Figure- Gibbs (1998) reflective cycle (Taken from A guide to teaching and learning methods, Oxford Brookes University) Stage-1 Description of the event As a part of the post graduate course Msc in Marketing and Business Management I was asked to ask to complete an applied management project as my final module of the masters program. My project topic is on market segmentation and the effects of new technology into its effectiveness. As a part of this event, University authorities organized a whole week of tutor support sessions where topics such as plagiarism and Turnitin UK, discussion regarding the subject matter of reflection report and relevant information for referencing were discussed. That whole week of support session is worked as introductory pillar for this project. Satge-2 Feelings Before the tutor support session, I was very nervous about the applied management project. As I have never done this types of project in my previous academic events. In fact the system of study I have faced in UK is very new to me and that was adding the pressure even more. But after that particular session where the full guide lines about the project was given, I felt relatively relaxed and confident of how I should approach this project. Stage-3 Evaluation After the tutor support sessions I formally started to plan about how to approach this project. At that point of time, I have two and half months in my hand to complete this project. First thing I have done was to prepare the notes about the lecture given at that study session. After that I prepared notes on daily basis. But one bad experience I have felt that when I heard that no formal tutor supports will be given after that particular event. Finally my over all experience at that time was very effective in case of completion of this project. Stage-4 Analysis From the beginning I have prepared a plan regarding how to approach this project. As a part of my plan firstly I started collecting journals on daily basis. On the basis of those journals I started making notes regarding the subject matter. I took help of the hand book in order to break down the report into sub-parts. I also estimate the words allocation for each part. After that I started writing my project. So the experience I have gained in case of preparation of this project will be helpful for rest of my career. Stage-5 Conclusion After the successful completion of my report I can conclude that the challenges I have faced in the time of preparation of this project was to relate the articles of several authors to my designated topic. At the time of preparing this project I felt that the primary data such as questionnaire would make this project better. But we were limited to use only researched based secondary data and that is one of the limitation I have found. Stage-6 Action Plan If I am being asked to prepare an applied management project again in future, I will definitely do that particular task in a different way. Because from my point of view, if I do what I have done previously then I will only have what I have already got. So I will try to reflect the experiences I have gained through this particular project. Last but not the least, from my point of view the reflection cycle will be the same in case of the second task but the approaches, feelings, evaluation and analysis of that reflection will be more mature, as I will have the experiences of writing a reflective report before. Chapter-3 Personal feelings and learning from the experience In order to exhibit by my learning experience at different stages I would like to use Kolbs and Frys (1996) experimental learning cycle. Concrete Experience Observation And Reflection Testing in new Situations Forming Abstract Concepts Figure- Kolbs and Frys experimental learning cycle (Taken form Experimental learning: experience at source of learning and development, prentice-Hall) The four stage of learning will demonstrate how my learning experience converted to reflection in the time of completing this applied management project. The first stage concrete experience gives the learners opportunity to learn at the field level (Kolb, 1996) my learning at the tutor support session was a concrete experience for me. As according to the requirement of our applied management project, we dont need to do any primary research at the field level. From my point of view that was a missed opportunity of gaining concrete experience. The second stage concentrates on Observation and Reflection where a learner seriously considers and remembers about the experience gained at the first stage. (Kolb, 1996) According to my learning cycle, the period when I started to take the notes, regarding what happened to the tutor support session was the observation and reflection period. According to Kolb (1996), the third stage is Abstract conceptualization where learners try to build a mode l or theory based on the observations made at the previous level. With no difference with other learners I have also gone through this stage. The time when I built a format of this applied management project based on the observations made during and after the tutor support period. On that session I also identified sub-sections of the project. At the final stage of Kolbs (1996) learning cycle (Active experimentation), learners try to test the model and plan for upcoming events. In case of my scenario, the period where I was implementing the observations made at the earlier stages and time when I started thinking about this particular reflective report was the stage of active experimentation to me. Chapter-4 Group dynamics and learning from the experience According to, group dynamics can be referred as communication and interpersonal relationship among the group members. Basically it gives the direction, in which a group is formed and functioned. Although this applied management project is an individual task, but in order to facilitate our work we were formed in a group initially by the module coordinator. In order of develop an effective group there are certain stages. (Tuckman, 1965) they are- Forming Storming Norming Performing Adjourning Figure- stages of group development (Taken from Management and Organizational Behaviour, 7th edition, p-532) Forming- This is the first stage when number individuals are bring together for the initial formation of our group. In case of our group, the stages of forming the group took place in the middle part of the tutors support session before we were handed out the AMP project. Storming- In the second stage of group development, the members of the group let themselves know about each other and it is better for any group to give their opinions regarding any particular subject matter. The first storming session for our group held on the last three days of that particular session when students have the accessibility of taking helps from several tutor. On the first day of our meeting we formally get introduced to each other and have general discussion about the project. Norming- This stage of group development involves conflicts and hostility among the group members. As our group members are from three different locations, we have differences in attitudes and norms. In the time of group sessions, we have certain conflicts regarding any particular subject matter but those brainstorming are constructive rather than distractive. Performing- When any group overcome the previous stages of group development successfully, then we can assume that it has developed the structure and cohesiveness to perform. After the general discussion, the first task we allocated to ourselves as group is to collect one journal which relates to our project. Through that activity we formally started performing as group. Adjourning- The final stage of group development was the time when the support session was over. From then we share certain information related to our project through mail and started giving concentration towards writing the project. In order to identify the cohesiveness of our group, factors that are contributing to group performance can be used. Group Size Level of participation in the group Managed Diversity Group Cohesiveness Level of conformity to norms Group Identity Emphasis on goal accomplished Success Figure- Group cohesiveness and performance (Taken form Management and Organizational behaviour, 7th edition, p- 529) Group Size- Our group for this applied management project has consisted of nine members. Five of them including me are Bangladeshi. Two of them from India and rest of the two are from Libya. Managed Diversity- In case of diversity, the more homogenous the group in terms of characteristics such as shared backgrounds, interests, attitudes and values, the more successfully the cohesiveness works. ( Mullins, 2005) In case of our group, the group members are from three different locations and thats why we need to cope up with the diversification factors such shared value. Group Identity Out of nine members of our group five of them including me are Bangladeshi, two of them are Indians and rest of them are from Libya. Success- The more cohesive the group, the more likely to be successful. Success is a big motivational factor in a group. Our main motivation as group is to get good grades in the project from the academic prospective. But from the career point of view the reflection of this group work will be a great lesson for our future career development. Based on those features the following outcomes will come: Level of participation in the group- After the formation of the group, we assign sever task among the group members. All our group members participated equally in the specified task selected by ourselves. For example on the first day of group meetings, we were assigned ourselves to collect a journal each and with the help of those articles we discussed several issues regarding matters related to our topics. Level of conformity to norms- As previously mentioned our group members are from three different locations, we have certain disruptions and conflicts amongst us in regard to certain issues. But those conflicts help each of us as several issues were come out because of those sessions. So although the conformity of our group was low at starting level but we began to jell together as a team as our discussion goes on. Emphasis on goal accomplished- In those group sessions, our main goal was to complete this applied management project on time. But before that we have set certain objectives for our group in order to achieve the main goal. For example we have discussed regarding structure of the project. After that particular group session we focused on our individual task which is to writing the project individually. Chapter- 5 Lessons for future projects Finally from the learning and experience I had in terms of completion of this applied management project, I have generated five lessons which can prove useful for the future projects. Critical Analysis- The first thing I want to mention, after the successful completion of this applied management project, is the analysis abilities. If I wish to do better in such kinds of projects in future, I will need to use the experiences and knowledge gained from this project, so that I can analyse certain issues much more critically and constructively. Synthesis/creativity- After the successful completion of this applied management project, I have understood that creative thinking is very important in case of handling these kinds of project more efficiently. If can synthesise information unconventionally, generate new hypothesis and redefine previous knowledge to develop new ideas, I will able to improve my performance for future group activities and projects. Evaluation of the situation- Another key lesson I have learned through this applied management project is the ability to evaluate certain situation. In order to do well in future projects, I will have to evaluate recent research autonomously, need to use the methodologies appropriately and will have to justify the work of self and others. Enhanced level of confidence- Before the start of this applied management project, I was feeling very nervous regarding the matter of how should I approach this project. But towards end part of this project the lessons I have learned have increased my confidence level to a certain level that will help me in case of handling any future group task or any other individual project. Time consciousness Final lesson I have learned is the time awareness. By completing this project I have learned how I need to utilize the timing factor more effectively. Chapter -6 Conclusion Finally at the end of this reflection report it can be concluded that peoples visualization may vary person to person but its important not to go far away from our main topic. This report is basically the reflection of work that I have done in my main project. Form the word reflection we can presume that it is a middle process of turning experience into learning. (Boyd and Fales, 1983) So form the above definition we can say that reflection is the process through which person can become efficient in one behaviour by repeating the same behaviour again and again or may learned from his previous experiences in order to improve his techniques. Last but not the list, in order to increase generic skills outcomes, presentation and evaluation skills more effectively we need to utilized the concept of reflection in the academic purposes as well as outside the academic field.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Introduction To Slavery In America History Essay
Introduction To Slavery In America History Essay Slavery in America developed its roots way back to when American explorers discovered the new world. As a result, the whites started to use the African folks as workers in their plantations and homes as slaves. The African natives that were taken back to America as slaves were of various ages and sex. The women would work in the homes as cooks and cleaners while the men spent their days in the plantation tending to the crops. The young girls helped with minor house works and the boys were tasked with the duties of bailing the hay and loading goods and crops on wagons. During the civil war, most of the Black men were recruited into the army to aid in the fight. After the fight, the thirteenth amendment was enacted on December 18th 1865 under the proclamation of the then secretary of state. It aimed at abolishing slavery and involuntary servitude of the Blacks. It was the first of the reconstruction acts enacted post the civil war. This amendment was soon after improved by the 14th ame ndment which gave the African Americans citizenship but little constitution rights. This was abridged by the 15th amendment which gave the African American males right to vote in the general elections during the reconstruction era The term reconstruction era refers to the period between 1865 and 1877 after the great American civil war. It is the time in the US history whereby the governments of the various states put in motion efforts in a bid to solve the social, economic and political problems that came about due to the establishment of the 11 confederate states union that had disintegrated before or during the war. It was during this period that the Pres. Abraham Lincoln was assassinated (April 1865) due to his lenient policies and proposed passing of the 14th amendment (1866) which aimed at granting the black Americans full citizenship. This move was called for by the fact that there were newly established states that required governance and the in economic, social and political recovery aspects required that all people work together irrespective of their differences in a bid to achieve growth and development. However, these propositions were met with high disregards from the public; majority of whom belie ved that the blacks were meant to be slaves and had no rights. Consequently there developed riots and black codes which were meant to restrict blacks from their rights especially in the south. The 14th amendment was passed during the reign of President Andrew Johnson. However, the southern states established the Black Codes which refers to the laws passed by these governments in order to limit the rights given to the freed African Americans. The 14th amendment gave the slaves a right to citizenship but the Black Codes prohibited them from voting, jury duty, possessing weapons, testifying against the whites and even working in certain positions secured for the white folks [1] . As a result of this, the radical republicans supported the passing of the civil rights bill which was intended to protect the African Americans from these Black Codes. However in April 1866, Pres. Andrew Johnson banned this bill claiming that America was a land for the Whites and should be governed by the white folks. Additionally, he claimed that the whites are a superior race to the blacks in terms of abilities and intellect. These statements clearly showed the extent of racism and inequality that existed between the two races. The radical republicans were able to yet again pass the civil rights bill in 1867. This move led to the rise of organizations such as the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) whose main aim was to frighten and terrorize the African Americans from exercising their rights (voting). The civil right bill did not suffice in protecting the African Americans from the Black Codes and other forms of racial injustices and inequalities. In a bid to justify these racial tendencies, governments in the US enacted the Jim Crow laws between 1876 and 1965. These were state and local laws in the US that supported racial segregation in public places such as public schools, transportation, restaurants and entertainment venues as well as restrooms for Whites and Blacks [2] . These laws by default resulted in inferior treatment of the Blacks in terms of accommodations, resource allocation, quality of products and services and even prices. Consequently the Black community in the States experienced a number of economic and social disadvantages due to the enactment of these laws in comparison to the Whites. Despite all these hardships, the African Americans still increased in numbers and managed to survive under these conditions. To counter this, the segregation worsened to a p oint where the Blacks were not allowed in some premises owned by whites, localities (residential estates occupied by whites), or even churches. This means that the Blacks lived in different areas away from the White communities and had their own religious and economic systems different from that of the White folks. In addition to this, interracial relationships were prohibited and if realized; punishable by death (blacks). In 1896, the Supreme Court decided that the Louisiana law supporting racial segregation under the doctrine of separate but equal was constitutional. This ruling was brought about in the Plessy v. Ferguson case. According to the Jim Crow laws, transportation of the Blacks was also segregated and as such, they had their own railway cars different from the ones used by the whites. In this case, Plessy a 1/8th black American citizen, was arrested in 1892 for boarding a car designated for the whites. Under the Louisiana laws, he was considered as a black person and as such was arrested for civil disobedience. The case managed to get to the Supreme Court and after a while a vote of 7 to1 majority won the case. In 1879, Plessy pleaded guilty to the crime. This case sealed the foundation of the segregation laws and was used to further justify the segregation of color practiced thereafter [3] . In fact, it clarified the fact that segregation was legal as long as the facilities provided to both races were of the same quality. The southern States however did not provide the Blacks with quality facilities or even equal resources. This case actually justified the separation of race and inequalities in the States up to 1954 when it was overturned by the ruling made by the Supreme Court as pertaining to the Brown v. Board of Education case. In addition to this, the congress passed the freedman act post civil war in March 1865. This act was established in order to punish the confederates who refused to surrender 60 days after the civil war [4] . The act stipulated that the slaves of such people would be freed. The congress therefore established this bureau to help the refugees and slaves left destitute due to the civil war. The main aim of this bureau was to assist these people settle, acquire land and to protect them from their former masters. Additionally, this bureau helped in developing schools, hospitals and other social amenities for the slaves and the citizens who had participated in the war but were displaced or otherwise left penniless by the whole ordeal. However, the Jim Crow laws to a large extent prohibited the effectiveness of this act through the limitations pertaining to land ownership and segregations. These laws had adverse effects on the social lives of the blacks in the United States. They all seemed to fuel racism among the people. Collectively, these laws were designed to oppress the blacks and restrict their rights. As such, there were wide spread inequalities based on color (race). For example, the Jim Crow laws advocated for racial segregation under the cloak of separate but equal doctrine. However, there was no equality especially since the facilities offered to the whites were far more superior as compared to those afforded to the Blacks. Also the fact that the Blacks went to different schools, restaurants, restrooms and even used different transport systems clearly showed increased racism in the United States. In addition to this, they also facilitated the presence of second class status among the races. This situation was mostly brought about by the Black Codes. Despite the fact that the 14th amendment gave the Blacks freedom and a right to citizenship, the Black Codes restricted them to exercise certain rights awarded to citizens such as voting, working in some positions, carrying firearms or even testifying against the whites. Consequently, the Blacks were inferior to the whites and their opinions carried no weight towards the political and social development and growth of the US. The fact that the 14th and 15th amendments seemed to favor the Blacks and abolish slavery did not auger well with most states in the south. As a result, some faction groups and organizations were formed in order to terrorize and oppress the Blacks. One such group was the Ku Klux Klan which was established in 1866 in Tennessee with a set goal to ensure that the Blacks who had won the right to vote in the 1867 elections did not exercise this right. It was a racist group that claimed to undo what the civil war and the voting commissions had done to the US. In 1915, the organization diverted its wrath to the immigrants and Catholic Church who they claimed were anti US activists by supporting the Blacks. The rise of such factions brought about various human injustices like lynching of the Blacks, brutalities some leading to death and various forms of intimidation. For example, if a Black person went into the wrong restaurant owned by whites or was seen talking to a white person, this constituted to a thorough beating or even imprisonment. These acts of lawlessness were further fueled by the fact that even the law enforcement agencies were not fond of the Black communities. Many cases were reported where crosses were burnt in the Black communities by members of the KKK as an intimidation technique used to scare the Blacks from voting or interacting with the whites. In addition to this, the whites used signs and symbols to separate the places that these races were allowed to visit. Consequently, this led to regional segregation whereby markets and entertainment venues as well as residential areas for the blacks were isolated far from those of the whites. In some states, the use of sign s was supported by the laws to further dictate and enforce the segregation laws. After the civil war, most of the blacks demanded for repatriations for the slavery. However these pleas fell into deaf ears and as such, poverty loomed among the Black community. This situation was worsened by the establishment of the Black code laws which prohibited the Blacks from property ownership including land and housing [5] . In addition to this, Blacks under these laws were not allowed to work in certain positions and were left with very few options such as working in the white farms and other odd jobs which attracted very low salaries and wages. On the same note, their businesses could not thrive due to the fact that the whites could not buy from the blacks or even supply them with the products to sell. All these factors led to an increase in poverty amongst the Black community. In addition to this, the Jim Crow laws prohibited the blacks from owning land. As a result, they had no choice but to rent out pieces of land from the whites a fact that led to the rise of sharecropping. This system seemed to thrive since most white farmers had large chunks of land and little money to pay laborers especially after the war. Consequently, they struck a bargain with the black laborers entailing that they attend to the land for a small fee, shelter and basic provisions a factor that seemed to cater for the immediate needs of both races under the prevailing circumstances. To further ensure that the Blacks were occupied at all times, the governments and local states put in place vagrancy laws. These were among the black code laws and dictated that all unemployed or wandering Blacks be arrested. These laws were specifically designed to arrest the Blacks since the penalty fees were too high and most of them could not foot the bill. As a result, they could be sent to county labor or be hired as workers for private people. As such, the laws ensured that there was enough labor to go around for the white farmers. As mentioned earlier, these laws seemed to advocate for racism and segregation against the blacks. As a result, they affected the cultural bearing of the African Americans in all aspects. For example, the racism and segregation led to the establishment of black churches. Since the Blacks were not allowed to attend white churches, they had to establish their own religious foundations. These protestant churches focused on developing hope for the blacks who experienced hardships and oppression for the whites [6] . Eventually, as the churches grew larger, they offered education to their members in a bid to improve their status and chances of bettering their lives. The music developed by the Blacks during this era was mainly of blues and jazz nature. These were somber songs sang to provide hope to the Blacks through the hardships that they faced. In addition to this, the rhythms were thought to have originated from the African continent and were perfected in the states. The Blacks were known to sing as they worked in the fields. These songs were later modified and improved over the years to form the now known Blues and jazz. As per the sports, the African Americans were still segregated and discriminated upon. However, there were some exceptions such as Moses Fleetwood who was known as the first Black player to play the baseball major leagues with the whites despite his race, or other athletes who showed exceptional talent in the sporting arenas. In addition to this, the Blacks also developed their own Negro league which they used to facilitate communication and interactions amongst themselves since visiting each other was risky under the vagrancy laws. The food common to the African Americans was called soul food. The term originated from the fact that the term soul referred to the Black culture for example soul music or soul train. The origin of the food traces its roots back to the African continent and was introduced to America through the transatlantic slave trade in the late 1870s. The cuisine included meals made of sorghum, rice, cassavas and turnips. As such, these meals became the dietary staples common to the enslaved Africans. During the Jim Crow era, education to the African Americans was viewed as a source of inspiration to fight for change against the oppression that prevailed for a very long time. In as much as the Blacks faced various challenges in accessing educational facilities, the church played a pivotal role in providing access to such amenities. The Blacks were realized to be high academic achievers due to their motivation and persistence in a bid to get a better life and to fight for a better future for the generations to come. Due to the oppressive state that the blacks were experiencing in the states, most of them opted to find ways to migrate back to their mother land. The whites on the other hand oppressed and harassed the Black folks with an aim of pushing them back to Africa. As such, the Blacks believed that the whites were superior to them and figured that there would be more chances and opportunities for them back in Africa. Consequently, this led to an increase in migration of the Blacks to other countries such as Liberia where they felt less intimidated by the whites and at the same time got a feeling of belonging after the hard and struggle full life [7] . Conclusion Slavery and segregation tormented the lives of the Africans at the wake of the 19th century. In as much as the 14th and the 15th amendments made attempts to protect and reward the blacks for their efforts, many a white folks still felt superior to them. This led to the establishment of archaic laws and policies formulated to justify the racism and other forms of injustice targeting the Black folks. However, the African Americans surprised the whole world by persisting through it all until such a time that they would realize true freedom and equality among the various races.
Monday, August 19, 2019
My Antonia Essay: Importance of Setting -- My Antonia Essays
The Importance of Setting in My Antonia The setting of the story has tremendous impact on the characters and themes in the novel "My Antonia" by Willa Cather. Cather's delicately crafted naturalistic style is evident not only in her colorfully detailed depictions of the Nebraska frontier, but also in her characters’ relationship with the land on which they live. The common naturalist theme of man being controlled by nature appears many times throughout the novel, particularly in the chapters containing the first winter. The Burden's and the Shimerda's, try as they might, cannot fight the harsh climate of the Nebraska prairie. Rather than attempt to control the environment around them, they must learn to work with it and adjust to make do with what they have. Jim learns this his first winter, as well as the Shimerda's, for they are both newcomers to a strange place. They realize that trying to fight the wind and snow will do more harm than good, and adapt themselves to work when weather permits and hope nature... My Antonia Essay: Importance of Setting -- My Antonia Essays The Importance of Setting in My Antonia The setting of the story has tremendous impact on the characters and themes in the novel "My Antonia" by Willa Cather. Cather's delicately crafted naturalistic style is evident not only in her colorfully detailed depictions of the Nebraska frontier, but also in her characters’ relationship with the land on which they live. The common naturalist theme of man being controlled by nature appears many times throughout the novel, particularly in the chapters containing the first winter. The Burden's and the Shimerda's, try as they might, cannot fight the harsh climate of the Nebraska prairie. Rather than attempt to control the environment around them, they must learn to work with it and adjust to make do with what they have. Jim learns this his first winter, as well as the Shimerda's, for they are both newcomers to a strange place. They realize that trying to fight the wind and snow will do more harm than good, and adapt themselves to work when weather permits and hope nature...
Sunday, August 18, 2019
A Students Comments on Habitat for Humanity Websites :: Sell Websites Buy Web Sites
A Student's Comments on Habitat for Humanity Websites While sitting in my dorm room watching a DVD, I looked around and suddenly realized how lucky I was. I lived in a decent sized room with lighting and air conditioning that I could adjust to make myself comfortable. Then I thought how even more lucky I was to be able to go home too yet a nicer living facility at my own house that I have to share with nobody but my immediate family. It made me begin to wonder how many people there are that do not possess this luxury. That is when I thought of Habitat for Humanity. The only thing that I knew about it was that they built homes for underprivileged families with inadequate shelter. I wanted to see though exactly how this specific organization made a difference in peoples lives. Hopefully my research will enlighten my readers of the living situations of many families around the world, maybe even convincing some to volunteer themselves. Habitat for Humanity is a nondenominational and nonprofit Christian organization(Habitat for Humanity International). It is involved in the manufacturing and building of houses for those in need of an adequate shelter. Habitat for Humanity was established in 1976 and since, has built more than 150,000 attainable, sturdy houses in over 89 different countries(Habitat for Humanity International). This is a very impressive statistic considering all the political and economic issues that are going on in today’s world. No matter where the home is being built across the globe there are three factors that give those in need access to an affordable home like these(Habitat for Humanity International). The website states that the first attribute of a successful and complete home is that homeowners are able to buy their new house at no profit with no interest charged on the mortgage. Secondly, it states that there are trained professionals there to supervise the volunteers and homeowners in building each home. Finally, financial support is provided to the organization by individuals, corporations, faith groups, and others. These three elements contribute equally to the success of Habitat for Humanity (Habitat for Humanity International). Habitat for Humanity has branches that are building right now in towns, cities, and countries all across the earth.
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Evaluate how personal learning and development may benefit others Essay
?Evaluate how personal learning and development may benefit others Personal development is very significant as this builds and helps individuals to achieve their goals, the individual can do this by working to their full potential and as well as set themselves achievable targets that they can achieve by using their potential. Personal and professional development is about the way the individual progresses and develops in a personal professional way. In all career an employer examines this by the employee manger to know and see how she or he has developed in a professional way. An Individual who’s in their last year of college can do this unit personal and professional development. This is good unit as it helps the individual to identify their strengths and weakness and it also helps to improve theses weaknesses. If an individual is not yet aware of their strengths and weakness they will struggle to set themselves goals and achieve what they can to their full potential. An example of this is that in this unit, the individual look at many things such as influences on their studies, performance action plan, researching about theorists like Kolb learning cycle. Also Honey and Mumford and figuring out what type of learner the individual is, for example reflector, activist, pragmatists and theorists. They are a lot of things which can influence individual’s personal and professional development. Examples of this are role models, motivation, experiences in the past, time management, planning and setting goals. An individual develops in different ways as comes across different personal learning experiences. The first and the major influence is motivation . This influence individual’s personal and professional development. Motivation is what drives someone to do something. It is the underlying reason for why people do what they do. A famous quote from zig ziglar â€Å"of course is not permanent but then, neither is bathing, but is something you should do on regular basis†. This quote by American author who’s believes that motivation doesn’t last long but to succeed in life an individual needs to be motivated and keep it their mind at regular basis in order to do well. Past experiences are second influence which may affect individual’s personal and professional development. Past experience is experience which has occurred in past in individual life. This can from time to time stop an individual from personal learning and professional development. Every individual has got a past experience that may affect them from doing their full potential and from time to time this may be an obstacle. In phycology a study which was done which I will explain is Pavlov (Classical conditiontioning). What Pavlov found out that there is a human behaviour is learnt through different reflex responses and many stimulus for example unconditioned stimulus unconditional response, conditioned response and conditioned stimulus. An individual will use their past experience by using classical conditioning. For example an individual has been finding it tough find a job and this is since they haven’t got any qualification as they did not take education serous. At late stage of their individual has learnt is that in order to get good job. They will go back to college and try their best to achieve a good that they can get the qualifications which they need. I am now going to apply classical conditioning, Unconditional response: Is the individual is finding it difficult to get a job because they don’t have no qualification. Unconditioned stimulus: The conditioned response is because they never took secondary school and college serious they are suffering the consequence because they are unable to find a job. Conditioned response: The conditioned response is she is going to back to college and take it serious. Conditioned stimulus: The conditioned stimulus is this individual will remember every time what has happened to them in the past when they haven’t taken The influence that I will looking at which affects individuals personal learning development is role models. Role model is somebody who an individual look up to or someone that has inspired an individuals in their life. When an individual has role models they can great effect on an individual personal learning and development because people look up to others and do what they doing. For example a when a student has no interest for their college. But what this individual has that other individuals are doing their work and less stress. This individual may change in a very positive way by realising what other students are doing role models. An American psychologist had done a study which describes the social learning theory which as observational learning. He explained his theory by putting a giant bobo doll in a room with a child and an adult. During the experiment the adult would violently punch the bob doll, once the adult stop hitting the doll; he realised that the child in the same room as the adult would do the same t thing as the adult done to the bobo doll. This is observational learning and this is because the child witnessed a negative behaviour form seeing the adult. This psychologist has shown that do look at role models Time management is also a great influence on personal learning and development of other individuals. This is because everyone tracks the time in order to do most things work and college, work even sleeping this is clear example which that most things in life, if not all are timed. For example drake a Canada artist said†Better late than never, but never late is better†. This quote reflects the important of time keeping life.
Management Assignment
Assignment File 1 Assignment 1 Due date: 26 November 2012 Coverage: Units 1–2 Length: The total length of the essay-type questions should not exceed 2,000 words. Those exceeding the upper word limit will be strictly penalized. Question 1 (20 marks) For each of the following ten sub-questions, select the best answer. Each correct answer is worth two marks. 1 Basket Maker uses phone surveys to gather customer feedback about service and quality. This is an example of the management function of ________. A planning B leading C organizing D controlling Paul Chan is the President of WV Railroad. His organization faces issues related to the environment, government regulation, and competition. He will need to rely primarily on his ________. A conceptual skills B technical skills C human skills D controlling skills 3 Which of the following is not an example of a constituency that makes up the specific environment? A customers B socio-cultural factors C suppliers D competitors 2 MGT B24 0 Principles and Practices of Management 4 Which of these is a major criticism of scientific management?A It ignored the impact of compensation on performance. B It overemphasized individual differences. C It overemphasized the intelligence of workers. D It ignored the social context of work. 5 Bierderlack has a policy stating that more than three absences in a six-month period shall result in a suspension. Erin, the manager, has just decided to suspend one of her shift employees for violating this policy. This is an example of ________. A a programmed decision B a nonprogrammed decision C an insignificant decision D poor management 6 Kari is a manager at MySize Clothing.Her job is very complex and she feels that she does not have enough time to identify and/or process all the information she needs to make decisions. Kari’s situation is most consistent with which of the following concepts? A bounded rationality B the classical model of decision making C brainstorming D scient ific management 7 Which of the following is an example of a procedure? A Without exception, all employees in customer-facing roles must be formally attired at all times. B Before going on a leave of absence, fill in the application form available on the company’s online leave management system.All applications will be approved/rejected within two days by the employee’s immediate supervisor. C We promote from within, whenever possible. If qualified applicants are available internally, a job posting will be issued by the HR department providing the necessary details about all vacancies. D Employees working with power tools must wear safety glasses at all times. Assignment File 3 8 Sophie is in charge of recruitment at her company. During a particular interview, the first thing Sophie noticed about the applicant was that he was improperly attired.Though the candidate possessed the necessary qualifications and effectively answered all her questions, Sophie rejected him. Th is is an example of the ________. A randomness bias B self-serving bias C anchoring effect D representation bias Read the following scenario and then answer questions 9 to 10: Tom has just been promoted to chief technology officer at his company, Global Tech Solutions, Inc. His first assignment is to identify four project managers in the company who are likely to successfully manage new projects. Tom selects Robert, Frank, Sue, and Jan, who all are recent graduates from a local university.He informs them about a current situation. 9 During a discussion about e-business, Robert tells Tom that he understands that e-business is a comprehensive term describing the way an organization does its work by using ________ in order to efficiently and effectively achieve its goals. A globalization of the marketplace B innovation and growth C electronic linkages with key constituencies D entrepreneurship and leadership skills 10 Discussing the three categories of e-business was not difficult. Tom simply stated that the three categories included all of the following except ________.A e-business enhanced B e-business enabled C total e-business D cross-sectional e-business 4 MGT B240 Principles and Practices of Management Question 2 (20 marks) a In your own words, explain why the Hawthorne Studies were so critical to management history. (10 marks) Read the following article and then answer the questions below the box: News of Steve Jobs’s death on Wednesday, 5 October 2011 drove the Apple Inc. (Apple) share price down more than 5% on the Frankfurt stock market the following morning. Steve Jobs is Apple’s co-founder and ex-CEO.Jobs was ousted from the company in 1985 and went on to operate a new business, animation studio Pixar, before returning to Apple in 1997. Apple was near bankruptcy then and worth just $2 billion. But then it came up with many innovative and popular products including iPods, iPhones and iPads. Jobs is regarded as the mastermind behind this e mpire of products that revolutionized computing, telephony and the music industry. Apple’s stock price has risen more than 9,000% since Jobs returned in 1997. Tim Cook, who took over as new CEO in August 2011, also ended up being the highest paid CEO in America.Cook’s pay package was valued at more than all of the next nine highest paid CEOs of 2010 combined (in US), at about $356 million. Required: Explain whether the stakeholders of Apple Inc. hold the omnipotent view or the symbolic view of managers’ powers. What negative consequence might result from upholding the particular viewpoint identified from the article? (Hint: Your discussion should draw on relevant information from the article such as the stock performance and the pay package for Jobs’ successor. ) (10 marks) b Question 3 (30 marks) Discuss how a manager can make good use of the relevant knowledge about Hofstede’s national culture framework to better manage workers/subordinates who c ame from: i a high power distance culture; ii a low uncertainty avoidance culture; or iii an individualistic culture. (15 marks) Assignment File 5 b Read the following short article and then answer the questions below the box: On 13 December 2011, Hongkong Electric Ltd and China Light & Power HK Ltd (CLP) announced power-rate increases higher than the rate of inflation. Hongkong Electric said it would raise rates by 6. 3%. CLP presented a 9. % increase, effective 1 January 2012. The size of the increases sparked widespread dissatisfaction in the territory. The Chief Executive, Donald Tsang, urged both power companies to consider their social responsibility and to ensure they don’t cause hardship to the public with their proposed tariff increases. Bowing to public pressure, CLP later lowered its planned increase to 7. 4% by deducting the increase for fuel cost. Required: CLP’s action to reduce its planned tariff hike is most compatible with which of the following ideas? Explain and elaborate your view on each idea. social obligation; ii social responsiveness; or iii social responsibility. (15 marks) Question 4 (30 marks) Read the following case and answer the questions that follow: Case: Out of control With a worldwide recall of some 8 million cars and 51 deaths that US regulators say have been caused by mechanical failures in its cars, Toyota Motor Corporation faces a corporate crisis of epic proportions. What happened at the car company that had finally achieved the title of world’s largest car maker? (It overtook General Motors in 2008. ) What factors contributed to the mess it now found itself in?At the core of Toyota’s manufacturing prowess is the Toyota Production System (TPS), which has long been touted and revered as a model of corporate efficiency and quality. Four management principles (the 4P model) were at the core of TPS and guided employees: problem solving, people and partners, process, and philosophy. The idea behind these principles was that ‘Good Thinking means Good Product. ’ Taiichi Ohno, a longtime Toyota executive, is widely credited as the innovative genius behind TPS. During the 1950s, Ohno, along with a small 6 MGT B240 Principles and Practices of Management ore of other Toyota executives, developed several principles of car-making efficiency that became what is now known as lean manufacturing and just-in-time inventory management. ‘Ohno’s ideas not only changed the auto industry, they changed latetwentieth-century manufacturing. ’ At the very core of these concepts were attention to detail and a ‘noble frugality. ’ However, over the years, it appears that Toyota’s executives slowly lost the ‘purity’ of that approach as the once-strong commitment to quality embedded in Toyota’s corporate culture became lost in its aggressive moves to grow market share and achieve productivity gains.From about 1995 to 2009, Toyota e mbarked on the ‘most aggressive overseas expansions in automotive history’ and at the same time had a laser-like unparalleled focus on cutting costs. Four major cost-cutting and expansion initiatives severely strained organizational processes and employees. One initiative was localized manufacturing. Started in the late 1990s, Toyota established manufacturing hubs in Asia, North America, and Europe. Such an approach meant relying more on local suppliers and design teams to tailor cars to local tastes.Another initiative was called Construction of Cost Competitiveness for the 21st Century, or CCC21. It was a massive cost reduction program. Through an ongoing process of redesigning parts and working with suppliers, more than $10 billion of savings were achieved. The Value Innovation initiative was a more ambitious version of CCC21. Under this program, more savings were achieved by making the entire development process cheaper and by further cutting parts and production cos ts.And finally, the Global 15 initiative was a master global plan for attaining a 15% share of the global car market by 2010. As of mid-2010, Toyota had an 11. 7% share of the worldwide car market. However, this ‘combination of high-speed global growth and ambitious cost cuts led to the quality lapses that tarnished the once-mighty brand. ’ Toyota’s president, Akio Toyoda apologized for the company’s actions and said, ‘We pursued growth over the speed at which we were able to develop our people and our organization.I regret that this has resulted in the safety issues described in the recalls we face today, and I am deeply sorry for any accidents that Toyota drivers have experienced. ’ So what is Toyota doing to remedy its problems? In addition to the massive recall, the company’s president says that it is setting up a system to respond more quickly to complaints. In fact, the automaker has promised to give regional executives a bigger r ole in issuing recalls based on local consumer complaints, although Mr Toyoda says that the final decisions regarding recalls with continue to be made in Japan.The company is also holding twiceyearly global quality meetings and more frequent regional quality meetings. And finally, the company is re-committing itself to better training employees in quality control. Assignment File 7 Required: a Using the seven dimensions of organizational culture (Exhibit 2. 5 of your textbook) and information from the case, describe the culture at Toyota Motor Corporation. Why do you think this type of culture might be important to a car maker? 8 marks) How do you think a long-standing culture that had such a strong commitment to quality lost its ability to influence employee behaviours and actions? What lesson can be learned about organizational culture from this? Explain. (8 marks) Taking the company’s stakeholders into consideration, do you think it was important for Mr Toyoda to apologize for the company’s decisions? Why? (6 marks) What could other organizations learn from Toyota’s experiences about the importance of organizational culture? (8 marks) b c d Source: Robbins, S P and Coulter, M, Management, 11th edn, 93–94. Related article: Time Management – Work File Management Assignment Content 1. Introduction 1. 1) About Herbalife 1. 2) Mission of Herbalife 1. 3) Herbalife Way 1. Macro Environmental Factors 2. 4) Political/Legal Forces 2. 5) Economic Condition 2. 6) Social/Cultural Environment 2. 7) Technology Changes 2. Micro Environmental Factors 3. 8) Customer 3. 9) Intensity of rivalry among competitor 3. Four Management Functions that affects the economy 4. 10) Planning 4. 11) Organizing 4. 12) Leading 4. 13) Controlling 4. Conclusion 5. Recommendation 1. Introduction 1. 1) About Herbalife Herbalife is a global nutrition, weight management and skin care company.It runs the business in 84 countries (As July 2011) and distributes the products by approx. 2. 7 million independent distributors. Herbalife recorded 5. 4 billion USD in retail sales in 2011 that surpassing Mark Hughes’s (founder of Herbalife) vision of 5 billion USD. This company was founded by Mark Hughes in July 1980. (cited from Herbalife History) 1. 2) Mission of Herbalife To change peopleâ €™s lifestyles by providing the best business opportunity in direct selling and the best nutrition and weight-management products in the world. (cited from Herbalife Mission) 1. 3) Herbalife WayHerbalife penetrates the market by sponsoring world-class athletes, teams, events around the global such as Lionel Messi, FC Barcelona soccer clubs, 2011 World Football Challenge and champions in more than 15 other sports. (Cited from Herbalife Sponsorship) Herbalife adopted multi-level marketing to distribute their products from independent distributors. 2. Macro Environmental Factors There are many environmental factors that affect the business. Among these factors, we can categorize into two segment- internal and external factors or micro and macro environmental factors.In external or macro environmental factors, following are contains: political/legal forces of the Government, social/cultural environment, economic condition and the technology changes. From the above factors, I want to discuss 4 factors. 2. 1) Political/Legal Forces Political forces are a kind of laws and regulation. This is the level of the government what and how intervenes in the economy. For example, tax policy, tariffs, environmental law, trade restrictions, labor law and what goods and services are provided by the government and what are not and so on. And then the infrastructure of the business and how affect to the health of nation.Laws and regulations are always changing and complex in the economy. For Herbalife, some products cannot import to Singapore because of the law. In this condition, Herbalife should try to discover in another way to export to Singapore that accept from the Singapore Government such produce the product in different way or scrutiny the way of production to get the same effect. 2. 2) Economic condition Economic condition can affect to the company. Economic condition contains economic growth, interest rates, exchange rates, inflation rates and taxation rates. The no ticeable thing is exchange rates.For Herbalife, it is base in US and run the business in above 80 countries. So, Herbalife always deal with exchange rate. Normally, exchange rates are always fluctuating. All countries are also using their own currency. When local currencies devalue in exchange market, this will be a problem. As the prices of the products are fix, the profit will be reduced than original expect. 2. 3) Social/Cultural Environment It is the social aspect or cultural aspect such as health awareness, population growth rates, education, trends, lifestyle changes, attitudes to work, safety, age distribution, leisure activities, career attitude and so on.For example in Singapore, most of senior people willing to work and earn money. Most of companies and organization desire to recruit young and active people. Herbalife reduce this problem by recruiting senior people. In this way, Herbalife penetrates within senior people market. 2. 4) Technology Changes Technological factor also can decide the company profit and standing the company in the business. This factor encloses research and development activities, automation, and technology incentives and so on. It can define the barrier of entry to the market, efficient level of production, outsourcing decision.For Herbalife, they have Nobel laureates to do research their products in their own labs. Herbalife always pressed in Time magazine and magazines in US but they never press and advertise in Singapore. To penetrate Singapore market, they should advertise and press in Singapore’s magazines and newspapers. 3. Micro Environmental factors Internal or micro environmental factors include Poter’s Five forces- bargaining Power of consumers, barging power of suppliers, threat of substitution, intensity of rivalry owing competitor, threat of new entrants. Among them, I want to discuss the following. 3. ) Customers Customers are one of powerful things in the business. They want the highest quality a nd the lowest price. Bargaining power of the customer mean that more than negotiation of the price and broader meaning than that. Customer’s words also helpful and work for the company. Once they satisfy with the products or service, they advise other people to use the product. For Herbalife, customer service needs to be better. They very take care the new customers but not very much to the old one. This fact must be aware because the new or the old both are important for the company. 3. 2) Intensity of ivalry among competitors In earlier economic, rivalry makes the company profit to zero. Today, rivalry makes improve the quality and profit. In business, if competitors produce the same products, the company can learn from the competitor and even can produce better quality of the products. In that condition, the company no needs to introduce the product and only need to advertise and think about how to penetrate and how to get more market shares percentage. 4. Four Management Functions that effect to company There are four main functions which are necessary and essential to be an efficient and effective company.These functions are planning or strategizing, organizing, leading and controlling. 4. 1) Planning It is the first step of the management functions. It comprises three stages of setting the objectives, deciding the action and achieving the goal. There has three kinds of planning which are strategic action plan, tactical action plan and operational action plan. In every action plan of this step, the most important thing is knowing SWOT – strength, weakness, opportunities and threat. As Herbalife, they should analyze these things to be a successful company. For Herbalife, their strength is the products.Herbalife products are very effective and base on the natural things therefore can rely on these products. There are two weaknesses in Herbalife. The first one is that the retail price is expensive for normal-income people and the second one is outsider cannot buy the products without person, who introduces the products as Herbalife term, consultant or sponsor. So everyone cannot buy everywhere. As Herbalife use multi-level marketing, there is no up-front cost, everyone can find part time or full time jobs as sale representatives and make profit themselves.This fact can attract the people to join and participate to Herbalife. In this way, Herbalife expands day by day. There are so many positions or steps in Herbalife such as consultants, supervisor, world team, millionaire team etc. Everyone cannot get these positions. For example, Herbalife does not run the business in Myanmar. So, Myanmar people cannot get this kind of position except from PR. This can affect on motivation of the staffs or employees. 4. 2) Organizing The second step of management functions is organizing.Depending on how the company organizes the resources (such as human resources, financial resources, data from the market and technology from the technici ans) decide the standing of the company in the business and the company profit. Some companies do not set the specific jobs for example, managers do chaos, office staff are fixing machinery broke, and employees are chatting and fighting each other in office hour. In this condition, managers and senior managers can reduce this kind of problems by setting rules and regulations and the responsibilities and prepare the work schedule.The second thing is the time. Most of managers do everything and not sufficient time. Managers can solve this problem by delegation. After that, most companies face with budgeting problems. Managers want to do so many things consequently; they have not sufficient finance in later. These things are making to failure organization. In Herbalife, all stake holders are doing their respective works and always setting rules and regulations and all of the stakeholders must follow. And then, Managers have authority to do and distributors are also as their respective ways.Financial of the company are always growth because of the independent distributors. 4. 3) Leading The third one is leading. It concerns about human resources or employees. According to Gomez-Mejia and Balkin (2012) P. 30, it consists of energizing and motivating the employees, leading or guiding the subordinate to achieve the organizational goal. Not all employees are always motivated. To be an effective business, all employees and subordinates must be motivated and active and the managers are responsible to that.Firstly, manager let the employees know and clear the organization and then motivate to the employees will be the good result such as public Employee of the Month, Employee of the Year, Recognition letter etc. In Herbalife, they have training every month and motivate the people by incentive such as promoting, awarding, increasing the volume point, vacation to worldwide and so on. The bad thing for Herbalife is charge for the training. If he or she wants to attend the t raining he or she must be pay the training fees. 4. 4) Controlling The last step of management function is controlling.It means that monitoring the performance standard. In this step, there are three steps; firstly setting the performance standard, secondly comparing the actual performance to the standard performance and the last is correcting the actual performance to achieve the standard performance. In performance, there are so many factors such as quality performance, customer service performance, and financial performance and so on. To be a successful company in the business, managers should be scrutiny their subordinate and the company performance.In Herbalife, they set the target that how much net sale to be for the coming year. If distributors sales the product surplus, company appreciate and award to the distributors. This is the correcting and performing to achieve the standard performance. Controlling does not mean for only one time. If the companies overcome the standard performance once, set the next standard performance. Most of company looks only for the profit. This makes company to meet failure. Actually, if company meets with the target budget once, look other field to get success such as customer service and so on.Because customer satisfaction is very important for the business in market. 5. Conclusion As I mention from the above, Herbalife is weight-management products and skin-care Company. Today is good time to run the business for Herbalife because fast food outlets are more and more open and changing people eating style from family home dinner to outside food. So people getting unhealthy and obesity rate is very high than the earlier. Time and circumstances are good. For second point of my view, they already expand and popular in above 80 countries.The more expand the business, the more problems will appear. So the company should always test and check their products and emphasize on customer service. Although the product is very good, t he business will fail when customer service is not good quality. The third point is all of the employees, distributors, consultants, and supervisors are very proud to talk about their products. They love very much their company and the founder Mark Hughes. All of them are always motivate and unity. This is one of the ways to be a successful company in business. These are good points of Herbalife.On the other hand, not everybody knows Herbalife products. Only few people know. So, they should do advertise and make people to know their products. 6. Recommendation I can surely approximate that Herbalife will get success in near or further future because people in nowadays want to be slim, looking good, healthy, beauty and earn more money. This company produces weight management products, medicine to prevent diseases such as heart disease, liver disease, cancer, diabetes, stomach ache and so on. For unhealthy or desire to slim person, they will use the products.To earn money, Herbalife c an do as full time or part time distributor or consultant. Their skin-care products are made from aloe vera and natural herbs and things do not put chemical into the products. So their skin care are reliable and there is no side effects. On the other hand, Herbalife products cannot buy in everywhere and anytime. Some products cannot import to Singapore. There are very few Public image in Asian country for example, Singapore. There is no press in Singapore’s magazines or newspapers from the established year of last 9 year ago. There have to pay money for training classes.From my point of view, these things should be shifting to effective ways. They can expand more and more but still need to find out the more effective ways. References http://www. oppapers. com/essays/Environment-Factor/887124 Environment factor http://wiki. answers. com/Q/List_macro-environmental_factors List macro-environmental factor http://answers. yahoo. com/question/index? qid=20100528065638AAQ6Wyo What a re the environmental factors affecting business and the impact of the environment factors affecting it? http://www. quickmba. com/strategy/porter. shtml Rivalry http://www. oup. om/uk/orc/bin/9780199296378/01student/additional/page_12. htm PESTEL analysis of the macro-environment http://www. enotes. com/business/q-and-a/among-planning-organising-leading-controlling-polc-123875/ among planning, organizing, leading and controlling (POLC) what are the two most important process and why? (according to me its planning and leading) http://www. articlegeek. com/business/marketing/pros_and_cons_of_mlm. htm https://new. edu/resources/managing-the-international-business-with-the-p-o-l-c-framework Controlling Books Management People / Performance / Change Gomez-Mejia. Balkin
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