Wednesday, July 31, 2019
The Case of Legalized Euthanasia: Analysis and Insights
Euthanasia, also commonly known as mercy killing or assisted suicide, as defined by any lexicon, would refer to the act of intentionally killing a person in a painless or minimally painful manner so as to end that person’s suffering.The word euthanasia was actually derived from two Greek words to wit: â€Å"eu†and â€Å"thanatos†, which mean good and death, respectively. Thus, euthanasia is also sometimes referred to as good death while in other references it is referred to as easy death.Euthanasia or mercy killing is usually carried out for people who are terminally ill and would want to cut short their prolonged suffering from pain and or for those people who are placed in a situation wherein they have become incapable of making such request for themselves. This group of people would include those whose primary existence is being provided by a life support or vital medication.There are actually various types of euthanasia. This would include active, passive an d physician assisted suicide.Active euthanasia, according to various references, would refer to that type of euthanasia wherein there is a direct action involved in causing an individual to die. To illustrate, let us take into consideration one of the most talked about film of the year, the Million Dollar Movie.In the said film Ms. Maggie Fitzgerald (Hilary Swank) was placed in a situation wherein the only thing that enables her to thrive is by means of a life-support machine. Mr. Frankie Dunn (Clint Eastwood), who was Ms.Fitzgerald’s trainer in the field of boxing, as a response to Ms. Fitzgerald’s request to help her end her suffering actually engaged oneself in committing the active type of euthanasia via injecting a substance which is alien to the Ms. Fitzgerald’s body, thus causing Ms. Fitzgerald’s death.Passive euthanasia, on the other hand, is defined as that type of assisted suicide wherein the death of a person is hastened by deliberately alterin g available forms of life support and letting the individual experience the natural course of death.To illustrate, Mr. Frankie Dunn also exhibited this type of euthanasia by means of taking out the life support machine of Ms. Fitzgerald, thus contributing to her hastened death.Passive euthanasia may also be exhibited by stopping necessary and imperative medical procedures, medications, and the like. Likewise, by stopping food as well as water intake thus allowing the person or patient to dehydrate and or starve to death is also another manifestation of a passive type of euthanasia.Physician assisted euthanasia, in contrast with the other two types mentioned, is that type of euthanasia wherein a professional in the field of medicine makes available to his or her patient the necessary information and or means to cut short the patient’s suffering or life.Due to the fact that euthanasia involves an act that deviates from the natural way of dying, it became a precursor to various ethical, religious, and moral issues. Likewise, since there have been many medical cases that involved the act of mercy killing as well as existing and public policies that legalizes it, strong protests on its practice became prevalent. Should euthanasia be legalized despite the many intricacies and social implications it has created?For the purpose of this paper, the author aims to discuss the nature of euthanasia and the claim of Mr. Robert Dworkin et al. in the compendium entitled â€Å"Assisted Suicide: The Philosopher’s Brief†. Likewise, it is also the objective of the author to make a stand on the legalization of euthanasia and support his claim by citing examples from the movie the Million Dollar Baby and other examples of even nature to critically examine Mr. Dworkin’s claim in his published essay.
Course Project Decision Management 530 Essay
Executive Summary The course project provide me an opportunity to define a decision problem that focus on how to better position and market a new develop hotel product offerings into a matured competitive market. The problem emanates from the action of the stakeholders that revokes a signed contract with Royale Regale Properties a consulting group supposed to manage the hotel for ten years and decide moving into franchise with Marriot Hotels. The revocation came amidst the consulting group preparation to host the city festival in launching the hotel products into the competitive market. To justify stakeholder’s decision, the senior management applies a systematic decision making process of properly defining the problem, clarify objectives, identify alternatives, understanding consequences and constraints. In evaluating the alternatives with concern on costs as cause of revocation, develop three objectives to select the best solution. The objectives focus on operating costs, advertising costs, contract fees and marketing strength becoming twice as important as other objectives. The options focus on management capabilities thus decide on management by contract, moving into franchise, going into partnership with a chain operator or independently manage the hotel by its owners. The management selects the best option, management by contract, considers consequences dealing with uncertainties, applies the company risk attitude, implements the solution, monitors and plan ahead of decisions linked over time. The senior management decides consulting group hosting the city festival will be a better way to position and market the hotel product offerings, seeks to meet the stakeholders for approval to proceed with proper implementation to assess the effectiveness of the decision. Introduction – Overview of Decision Problem This project centers on how to launch Royale Resort Hotels with its new recreational facilities and opulence service into a mature competitive market. The company’s product is the state of art amenities and excellent services to satisfy the leisure and business travelers. The market have the hotel competing with other well-established rivals in the fast changing market place but intend to position itself with its unique features and quality service to differentiate and leverage its competitive edge. The newly developed hotel is centrally located in Stockton city, CA. and ready to be launch into the market in a grand style by hosting the city’s yearly festival slated for July 4, 2013. The hotel is on contract to Regal Properties Group to lead the management team along other hotels managed by the group. Regale Properties has a record of accomplishment of managing hotel chains, based on their experiences is ready to launch the hotel products by officially hosting the festi val as a good marketing strategy. The group resumes its contract six months prior to the grand opening with its management team trained and ready to take off as official sponsor and host of the city festival. Preparations are in top gear with all hotel rooms booked, advertisement and publicity in place, invitations send out to special guests while mementos and brochures already printed. The stakeholders suddenly meet over the turnout of events, revoked their contract with Regal Properties Group to move into franchise with Marriott Hotels to proper position and market the hotel product offerings. Revoking contract has its legal and financial implications. The senior management feels hosting the festival at this time is the best way to position the hotel into the market and fear that changing consulting group now to move into franchise will disrupt present arrangements and not portray a good image for the new hotel. Problem Statement Since the stakeholders revokes their contract with Regale Properties whose strategy is to host the city’s festival as marketing strategy to launch the hotel product offerings into the market and prefer moving into franchise with Marriott for best reasons known to them. The decision problem becomes â€Å"How do we better position and market the hotel product offerings into the mature competitive market?†To better define the problem at hand, we need to identify key decision elements surrounding the problem such as: The general nature of the problem: There is a sudden revocation of an existing contract with a consulting group (Royale Regale Property) to move into franchise with another group (Marriot Hotels). Royale Regale Property already entered into a deal to launch the hotel into the market by being the official sponsor and host of the city’s festival schedule to open soon. Preparations and arrangements are already in top gear as adverts, publicity are on while invitations already send out to special guests or the events. Reservations and bookings of hotel rooms for guests, attendees are in progress, as the hotel rooms are booked. Hosting the event is imminent to the consulting group and its management team. Not holding the event is tantamount to bad image for the new developed hotel while transitioning to franchise is critical to hosting the festival. What event triggered the situation? Launching the hotel products into the competitive market so far will have been ideal but the sudden revocation of contract by the stakeholders resulting from their deliberation after the turn out of events prior to the festival gets everyone panicked. Are we imposing constraints on the situation? There are serious concerns that can pose as constraints regarding the situation at hand. The first concern is the cause of sudden revocation of contract. There is need to ascertain why the contract is revoked. There is need to ascertain when the revocation takes effect, immediately or right after hosting the festival. Confirm the possibility of the management hosting the city’s festival or handing over to new management group. Consider the impact of the contract revocation on the festival and the present management team. Consider the impact of rescinding to host the festival. Consider the response of the city organizers knowing about the recent revocation. Envisage the fears of all invited guests, visitors and attendees. There are other concerns as to ways to handle the publicity, confirmed bookings and reservations. Consider transition into franchise, cost effect of moving into franchise. Consider the possibility of hosting the event before transition into franchise; ascertain the cost of hosting the events if that might be the cause of revocation. Consider Marriott Hotel taking over the events to transcend into franchise, or consider other options. Engage the senior management to brainstorm how to better position and market hotel products into the competitive market. What are the underlying elements of the problem? Positioning and marketing the hotel products centers on people, market share and profit. Hosting the festival is a success factor to better position hotel products in the market by creating awareness, penetrates the market to achieve good market share, enhance revenue and yields more profit. Rescinding to host the festival might leads to guests moving to other competitors within the city, special guests, visitors and other invitees might cancel their bookings and reservations, which might lead to loss of revenue as all hotel rooms have been booked. To rescind the hotel as the official sponsor of the festival might damage the image of the hotel as advertisement and publicity are currently running. The hotel image is important in creating a product brand. Dependencies on other decisions The probability of hosting the festival or moving into franchise to better position the hotel product offerings depends on the outcome of senior management meeting. The success of the festival will better position and market the hotel product offerings. Rescinding to host the festival will damage the hotels image and results in loss of revenue. Moving into franchise after the festivals enhances better positioning and marketing the hotel product offerings. Summary of Key Objectives: The objectives are sub-divided into fundamental and means objectives. The fundamental objectives will help in evaluating and comparing alternatives while the means objectives will assists in generating alternatives and deepens our understanding of the decision problem. Fundamental Objectives| Means Objectives| Objective 1To penetrates the competitive market to achieve good market share.| Means Objective AEstablish a brand. Consider how to build quality product offerings.| | Means Objective BEstablish procedures for hiring experience staff and training to give quality services.| | Means Objective CMaximize management capabilities in operating the business. Consider operation through managed contract or franchise affiliation with high-level brand recognition for the owner.| Objective 2Create awareness by communicating the target market.| Means Objective AEstablish marketing committee to decide on identifying the target market and create brand awareness.| | Means Objective BEstablish committee to consider attracting people to the hotel. Consider different methods of communication, advertising and publicity, holding events in which hosting the festival is a factor or move into franchise.| | Means Objective CEstablish committee to consider the cost of designing a media mix, cost of hosting the festival, cost of moving into franchise.| Objective 3Enhance revenue to yields more profit.| Means Objective AEstablish committee to ascertain cost of hosting the festival and cost of moving into franchise.Establish committee to ascertain the average room rate, occupancy percentage and revenue per available room (RevPar).| | Means Objective BEstablish committee to confirm profits accrue from room sales in hosting the festival and revenue loss that might accrue in rescinding to host the festival.| | Means Objective CEstablish franchise fees, operating costs, marketing costs. Committee review event costs with franchise costs to decide which better profits the business.| Alternatives Description of Alternatives: Identifying alternatives involves the senior management brainstorming and other group members as committees identify ideas and feasible options to defined problem. The feasible options are: Alternative| Description of Alternatives| Alternative 1Management rescinds to sponsor the event and cancel the festival.| Canceling the event is not an option. This alternative does not meet the objectives. Refunding costs for booked rooms will result to great loss of revenue. Image of the hotel is at stake.| Alternative 2Management revoked the contract and move into franchise.| Revoking contracts has its legal and cost implications. The impact on not hosting the event is enormous. Staffs are train and prepare to host the event. Adverts, publicity, brochures, fliers, banners printed, the cost affect is enormous. The alternative does not meet the objectives.| Alternative 3Management revokes the contract after the festival and move into franchise.| Hosting the event is the best option. There is great opportunity in this alternative as adverts, publicity better position the hotel products, create a brand image, attracts people to the hotel, guests will experience quality service. The hotel penetrates the competitive market to have a share.Hotel image creates easy transition into franchise. Reduces operating costs, marketing costs, needs only technical assistance.Helps build a brand that will facilitate franchise negotiations. Hosting the event helps in creating awareness, gives the opportunity to penetrate the market, with hotel rooms fully booked provides profitability to the owner. The alternative fully meets the objectives.| Alternative 4Management revokes the contract approves Marriott to host the festival and transcends into franchise.| Marriott’s fees will increase. Familiarize with management team and other employees will be time consuming. Setting standards in terms of creating logo, design and style will forestall events date. This will lead to incurring additional operation costs. Hosting the festival and transitioning into franchise can be cumbersome. Retraining and rehiring staff to their standards can be stressful.This alternative is not a good option to take.| Selection From the outcomes of the senior management meetings and other group deliberations, it is observe that the stakeholders’ concern were more on costs incurred so far in preparations for hosting the festival. Based on the management decision, the objectives to select the best way to market the hotel product offerings is to review operating costs, advertising costs, contact fees and all agreement terms while determining marketing strength is twice as important as other objectives. The contract with Regale Properties is to manage the property for ten years, 3 – 4% total revenue, 2% incentive fees, high lender’s reputation in providing loan, and high penalty impose on party that initiates cancellation. The managed contract gives owner greater control over physical and operational quality of the hotel thereby protects owner’s trademark and reputation. Franchise agreement will be for twenty years with non- refundable initial fees, fixed monthly fee ranging from 3 -6.5% of room sales, advertising fees, loan assistance, training fees, with owner loss of autonomy and contract terminates when not meet standards. Other options arrived at are maintaining the managed contract with Regale, moving into franchise, going into partnership with a reputable chain operator or independently managed by owners as a liability company. (Retrieve from Allan Stutts, & James Wortman. (2006). Management Contract and Franchise Agreement: Hotel Lodging Management, second edition, p247 – 266). Consequence Table with Original Values: | Alternatives| | Managed Contract| Franchise Affiliation| Partnership| Independently Run by Owners| Operating Costs| $80,000| $200,000| $120,000| $150,000| Advertising Costs| $15,000| $50,000| $20,000| $60,000| Contract Fees| $1.5million| $5million| $1million| No Contract Fees| Marketing Strength| 2| 1| 3| No Marketing Strength| Scoring Model: The table shows the ranking of all objectives with one as the lowest value, four as the highest value. | Managed Contract| Franchise Affiliation| Partnership| Independently Run By Owners| Operating Costs| 4| 1| 3| 2| Advertising Costs| 4| 2| 3| 1| Contract Fees| 2| 1| 3| 4| Marketing Strength| 3| 4| 2| 1| Score| 13| 8| 11| 8| Legend: 4 = Best Option, 3 = third best, 2= Second best, 1 = Worst.| Weighted Scoring Model: | | Alternatives| | Weight| Managed Contract| Franchise Affiliation| Partnership| Independently Run by Owners| Operating Cost| 20%| 0.8 | 0.2| 0.6| 0.4| Advertising Cost| 20%| 0.8| 0.4| 0.6| 0.2| Contract Fees| 20%| 0.4 | 0.2| 0.6| 0.8| Marketing Strength| 40%| 1.2 | 1.6| 0.8| 0.4| TOTAL| 100%| 3.2 | 2.4| 2.6| 1.8| Legend: 1 = Lowest Value, 4 = Highest Value.| Eliminate dominated alternatives After more deliberations with all appointed committees to deliberate on the necessary objectives by the senior management, the available options to better position and market the hotel product offerings zero down on management team capabilities of managing the hotel products. However, when apply weight to the values, franchise dominates the idea of independently managed by owners hence eliminates the idea. Identifying Tradeoffs Using Even Swaps Swapping the available options, managed by contract exceeds all other options and appears to be the best alternative. Consequence Managed by contract appears the best alternative to position and market the hotel products as having a brand name is paramount in having a market share. The contracted group will bear all costs and expenses but attains its profit through gross revenue; the brand image of the chain operator will be of more advantage. The senior management continues to battle with several issues as risks, uncertainties and probabilities to better position the hotel products into the competitive market or move into franchise affiliation. Their objectives are to achieve a good market share, create a brand image and maximize profitability. Some of the consequences envisage are: * Management holds festival before revoking the contract. Can this help in penetrating the market to have a good market share. Based on relevant information from the senior management, there is high possibility of hosting the event to attain good market share. * Stakeholders rescind to host, sponsor the festival and therefore cancel the festival. Canceling the festival creates bad press that might affect the hotel’s image. With the available facts, it is highly observed that the city festival will not be cancel. * Stakeholders might move into franchise affiliation. Reviewing the budget costs, moving into franchise involves additional fees as training fees, advertising fees and monthly fees. Based on the management analysis, there is likelihood that it might affect the profitability. Thus highlights a risk profile to identify uncertainties and probabilities. Risk Profile: Uncertainty: Uncertainty 1| Outcome:| Chance| Consequences: | Host/Sponsor City festival| 90%| Achieve Good Market Share| Not hosting/Sponsor City Festival| 10%| Achieve no Market Share| Uncertainty: Uncertainty 2| Outcome:| Chance| Consequences: | Cancel City Festival| 10%| Lead to bad press| Not Cancel City Festival| 90%| Lead to Good Press| Uncertainty: Uncertainty 3| Outcome:| Chance| Consequences: | Move into Franchise| 80%| Increase Operating Costs| Not Move into Franchise| 20%| Decreases Operating Costs| Risk tolerance High Risk: Outcome| Gain| Probability| Expected Value| Host /Sponsor the City Festival| $9, 000 | 90%| $8, 100| Not Cancel City Festival| $9, 000| 90%| $8, 100| Not move into Franchise| $2, 000| 20%| $ 400| Total| | | $16, 600| Low Risk: Outcome| Gain| Probability| Expected Value| Not Host /Sponsor the City Festival| $1, 000| 10%| $ 100.00| Cancel City Festival| $1, 000| 10%| $ 100.00| Move into Franchise| $8, 000| 80 %| $6, 400.00 | Total| | | $6, 600| By using this concept, the management is able to evaluate which of the three alternatives will yield best result while factoring uncertainties that exists. In this case, the high risk has the best expected value. To ascertain the risks and probable of uncertainties, management will have to picture the risk profiles with a decision tree and decide to hedge likeable risk and insure the hotel products against future risks. Decision Tree Host Festival Host Festival 90.0% 0.9 9000 8100 Cancel Festival Cancel Festival High Risk High Risk True 90.0% 0.9 16,600 9000 8100 Franchise Franchise 20.0% 0.20 How to better position and market hotel product offerings How to better position and market hotel product offerings 2000 400 Host Festival Host Festival 10.0% 0 1000 100 Cancel Festival Cancel Festival Lower Risk Lower Risk False 10.0% 0 6, 600 1000 100 Franchise Franchise 80.0% 0 8000 6400 (Retrieve from Week 5: Group Decision Making – Lecture. (NEXT (a4f7ff0b65))/Main/Course Linked Decision To better position the hotel product offerings, management will have to leave all options open by operating a flexible plan. The immediate problem is to launch the products into the competitive market, communicate the products to the target market and create a brand image. Consequent plans will be to move into franchise after attaining a brand; this will boost sales revenue and automatically improve profits. (Retrieve from John, Ralph & Howard. (1999): Smart Choices). Implementation, Monitoring and Control To implement the chosen decision, senior management will brief all parties involved with up to date information. The senior management meets with all committee heads to assess the chosen option against foreseeable risks or bias. In this case, senior management feeds back the stakeholders as per the research, outcomes, consequences and benefits of the chosen option. To better clarify issues, opinions of legal experts will be inquire to put management at a desired advantage. Hosting the festival is imminent in launching the products into the competitive market, thus stakeholders will honor Regale Property Group to host the city festival as the official sponsor for the event date 4 July 2013. The trained team from the operation managers, middle managers and supervisors will oversee the trained personnel to deliver best services to guests by turning guest services into a memorable experience that will bring about a repeat visit. Senior management is to review subsequent plans, ensure proper communications, effective supervision and proper accountability to ensure success of the plan. Summary Making tough decision problems poses few difficult problems, while applying a systematic approach helps focus on tough elements to resolve problem easily. The decision of revoking the contract to move into franchise poses a tough decision problem on the management but save for the senior management ability to resolve issue by applying a rational approach. The management was able to address the right decision problem, clarify the objectives, develop creative alternatives and ascertain consequences of their decisions. They eliminate poor alternatives, deal with uncertainties, consider their risk – taking attitude and develop flexible plan to deal with linked decisions ahead of time. (Retrieve from Frumi Rachel (2010). A Practical Guide to Making Better life Decisions: Smart Choices). Conclusion With great success of hosting the city festival holding on Fourth of July, the quality of guest services will attract customers to bring about a repeat visits. Their standard rooms, food services and recreational facilities with quality service exhibit by the trained staff will create the brand to attain expected market share. The quality service and product will leverage the hotel edge in the competitive market. As the hotel becomes well known and attain more sales the precedent to future plans in maximizing profits is foreseeable. References Allan T. Stutts. & James F., Wortman (2006). Management contract and Franchise Agreements: Hotel and Lodging Management, second edition, p.247 – 266 Frumi Rachel (2010). A practical Guide to Making Better Life Decisions: Smart Choices John S. Hammond, Ralph L. Keeney, Howard Rafia (1999). Smart choices, Harvard Business School Press Culled from Week 5: Group Decision Making – Lecture: Decision Tree.
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Analysis of Arthur Miller’s Presentation of Abigail Essay
Arthur Miller wrote the play â€Å"The Crucible†in 1953 which was in the middle of the McCarthy political ‘witch-hunt’ in America. However the story had appealed to the playwright for many years, therefore ‘The Crucible’ can be described as a political parable as it was inspired by the decade of McCarthyism. Miller wrote the play set in an area of Massachusetts called Salem in 1692 where some adolescent girls were dabbling with supernatural powers and witchcraft. They were eventually jailed and the jails were filled with men and women accused of witchcraft. Ultimately twenty people ended up hung. The inhabitants of Salem were rigid in their interpretation of the Bible, believing in witches and the Devil. They believed also that the Bible instructed them that witches must be hanged. This relates to the McCarthy trails that were happening in the USA during the 1950s as the trails were about the admission of adherence to communism, consequently witnesses were brought before the committee to name names. This naming approach was very similar to the process of witch trials; Miller then began to relate this to the public confessions as parallel with the naming of names at Salem in 1692. Subsequently Arthur Miller wrote a play in relation to this and uses Abigail to convey similar ideas to the McCarthy Trials in the 1950s. In the McCarthy trails the only way to clear your name was to name members of the extremist party, but even still a person’s reputation would be extremely tarnished. Therefore I will be looking at the presentation of Abigail and how it conveys this idea, in relation to the McCarthy Trials. During the beginning of Act One we discover Abigail is a girl who can’t be trusted and people don’t believe her. Paris refers to her as a ‘child’ so she is assumed as being young and questioned over how she can make up so many lies. From being referred to as a ‘child’ the audience makes an assumption that Abigail acts younger than her age and there is immense significance of this quote as she is referred to as a ‘child’ more than once and by different characters. Abigail has endless capacity for dissembling so she is a brilliant liar and doesn’t know when to stop. Her lies in this particular scene appear not to be very convincing as she is worried and anxious; hence she is lying for a way out. From this Abigail could be presented to be small and weak as she is forced to sit in a chair while Parris towers over her and doesn’t take any action of rejection. Parris is threatening Abigail to tell the truth as she is a compulsive liar; consequently it is extremely hard to get her to tell the truth. Our impression of Abigail develops later on in Act One as she loses her innocence since she becomes no longer believable to the audience, her lies are over looked by them as they realise she is withholding the truth. When Proctor enters Abigail starts to become nervous which is highlighted from her reaction whilst she is alone with him and he says ‘Ah, your wicked yet, aren’t y’! ‘ Abigail reacts with a nervous ‘laughter’ and becomes frightened of Proctor. Consequently Proctor acts powerful and continues to act powerful and dominant towards Abigail by forcefully saying ‘child’ to Abigail to give recognition of her still being a child, this is the second time that Abigail has been called a ‘child’ by different characters highlighting the importance. While Abigail does react angrily and infuriately to appear powerful and gain control over Proctor, her reactions are childish, she moans when she doesn’t get her own way, so she acts like a little ‘child’ which is why she is being called a ‘child’. This part of the play is foreshadowing events to come, we know that she is going to eventually turn wicked and evil so her innocence is lost as we realise that she will later turn wicked as the wickedness can be used as a way out. When Abigail is alone with the girls she takes control of them and becomes the leader of the group and the girls begin to look to her for an answer so they look up to her. They follow her lead so she has the power of the group. She gains this power of the girls by saying ‘I will come to you in the black of some terrible night and I will bring a pointy reckoning that will shudder you. ‘ Abigail threatens the other girls so they are so frightened of her that they follow her lead, this becomes clear nearing the end of Act Three. The word ‘shudder’ is onomatopoeia and this adds dramatic affect and gives you a real sense of the word and makes it come to life and sound real. It is this word order which Miller uses that makes you really think that this is going to happen if the other girls do not obey her. The adjectives used during this statement from Abigail are ‘black’ then ‘terrible’ and ‘pointy’ these are all threatening adjectives and are the type of words that you would visualize when a murder was taking place so this intensifies their anxiety. During this scene the audience discover just how devious and manipulative she can be, in this instance she shows this by being threatening and dangerous to the other girls. Danger changes sides towards the end of Act One during Abigail’s questioning as she starts to become frantic. She begins rushing out excuses as quickly as possible to conceal her lies, as she comes dangerous close to being exposed. Abigail is scared of the fact that if people don’t believe her, then she will be caught in the act of lying, she is anxious about this. Furthermore Hale says ‘perhaps some bird invisible to others comes to you’ thus implying an insight to the deviousness of Abigail. This provides inspiration later for Act Four; therefore implying Abigail is not innocent and is an untrustworthy character with a deeper meaning, perhaps Abigail is lying. Abigail proceeds out of this situation by catching on to the circumstances there are in hand and uses them as weapons to propose the excuse of making herself look like the victim in this entirety. Consequently people can’t accuse her, which because of her selfish behaviour leads her on to accusing Tituba by saying ‘She makes me drink blood! ‘ This describes Abigail’s destructive nature and the deviousness of Abigail’s thinking put into practice. From this I can call Abigail opportunistic as she has seen a way out; she has explored it and taken it. While this is selfish behaviour, it is certainly a very clever move by Abigail to relieve some of the pressure from her and give her a chance to think about what she is going to say next. The audiences’ response from this action taken by Abigail is that it is ludicrous that she can accuse somebody and say a few words and make the court believe her. This links in with the McCarthy trials because all the court was interested in was names and they were so desperate for a name that once one was named with a motive they seized it.
Monday, July 29, 2019
Human Resource management PBL 3 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Human Resource management PBL 3 - Essay Example Their performance can spell a difference between a business’ failure or success especially in today’s very competitive environment (Guld 2007). Business organisations with a committed and motivated workforce does not only have higher productivity but also ensure the viability of the business in the long-run. Such, it is critical that businesses should motivate its workforce not only for them to commit and perform but also to keep them in the organisation. Keeping valuable employees motivated in an organisation is not only intended to make them commit and perform but also to keep them over the long haul (Frasch 2010). There are many implements used by business organisations to motivate their employees. The most common notion about motivation is to shower them with fat paychecks but this proved to be inadequate in keeping employees motivated (Herzberg 1987). As what organisational theorists have reported, committing employees to perform towards a common goal involves an i nterplay of various factors that involves not only remuneration, but also the social and psychological dimensions of work that keep employees motivated and thus, productive. ... ate employees to encourage commitment and performance among employees was first conceived by management classical theorists such as Taylor, Maslow, Mayo, McGregor, Vroom and Herzberg. While modern management and organisational theorists will argue that their concepts of motivating employees to commit and perform are inadequate, it cannot be denied that these classical theorists provided the basic building blocks of the know-how to motivate employees. From a simple idea of Taylor that adequate remuneration motivates employees, it later expanded to include the other dimension of human needs and aspects with the aim of fulfilling these needs that would enable employees to commit to the organisation. Such, it would be necessary to cite and expound the ideas of these classical theorists for us to better understand the motivational implements used by modern organisation whose concepts can be traced back to the ideas of these classical theorists. The classical theorists of motivation a. Fre derick Winslow Taylor’s Principles of Scientific Management Taylor first conceived the idea that workers are mainly motivated solely by wage. He posited that management has to possess the control and knowledge of the methods of production so that it would have a greater control of achieving efficiency in an organisation that includes motivating its workforce (Jaffe 2008). For Taylor, the breaking up functions into small quantifiable tasks is necessary to make the time-piece rate pay possible that will encourage employees to work harder if they can see that they are being paid with more work (Taylor 1911). This theory assumed that employees are more motivated with more pay and confined motivation to solely addressing the economic needs of a business organisation’s employees. Old as it
Sunday, July 28, 2019
Assessment 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 1
Assessment 2 - Essay Example raditional operation of open market policy, whereby the federal government buys and sells securities to change money supply to keep federal fund rates at a specified target value (Carbaugh, 2013, p. 361). Historically, researchers perceived QE as being negative to the currency because increase in supply of money may lead to inflation thus devaluing state’s currency (Yotov, 2013). However, in recent years there have been arguments suggesting QE is not necessarily bad for the currency. These arguments imply that there are benefits to QE when its usage is for the creation of inflation to avoid deflationary periods in the economy. This leads to quick economic recovery after a prolonged recession (Yotov, 2013, p. 64). According to Carbaugh (2013, p. 361), QE is not an exact science and there exists a debate on its effectiveness or lack thereof. Nevertheless, QE is a last resort measure used to stimulate the economy. The US Federal government has utilized quantitative easing several times. The first time was in 2008 that extended until March 2010. The original value was supposed to be $600 billion but in the end, the Fed had used $1.75 trillion (Costa, 2014). This Fed spread the amount on the mortgage-backed securities and the Treasury notes. The second quantitative easing included adding $600 billion in form of Treasury securities, which are long-term in nature (Costa, 2014). The Federal purchased the Treasury securities from November 2010 to 2011 June. The quantitative easing had several effects on the US interest rates and money market (Costa, 2014). The first effect of the QE was that it resulted to a surge of stock prices. When the Fed announced the first QE, money market experienced a big rally in the prices of stock. The S&P 500 gained by 36.4 percent when it elevated from 857.4 to 1,169.4 (Costa, 2014). The increase was from 25 November 2008 to 31 March 2010. The second QE fuelled the rally even more as the S&P 500 gained by 26 percent when it increased
Saturday, July 27, 2019
Jesus came preaching the kingdom of God, but all Paul left us was the Essay
Jesus came preaching the kingdom of God, but all Paul left us was the church - Essay Example This paper will look at the statement Jesus came preaching the kingdom of God, but all Paul left us was the Church and give reasons for either agreeing or disagreeing with the statement. I disagree with the statement Jesus Came Preaching the kingdom of God, but all Paul left us was the church. This is because both Jesus and Paul taught identical things. Settled, Paul concentrated more on theological concerns than Jesus did, but there is nothing that Paul said that is contradictory to Jesus Christ. Therefore, both Jesus and Paul preached the kingdom of God. As recorded in the Gospels, the basic elements in the preaching of Jesus Christ include, one, his teaching on wealth in which He asserts that it is extremely difficult for a rich individual to go to heaven, and also warns against the gathering of riches on a number of occasions. Two, Jesus gave teachings regarding violence. Finally, Jesus gave teachings regarding compassion and forgiveness (Shillington 17). On the other hand, Paulà ¢â‚¬â„¢s teachings included, one, his teachings on faith. Two, Paul taught the lordship of Christ in his letters. Finally, Paul taught justification in his letters. Jesus claimed in Mathew 5:17 that He did not come to put an end to the Prophets or Law, but He had come to fulfill them. Nonetheless, Jesus frequently re-interpreted the laws, or added to them, in various occasions in extremely radical manners. Paul marked a continuation of the message of Jesus. In Mark 10:25 Jesus claimed it was effortless for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to go into the kingdom of the Lord. Jesus continued to claim that the sole way a rich person could go to heaven was if he could sell all his wealth and give it to the less fortunate (Shillington 18). This statement meant that the Lord would only inspire a rich person to modify his way of life and voluntarily give his wealth to the less fortunate. In addition, Jesus Christ, in a number of instances, warned against the accrual of riches. In Mathew 6:19 Jesus asserted that people should not gather wealth on the universe. He also went ahead and claim that a person did not have the ability to both serve God and money. Jesus did not approve of wealth because he presumed that it was not right for a number of individuals to starve while others lived in wasteful luxury. According to Paul, the followers were to attempt to accumulate spiritual wealth, and as the command progressed, it is evident that the followers were to put their material possessions to use in this endeavor. In Paul’s view, the material wealth of the followers was to incorporate a special duty (Horrell 30). For the followers, the standard Christian life of virtuous duties should entail sensible manifestations of generosity and the eagerness to share. Paul also claimed that since all the rich had came from the Lord, they were to possess a proper opinion of their riches and utilize it to help the less privileged. Paul envisaged a s tewardship of the commodities of the world, and the people blessed with these possessions were to be conscientious administrators of the wealth. On violence, Jesus taught that people should love their enemies. This statement has been interpreted in a number of ways. A number of individ
Friday, July 26, 2019
Discussthetraitsapproachtotheentrepreneurialpersonalityandthereasons Essay
Discussthetraitsapproachtotheentrepreneurialpersonalityandthereasons why it fails to properly predict the behaviour of entrepreneurs - Essay Example Traits can be defined as habitual behavioural and thought patterns of people. Traits have been measured to reflect how much of a particular trait does a specific category of people reflect. This also implies that individuals that behave in a similar fashion can be compared and norms for various categories of people can be identified based on trait patterns. The trait approach has set down these patterns for entrepreneurs (Okhomina, 2010). The trait approach has set down certain parameters based on this very measurable feature of behavioural pattern and the paper seeks to study this approach. It moves on to explore the drawbacks of the trait approach and discusses the reason behind the failures of the theory. Entrepreneurship can be narrowly defined as a person who establishes and runs his or her own business. An aspiring entrepreneur is a one that hopes to establish and run his or her own business at some point in time. Entrepreneurship can also be defined as creation of something that adds value with appropriate time and efforts going towards its development. This definition assumes that personal satisfaction and monetary gains are rewards for various risks (social, physical and financial) undertaken. Entrepreneurship and the entrepreneur have changed that path for markets and economies. They have contributed in developing new services and products and have given way to creativity and innovation that made economic development and prosperity possible. It is because of this importance that entrepreneurs hold in shaping the economic future of the country, that studies have been conducted to study entrepreneurial behaviour and define traits that would in turn help in developing entrepreneurial ability in the nations. There are many traits for an entrepreneur but the trait that has been identified as one of the critical ones is the ability to identify opportunity and making profits
Thursday, July 25, 2019
Style and history Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Style and history - Assignment Example Moreover, this era’s furniture was durable (Victorian Interior Design.2014). Fabrics used during the Victorian era for the bedroom mainly consisted of polyester, velvet, brocade and damask. Heavy embroidery was also used because of the preference in ornamentals. Muslins and chintz were also used mainly in summer in the Victorian era. The widely used colors in the Victorian era were deep red, gold, and dark green. These deep colors were usually mixed together for dramatization. For example, the Victorian era decorators would use corresponding and contrasting colors together (Plante, 1995). Window treatments in this era consisted of curtains and draperies. These were made from heavy and large fabrics. The designs of the curtains were pleated and put inside golden made curtain rods. Since the Victorians loved magnificence, the silk or wool fabrics were mixed with the curtains. Victorian era lighting was decorative and captivating. They mainly used chandeliers, table lamps and tiffany lamps. Candelabras were also big in this era and were decorated with brass or Marble on the edges to illuminate with the light and give beautiful light. Victorian Interior Design Ideas - Get an Authentic Look. (n.d.). Interior Design it Retrieved October 21, 2014, from
Is information society the consequence of a revolutionary change from Essay
Is information society the consequence of a revolutionary change from previous social relations or has there just been gradual evolution - Essay Example An information society would be meaningless if it is following a set agenda. This could be a politically backed agenda or could derive its motivation from a number of different areas, most of which remain within the state itself. The society has a very pertinent role to play as far as the information spreading regimes are concerned. If the society is naà ¯ve and does not actually know what this information would do towards their own lives, it would be safe to state that such an information society is serving the cause of absolutely no one. Propagation of political thought within an information society would be equivalent to meeting an objective or a goal which is intended and hence motivated in such a manner that it changes the perceptions of the people. Following an agenda within an information society is therefore filled with different dispositions, all of which have an important role at understanding the dictum of bringing in a social change, one that is either of a short-term na ture or meant to bring a long run progression. Then there is the important discussion of political tilts getting shifted through the incorporation of media outlets and under such aegis, an information society would only work best towards providing that competitive advantage that has been envisaged.
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
4 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
4 - Essay Example Illegal file-sharing and ripping of music files is pervasive, out of control and oh so criminal. Many artistes, especially the new, less-established artists, are in immediate danger of being marginalized out of our business. Ripping is stealing their livelihood one digital file at a time, leaving their musical dreams haplessly snared in this World Wide Web of theft and indifference. (Greene, M) The fact that the Recording Academys leader would say something this serious on an occasion as joyous as the Grammy awards, indicates that the music industry knows that it is indeed, in dire straits. In 2001, more blank CDs were sold than CDs that already had music recorded on them. This was probably because a lot of people were downloading music files In the study of traditional ethics, the starving man depicts the classic problem. Is it ethical for a man who is starving to steal food because he has no money? This can be directly interpreted into whether a person is right to steal music it if he feels that the music is too expensive for him to buy. The topical escalation of media coverage besieging the demise of Napster has instigated widespread debate over the implications file sharing and the Internet will have for the record industry. The Napster software allowed its millions of users to share and download music mp3 files, which are of near CD quality, from each others hard drives. This infringed copyright laws and provided a very real threat to both musicians and record companies alike. In response Napster was sued by the American heavy metal band Metallica, and then taken to court by The Recording Industry Association of America; where they were subsequently ordered to cease operating. ( Even after a verdict like this, many of these companies, like imesh, limewire and Kazaa continuously offer facilities for file sharing, and some also grant
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
Impact of London Olympics 2012 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Impact of London Olympics 2012 - Essay Example The 2012 Olympics will give a fillip to the London economy, and it is a major opportunity for all organizations in the metropolis. Stadiums, swimming pools, courts, residential accommodation for athletes, officials and for spectators spring first to mind when most people think of the economic fall-out of a city being chosen for the Olympics. Physical assets have limits in reality, for returns cannot be achieved without qualified, skilled, experienced and motivated teams of people. The 2012 Olympics is a challenge for Human Resources Management, as much as it is a chance for civil engineers and architects to get busy! The Olympics represent an acute opportunity that comes to a city for about a week like a comet, once in decades! It nears years of careful preparation, with a full agenda for Personnel departments. Every function tends to inflate its own importance, but even those who are not full-time professionals from the Human Resources field will agree that finding and retaining people of the right caliber is going to be a major obstacle to be overcome, for any London institution to reap the rewards of their h ome city being selected for the 2012 Olympics. This document attempts to develop some key policies for a chosen London organization, so that it prepares for this major world event. Every metropolis has an aquarium, and London is not lacking in this respect. The London Aquarium has an especially spectacular collection, and a central location that puts it in the path of major tour operators and individual tourists alike. It has certain appeal for all the people who will come to London to watch some part of the Olympics. The 2012 event promises to be a chance for the London Aquarium to experience a surge in revenues if it is able to gear up for the flood of visitors who will descend on London from all corners of the globe. Young people from parts of the United Kingdom other than London itself will be amongst the most prized
Monday, July 22, 2019
Judging Words Not Fidgets Essay Example for Free
Judging Words Not Fidgets Essay â€Å"Judging Honesty by Words, Not Fidgets†is a short essay written by Benedict Carey. It explores how in police interrogations, interviewers can use words to decide if people are lying more than looking at their physical movements. Traditionally, police have used lie detector tests and underhanded techniques to force suspects and witnesses to give confessions. This author cites research and experiments to show that analyzing how a witness communicates can be indicative of his/her honesty. This essay explains how different, less aggressive interrogating techniques, can be more helpful than forceful types of questioning. It points out that sometimes suspects can learn to â€Å"cheat†on a polygraph and that liars may not have different body language than those that are being truthful. This essay has many strengths. One is the author’s use of entertaining phrases and questions at the beginning, which helps to engage the reader. Anybody that has watched Law and Order or CSI has seen the type of interrogation where the police lie to the suspects to get them to confess. The opening makes a connection with the reader in an entertaining way and that is a strength of this essay. There are also many examples of research that have been used to tell if people are lying; this indicates that the writer is informed and makes him credible. The reader has confidence in the author’s information. This essay is short and easy to read, which is a huge positive. When essays are long, they tend to take the reader out of the mindset needed to maintain interest. The author points out how police are altering their techniques to make use of this research, so the application aspect of this research is interesting. While there are many strengths to this essay, there are a few weaknesses as well. The biggest weakness is in the amount of time spent reading names of psychologists and researchers that have studied body language, interview techniques, and lying. While it is understood that it is a requirement that researchers’ names be cited, it takes away from the entertainment value and becomes more like reading a research paper and can be boring in those sections. Another minor weakness is the mention of the TV show Columbo at the end of the essay. While the character in that show may have used some of the techniques from the research, many contemporary readers may not be familiar with him. â€Å"Judging Honesty by Words, Not Fidgets†is a short, easy read. It is also very interesting since most readers have seen police interviews on TV and in the movies and are familiar with some of the techniques fictitious officers use. Also, with all of the reality shows on TV today, many readers may have seen real interviews taking place. With readers having some knowledge of the topic, it is very interesting. While there are a few minor weaknesses of this essay, overall, it is entertaining and engages the audience. Works Cited Carey, Benedict. Judging Honesty by Words, Not Fidgets. 2009. The McGraw-Hill Reader: Issues across the Disciplines. Ed. Gilbert H. Mueller. 11th ed. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2010. 9-12. Print.
Sunday, July 21, 2019
Haagen Dazs A Successful Ice Cream Brand Marketing Essay
Haagen Dazs A Successful Ice Cream Brand Marketing Essay Haagen-Dazs is a successful organization which is an ice cream brand owned by General Mills and sold under the Nestle licensing brand in the United States. Reuben Mattus is the founder of Haagen-Dazs in Bronx, New York in 1961. He was a young entrepreneur with a passion for quality and a vision for creating the finest and purest ice cream. Initially, he worked in his mothers ice cream business selling fruit ice and ice cream in the streets of the Bronx in New York. In order to produce the finest ice cream, he insisted on using the finest and purest ingredients. By 1960, Reuben Mattus was supported by his wife Rose. He decided to form a new company dedicated to his ice cream vision and called his brand as Haagen-Dazs. Therefore, the name of Haagen-Dazs was come from Reuben Mattus. Reuben Mattus had a daughters Doris. She opened the first Haagen-Dazs shop in 1976. It was an immediate success and it become very popular led to a rapid expansion in a short period of time across the country. In 1983, Reuben Mattus agreed to sell his company- Haagen-Dazs to The Pillsbury Company, which still remained committed to the tradition superior of quality of ice cream. (HDIP.Inc) History of Baskin Robbins Baskin Robbins is an invention by two brothers-in-law; they are Mr. Burt Baskin and Mr. Irv Robbins. The main reasons motivate them to create this brand is because both of them hope can open an innovative ice-cream store that can be a good place for every family member can be gather together and this can improve the relationship between the parents and their children. These two brothers-in-law in deep love with the old fashioned ice-cream and they expect can use the highest quality of material to produce many different ice-cream flavors for their customer. In the year of 1954, Baskin Robbins defeats their competitors at the Los Angeles Country Fair and won their first Gold Medal, and then in subsequent of year, the prize of Gold Medal also wins by Baskin Robbins Ice Cream. In the mid year of 1960, Baskin Robbins has been opening more than 400 stores in United States. In year 1970, it expand their business over the United States with open their stores in many different country such as Japan, Saudi Arabia, Korea and Australia. 1.2 Companys objective In every Haagen-Dazs shop, their objective is to make your experience with us as pleasurable as possible. Every product in Haagen-Dazs is from only the finest and purest ingredients in the world. Well trained staff will gladly assist their customer in choose from extensive menu. (Haagen-Dazs) Similarly, the objective of Baskin Robbins is to provide every customer can have a deep impression and deliciously fun after enjoy the Baskin Robbins ice-cream and intend to stay Malaysians Favorite Premium Ice Cream in every way. 1.3 Board of Directors Nestle has acquired General Mills fifty percent ownership stake in Ice Cream Partners USA. The Board of Directors in Nestle S.A was Peter Brabeck-Letmathe. He is an Austrian, born in Villach on November 13, 1944. (Nestlà © 2001) On the other hand, the president of Baskin Robbins is Mr. Anthony J. Gioia and it chief brand operating office is Srinivas Kumar. The organizations 2.1 The brands / Types of products. There have different types of products sell in Haagen-Dazs that is including ice cream, ice cream bars, ice cream cakes, sorbet and frozen yogurt. (HDIP. Inc) Similarly, Baskin Robbins not only sell ice-cream, they also sell many types of dessert product like soft serve, sundaes, beverages and cakes. (Baskin Robbins) 2.2 Slogan and Logo The Slogan of Haagen-Dazs is Made like no other, which is mean only using the finest ingredients and offering the best ice cream, frozen yogurt and sorbet. The ice cream of Haagen-Dazs that is always available for the health conscious. (eHow.Inc 2010) The slogan for Baskin Robbins is 31 flavors. This idea is propose by Carson-Roberts, the advertising agency in year 1953. (Baskin Robbins 2010) 2.3 Current business development Haagen-Dazs is a famous brand of ice cream around the world. It is starting with only three flavors which are vanilla, chocolate and coffee. In 1976, the company opened their first retail shop in New York and offered franchises throughout the United States and 54 other countries around the world. (Wikipedia 2010) Nowadays, Baskin Robbins had already open 2,500 stores in USA and 2,500 stores in different country such as Australia, Canada, China, India, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Middle East, Puerto Rico, Russia and UK. It also provides more than 1000 flavors of ice-cream. Baskin Robbins lead their employee to have an opportunity to develop their ability and creativity when make a decoration to the cakes and improve their interpersonal skills when communicate with customer and even their own managerial skills. Marketing strategies 3.1 How do they market their products? The purpose of a marketing strategy is to facilitate a business to achieve and sustain a competitive advantage in the marketplace. Haagen-Dazs had adopted Marketing Mix strategies in their business. Nowadays, Haagen-Dazs had done some promotion by uses print adverts to attract customers worldwide. They have more focused on the pleasure of customer when they eating ice cream which is made from finest and purest ingredients in the world. They advertising on the focused on fact that after consumer consumed their ice cream still can maintain a great body and have a purest ingredients without add on money for it. (MM 2005) However, Baskin Robbins also do some promotion activities and campaign like do a discount promotion. They are more focused on give discount for customer to purchase more. For example when customer purchase ice-cream above RM 15, they can purchase a scoop of ice-cream at RM 0.31 only. Beside, every 31st of the month, Baskin Robbins would give 31% of discount on hand-packed ice-creams. Furthermore, to cheer up every Wednesday as a Pink Day, from 1 March until 31 March every Wednesday, when customer go to Baskin Robbins store they only need to show up anything which i s pink colour to the staff then can get a double scoop of ice-cream for a price of one single regular scoop, is pay only RM7.50 to get 2 of your favourite flavors. Place is the location which allows the organisation to spread the products and services for the customers. All Haagen-Dazss shop or cafes are usually located on prime streets or malls where there have many young adults. Besides, Haagen-Dazs always located at petrol pumps and other convenient areas where customers they can pick a scoop of ice cream while they on go. Beside, Haagen-Dazs shop or cafe always providing comfortable seat for customers and couples, bar tools, dim light bulb, rich colours to create an ambience of intimacy and love. (MM 2005) In the same way, most of the Baskin Robbins stores located in shopping malls as well where there have many young adults, family and children. Baskin Robbins stores always decorate with rich colours and provide comfortable seat for their customers. Haagen-Dazs and Baskin Robbins also distributes their products to other market like Giant, Jusco, Carrefour and etcetera, so that it is more convenience for customer to buy their ice cream in ev ery way. Price is the amount which is paid by the customer to exchange the product and service. Most of the organization offers a low price to attract customer towards its product and service and also attempt to capture the target market based on cost differentiation. However, Haagen-Dazs focused on providing finest and purest ingredients. There is no price discounts or special offers in Haagen-Dazs, for purest ingredients and heath conscious, Haagen-Dazs have not reduced price to try attracting customers. Similarly, the ice cream of Baskin Robbins is a premium ice cream with high quality ingredients. Therefore, the way of Baskin Robbins to pricing their product is higher than other ice cream such as Wall, Nestle, and Cornetto. Haagen-Dazs has produce different type of products like ice cream, ice cream bars, ice cream cakes, sorbet and frozen yogurt. They always ensure their product to maintain the luxurious taste and high quality associated with their brand by using finest and purest ingredients. It ensuring that fresh cream is used for rich creamy flavor, fresh skimmed, fresh egg-yolk and etcetera to produce a high quality ice cream. (MM 2005) They advertise that their ice cream by ensuring their ice cream is perfectly rich in finest and purest ingredients because it contains no excess air. Further, Haagen-Dazs ice cream are unlike others brands, it is no artificial colours are used. Haagen-Dazs prefers to use better natural ingredients and make sure that is healthy and safety for customers use. Baskin Robbins has also come out variety of products like ice-cream, sundaes, beverages and cakes. Whereas, they continuously do more research and development to create new flavor of ice cream every month. Like t he new flavor for this month- March is Caramel Praline Cheesecake. Nowaday, they already have more than thousand flavors of ice-cream. They also use a low fat chocolate to make their ice-cream which provide for a customer who are mad about chocolate flavor but want to maintain their body. Customer can get the dietary and nutrition information of each product, especially for the person more stress on a good health. 3.2 Advertising methods Haagen-Dazs advertisement always will be located in a high traffic area where customers will be easy catch by the advertisement through the advertisement board. Customers also will be reached through advertisements such as fliers, newspaper advertisement and through its grand opening ceremonies. Their marketing program will also be incorporated by offering special coupon prices for nearly restaurants, hotels, and shops to customers who purchase any single product at Haagen-Dazs. Major marketing will be contacted through newspaper advertisements, magazines, and flier distribution. In the same way, Baskin Robbins has adopted same advertising methods with Haagen-Dazs which is advertised through the billboard, fliers, magazines, newspapers and etcetera. Future Plans of the organization On 6 Jan 2010, Baskin Robbins makes an announcement that they already open a franchise sale in Miami, Florida, because like nowadays only two Baskin Robbins stores in Miami areas, so they expect can expand their business in this area. Salman Siddiqui, vice president of global business development, Baskin Robbins said that they will continue to provide a high-quality ice cream especially frozen desserts and beverages to deal with a higher demand in Dade and Broward countries. (PR Newswire 2010) In 1999, General Mills entered an agreement with Nestle which combined their ice cream brands in the United State in a 50/50 joint venture. (Decision news media 2001)In the future, Haagen-Dazs also have a plan to open new markets in Turkey, Egypt, and in the Gulf States and they hope can opening two to four shops in Cumberland Country locations by the end of the year. (Joe Green 2010) Conclusion The world is changing very fast; there are many competitors in the market leading to higher competition nowadays. Focus on differentiation would achieve sustainable competitive advantage. Differentiation could arise from a wide range of areas of an organization, such as, products, pricing, brands, promotion and geographic location. Price is crucial for customer to decide which same products but different brands are worth to purchase. Most of the company would search for low cost material to earn more profit. However, The Haagen-Dazs was differs from other companies. Haagen-Dazs are more focused on the pleasure of customer when they eating ice cream which is made from finest and purest ingredients. Consequently, the company becomes a super-premium brand like its product is only made from natural and purest ingredients without any artificial colourings, stabilizers or stabilizers. (Stat Counter 2008) On the other hand, Baskin Robbins is more focused on giving discount for customers. They want to provide great product for their customer with cheaper price; therefore they always have many promotions like customer can enjoy 31% of discount in every month have 31st day. Furthermore, Baskin Robbins always has many activities function such as to cheer up every Wednesday as a Pink Day, that is a way to create customers interesting toward their brand and product. Customers might feel that is interest and worth to participant to get cheaper ice cream. ( Go Out Eat 2010) Haagen-Dazs has focused on purest and finest ingredient with higher price, they has always targeted the adult market. Adults were financially independent and could make purchase decisions on their own. One of the reasons behind the brands success was the companys emphasis on market research to understand the consumers preferences, desires, and needs. Whereas, the target market of Baskin Robbins are family and children. Most of the children would like to choose Baskin Robbins because of the rich colours of Baskin Robbins is very attractive and the price is cheaper than Haagen-Dazs. The shop of Baskin Robbins can be a good place for every family member can gather together and this can improve the relationship between the parents and their children. Place is very important for company to spread their products and services for the customer. Haagen-Dazs and Baskin Robbins usually located on town, prime streets and shopping malls where there have many young adults and children. Similarly, Haagen-Dazs and Baskin Robbins have same idea which provides a comfortable environment for customers. After shopping, they can relax and enjoy their tea time in the cafà © of Haagen-Dazs or Baskin Robbins. The edge of Haagen-Dazs and Baskin Robbins is emphasis on customers needs, desire, and wants. Haagen-Dazs and Baskin Robbins also distributes their products to supermarket, so that it is more convenience for customer to buy their ice cream in every way. If discuss about flavor, the Baskin Robbins have more choices for customer compare to Haagen-Dazs because nowadays they already have more than 1000 flavors of ice-cream and every month they will create a new flavor. Haagen-Dazs has an intense focus on developing an internal and external marketing strategy. They obtained their current competitive advantage to establish premium pricing from using finest and purest ingredients to come out product excellence. They also invested in consumer research to understand the preferences and taste of their customers. (MM 2005) The brand image of the product is very important, Haagen-Dazs is do more better for this part, the outlook for their product it will let people feel like very classy. And their brand logo and color also give people the royal impression and will think that they are as true ice-cream connoisseurs. For the brand image of Baskin Robbins, for the view of people especially for family members, they will think that it is a good place they can gathering for their children like in Sunday-family day. (PeopaLove Brand Talk 2009)
Business Environment At Mahindra And Mahindra Commerce Essay
Business Environment At Mahindra And Mahindra Commerce Essay The company was established in 1945 with the assembly line of Willy s jeep in India and now it is a 7.1 billion Indian and multinational company all across the globe. The main motive of the company is to become the global leader in the field they enter. They have more than 100000 employers employed in their company all across the globe and enjoy leadership in the utility vehicles, tractors and in the Information technology sector and also now they have entered the 2 wheeler segment in India they trying to become the global leaders in that also as the existing big 2 wheeler market players. It also has its presence in financial sector, tourism sectors, infrastructure sector, logistic and trade sector. Mahindra is the only Indian company with full range f tractors all across the globe and market leader in its CVs, MUVs, SUVs and SEDAN. Mahindra company recently took a major stake of the REVA the electric car to enter the electric car market segment is now known as Mahindra Reva in the segment and all over. Mahindra also entered the information and technology segment by taking a hostile takeover of SATYAM TECH CO LTD. In India to get a global market leadership in the information technology sector and show some skills in the sector. Also it took over the KINETIC INDIA PRIVATE LTD. Company the one of the best in the 2 wheeler segments as to enter the 2 wheeler markets and now the company is known as Mahindra 2 wheelers so as to become the global leader in the country and all across. The company is one amongst the A+ rated companies in the GRI list of rating companies in 2008-09. ( COOPERATE GOVERNANCE:- à The cooperate governance code means to achieve best out of everything and to give best of the benefit to the stake holders and to the context to achieve the best performance environment in the market and in the cooperate world. According to Mahindra and Mahindra governance is not just system, metrics, processes .according to the company it is inheriting itself with beliefs, its culture, values, and motives and its ethics leading to transparency and accountability which is good governance according to the company. When there was hit of recession in the country there was a flood of legal notifications firing of people and a new set of rules and regulations were made but there was no change in the Mahindra and Mahindra company because they follow a good cooperate governance and also a good set of legislation reforms which make the company different from the other companies. The company follows a code of conduct which are made by director of the company and by the senior management and employees and those are:- 1. Director shall not take for themselves personally any business opportunities that belong to the Company or are discovered through the use of corporate property, information or position. 2. Director shall not corporate property, information or position for personal gain. 3. Director shall represent the interests of the shareholders of the Company 4. Director shall exhibit high standards of integrity, commitment and independence of thought and judgement 5. Director shall dedicate adequate time, energy and attention to ensure the diligent performance of his/her duties including making all reasonable efforts to attend Board or Committee Meeting 6. Director shall comply with every provision of this Code. ( Cooperate governance code for management and employees:- Management will ensure that the company is running under sound economic environment principles and is working properly with a balanced allocation of resources to support the companies responsibilities to each stake holder of the company. System and policies should be transparent and should be known to everyone and shall be known to everyone. The management would take out only those business processes or approve only those business processes that are strong and robust so as they are judicious and worthful. The management committee is committed to seeking long term profits with no compromises. The decision towards employees should be transparent and should not be done due to its caste, creed, gender, religion or handicap of the employee. Every employee would be given the task which is best suited to it and is favoured to it and is capable of doing it. The employees can give new ideas and they are welcome and rewarded for their new ideas in the company. Employees will be provided safe and healthy environment and with full time devotion towards them. ( Long term Sustainability of Mahindra and Mahindra:- à Environmental changes and societal changes in the economy and in the market Mahindra and Mahindra Company have eagerly entered into new risk markets like the information sector and in the 2 wheeler market for more avenues and revenues from the market and benefiting the company. The Mahindra and Mahindra Companys sustainability is strategically is integrating in the business ventures and making intrinsic decision making processes. In the last three years the sustainability of the company has traversed from intentions to commitments and from commitments to road ramps that is fulfilment of commitments and then presenting in front of the consumers to fulfil their expectations. The company after integrating and controlling the environmental factors and social factors of business and management is able to establish a connection between financial and strategic and sustainability directions of the business. ( CSR 2009-10/sustainabilityus/sustainabilitycontext.aspHYPERLINK CSR 2009-10/sustainabilityus/sustainabilitycontext.aspus/sustainabilitycontext.asp) The sustainability structure is divided into 3 tier system:- One tier:- à It comprises of senior members of committee that is the senior board of directors which handle the management of the company and also take care of the stake holders report and the company stake. It is also called as cooperate sustainability council . Middle tier :- à It is the back bone of the company as it handles all the sustainability initiatives like:- 1. To ensure the approved strategies are in action 2. To purpose strategies, action plans, scoping of the report to the sustainability council. 3. To develop plans to all the sector of the groups. 4. Ensuring share of knowledge and capacity team building among each sectors and monitoring and collecting data from each sector. Also known as the cooperate sustainability cell 3. Third tier:- à The sector consists of a team of 8 to 10 members which collect all the data and analyze the data and monitoring the data. They are responsible for:- 1. Coordination between the sustainability council 2. Differntiating the information with respect to the data collection of the core team collection. 3. Ensuring all the complied data with respect to the sustainability initiatives including the G.R.I UNIT. This tier is also known as sustainability champions ( CSR 2009-10/sustainabilityus/sustainabilitystructure.aspHYPERLINK CSR 2009-10/sustainabilityus/sustainabilitystructure.aspus/sustainabilitystructure.asp) There are certain factors which are affecting the company and its business in the market. Those factors are:- Political factors à The political factors which are affecting the company is that participation of the employees of the company in political parties that is the company does not allow itself in the involvement of any political party but it allows its employees to participate which is a wrong process it affects the image of the company as the employer is representing the company when he or she is participating in the political violence or non violence activities this would affect the company s reputation and also the affairs in the market. Few factors related to the industry are:- 100%fdi policy Change in taxation policy Subsidy from loans of government. Regaining dynamism a key goal of eleventh five year plan. ( 2.Economical factors:- à Economic factors means utilisation of the resources in the fullest so as there is no wastage of resources while producing the product but there were various causes affecting the economical conditions of the company ,increasing cost of raw material is the biggest threat for the company and also the regulatory norms imposed to safe guard the environment ,fuel efficiency less use of more smoking vehicles ,volatility in financial market, escalation of raw material market, effect of the supply chain in the market are few causes affecting the economic stability of the company. Social factors:- à Socially the company works for different group to promote its brand and to create a good image in the market so as people see the company in good reason; the company goes hand in hand to fulfil its social responsibility for the economy and also the everyday business responsibility The company gives 1% of the after tax profit to the CSR (cooperate social responsibility) group which is the group created by the Mahindra and Mahindra company to help the people around them and to boost up the economy and give other people a new chance. The initiative of the group created is to help the disadvantaged section of the society and the company, like people who are uneducated help them to educate and people who are good in something improve their skills and help them to boost up in the world they are in and gain confidence in themselves. They created another group called ECOPS that is a group of employers social responsibility group in which the employee is benefitted in it that is the employer kids and family are made to get educated and given work to do and their children are send to schools where they study and are made to things they like to do .The CSR group also helps the people to give them financial support and also give the shelter who dont have shelter and also the group keeps in touch with the nongovernmental organisation to help people, they come up organisations to save girl child and mid day meals in school and to their employees to keep them happy ,helping flooded areas in India and also helping the crippled people and cochlear people so to promote the brand of the company and help the country socially and economically . ( CSR 2009-10/sustainabilityus/socialresponsibility.aspHYPERLINK CSR 2009-10/sustainabilityus/socialresponsibility.aspus/socialresponsibility.asp) 4. Technological factor:- à New technology can create new products and new innovations in the market and also it helps in reducing the cost of the product and also it helps in getting a new product launched in the market to become the leader in the market, Sometimes the new technologies in the industry leads to reduce in the life cycle of the product . The factors affecting the production due to new technology are:- new innovation in the technology or continuous innovation n the technology renewable energy development ( 5. Environmental factors:- à The environmental factors of the company matter the company a lot as the company depends on the environment of the company and also the environment outside the company as the company uses the go green policy that is less use of carbon producing products so as it does not disturb the social and economic environment of the country and the place they are working in .the products produced in the company are made n such a way that the environment is also safe and less of carbon monoxide is produced from the commodities they are producing for the consumer and the product does not harm the consumer .the company s initiative is on green building and alternative fuel front. They are focussing on green building and fuel efficient products for the consumers and energy efficient products. ( CSR 2009-10/sustainabilityus/environmentresp.aspHYPERLINK CSR 2009-10/sustainabilityus/environmentresp.aspus/environmentresp.asp) 6. Legal factors:- à As the company is globally situated and work in different countries so legal changes happening in the world or in the other parts and also in the country can affect the company a lot. There are certain legal changes which have happened in recent years in the economy globally and have affected various firms globally. the legal systems can affect the cost of the product and also the production of the product produced by the company .the legal system can also affect the demand of the product produced by the company. To avoid various problems the company has accepted various factors to go through legal systems like:- collaboration with government in various shapes of policy agricultural policy bank system policy (
Saturday, July 20, 2019
Age Of Reform In America Essay -- essays research papers
American reform movements in the early to mid 1800’s strived at improving our developing society. America was growing larger, and with the expanding population, many new ideas sprang up. Conflicting opinions between the people of the United States caused the emergence of an Age of Reform, where people tried to change things such as the educational system and women’s rights. These movements were the result of our nation’s self-determination and interest in improving the society we live in. Â Â Â Â Â Between the 1820’s and 1860’s, Americans were trying new things and promoting different ideas and ways of thinking. Once such idea is that of a utopian society. A utopian society, simple put, means a perfect society. There are many examples of experiments at utopian society in the 1800’s. Â Â Â Â Â George Ripley endeavored to create one of the first utopian societies in West Roxberry, Massachusetts. The community was called Brook Farm, and was established in 1841. Everyone in the community shared labor and leisure time equally. Ripley believed that leisure was the most important step to understanding yourself. The problem with Brook Farm was that the residents ended up believing in a form of communism, despite its objective of being a community where the individual would be able to become ‘whole’. A fire late in 1847 caused the community to disband and separate. Brook Farm is important because not only was it one of the first utopian society experiments in the 1800’s, but it proved that people were confident about trying new things. Critics of Brook Farm said that the point of the community was nothing more than the desire to become better than other people. This demonstrates that (even though it failed) Brooke Farm was created solely for t he purpose of bettering the way in which people lived. Â Â Â Â Â In 1948, John Humphrey founded another utopian experiment in Oneida, New York. This was another important utopian society experiment in the 1800’s. In this society, children were raised by the whole community, and businesses were run by the whole community. In other words, everyone who lived there was part of one big family. The Oneida experiment grew fairly large over 30 years, including over 200 peopl... ...forbade black education. Besides that, very little of the white population went to schools anyway. Establishing school systems in these areas was a tricky job. Despite problems in the South and West with education, America had grown into a more learned nation. Over 80% of the population (excluding the slavery population) were literate, compared with a much lower literacy rate prior to the 1800’s. Americans had once again worked hard in order to enhance their societies’ standards. Â Â Â Â Â The Age of Reforms was a period in which many changes were made to improve the way in which people lived at the time. Utopian experiments were attempts at creating a flat out perfect sociological structure. Reforms in women’s rights made strides in making basic civil liberties available to not just men, but females as well. Lastly, reforms in the educational systems of America provided more hope for future generations by making our country a more intelligent nation. All of these accomplishments demonstrate how the Age of Reforms was a period in which America improved by leaps and bounds in the process of turning it into what we know it as today.
Friday, July 19, 2019
The History of Kingston Penitentiary :: Canada
The History of Kingston Penitentiary Kingston Penitentiary is located on the shore of Lake Ontario in Ontario, Canada. It has served as the main symbol of punishment in Canadian society. Penitentiary Houses were first created in Great Britain in 1779. It was on June 1, 1835 that Kingston Penitentiary formerly known as the Provincial Penitentiary admitted its first six inmates. It represented a new world of confinement that removed the convict from his community and regimented his life. It introduced society to a new notion of punishment and reform. (Curtis et al, 1985) People expect a penitentiary to hold inmates, especially dangerous ones, for as long as the court determines they should serve. Kingston Penitentiary has been doing that for many years. But it has also dedicated to the reform of inmates. What that means has changed dramatically over time. (Curtis et al, 1985) The first inmate to enter Kingston Penitentiary was Mathew Tavender who was sentenced to serve three years for grand larceny. He was placed in cell number four and was put two work as a stonecutter two days later. He was whipped on August 30, 1835 which was three months after his arrival, along with inmate number two, John Hamilton. John Hamilton was sentenced to three years for felony. He was made a stonecutter on his third day and then a mason. Both he and Mathew Tavender were whipped together which may imply they tried to make contact with each other, this was strictly forbidden. Inmate number three was Edward Middlehurst who was sentenced to five years for grand larceny but was actually released. He was the first carpenter at the penitentiary but after a year got sick and was moved to another cell. He is not on record on the roster after he was sick for three months, so whatever he had must have been contagious. He may have received a pardon which was a common way to deal with sick convicts. It was felt that it was better for diseased people to stay outside of the prison walls so the sickness would not spread to the others. The penitentiary was not equipped to deal with death because it had no cemetery but still had to pay for a gravedigger if someone died on the inside. John O'Rourke, inmate number four was sentenced to five years for grand larceny. He received his first rawhide beating two short weeks after his arrival.
Thursday, July 18, 2019
The Partridge Family :: essays research papers
If you were alive 30 years ago you probably can recall those Friday nights when you were sitting in front of the television set during prime time watching a widowed mother and her five children who charmed America and broke a generation gap with their groovy, bubble gum sounding tunes. You probably would also know that "The Partridge Family," with its something for everyone cast and groovy tunes, took over America as an instant success in the fall of 1970.The Partridge Family was the 70s successor to the Monkees who were a mid 60s hit. Both the Monkees and the Partridge Family were fictional rock/pop bands produced by a television branch of Columbia Pictures called Screen Gems, but unlike the Monkees, the Partridge Family strictly was about wholesome and traditional family values. ( famous cast included screen and stage veteran Shirley Jones who played the mother, Shirley Partridge. Shirley Jones had been in numerous plays and movies including Rodgers and Hammerstien’s "Oklahoma!", "The Music Man", "The Big Slide", and the 1960 film version of Elmer Gantry which won her an Academy Award for her role as a prostitute. In 1956, Shirley Jones married actor Jack Cassidy who was the father of her future co-star David Cassidy. Born April 12, 1950 in New York City, David Cassidy grew up in the show business atmosphere with both his father and mother being avid performers. After he graduated from Rexford, a private school in Beverly Hills, he worked with the Los Angeles Theater Group and was featured in the Los Angeles theater production of "And so to Bed" ( After that he moved to New York and back to Los Angeles while starring in several plays and TV shows including "Mod Squad" and "Bonanza", but David Cassidy didn’t get his big break until he returned to his first love, music, when he was cast as Keith Partridge. Other cast members who played Partridge siblings included Susan Dey, a popular New York fashion model who played Laurie Partridge, and the red headed and freckled Danny Bonaduce who played Danny Partridge and to many people’s surprise actually came from an 100 percent Italian background (The Partridge Family Deluxe Souvenir Album). The youngest partridges as you may know were Chris and Tracy. Chris was first played by Jeremy Gelbwaks during the first season, but his parents soon became uncomfortable about his acting with the mania that surrounded the show and took their son out of the cast.
Determining The Longetivity Of E.Coli’s Gaining Resistance Ability: A Comparison Between The Bacteriophage T-4 And Antibiotic
The surfacing of a variety of drugs for resisting antibiotic for disease-inflicting bacteria has already been a big issue and at the same a vital dilemma in treating all types of human diseases. This immediately requires another option, a substitute way of providing therapy to the human diseases. It has been found in previous researches and experiments the wonders of having bacteriophages highly considered to be â€Å"healing viruses. †John MacGregor (2003) has brought up an intriguing issue regarding bacteriophages when he wrote his research article entitled â€Å"Set A Bug To Catch A Bug†.Apart from the title, his words were â€Å"As the power of antibiotic wanes, viruses that hijack bacteria and smash them into pieces could be the answer to our prayers†¦Ã¢â‚¬ . He explained in his article the possibilities of replacing antibiotics as the solution to a lot of virus-causing diseases including virus infections. Bacteriophages were first discovered by a British c hemist named E. H. Hankin. It was considered to be a virus in 1915 by Frederick Twort, a British bateriologisy. The occurrence of that first intrigue found by Dr.Hankin paved its way for more discoveries performed by a Canadian microbiologist named Felix d’Herelle. He agreed with Twort when he also considered it to be a virus and then later he named it as a â€Å"bacteriophage†. Upon his successful experimentations, he was confident that these bacteriophages will be very helpful and at the same time when he used them with the children who were almost dying dysentery at a hospital in Paris. The test solutions were distributed to every patient hoping that it will be effective, and fortunately, these cured the children for just one night.With D’Herelle’s primary success, the use of phage therapy was further studied. From then on, the advantages it provides were widely spread globally. These page therapies are utilized in a variety of ways. It can be taken or given topically, orally, can be injected, using enemas and aerosols. Diseases that were treated by this phage therapy included urinary tract infections, typhoid and cholera. The use of phage therapy slowly faded when AMA or the American Medical Association reported contradictory results of using phages. Antibiotic age came in when penicillin was discovered by Alexander Fleming in 1982.Fleming’s discovery flourished for 20 years making the phage therapy out of sight. But still a lot of microbiologists became very attractive to what bacteriophages could provide medically, improving different aspects of health and curing more diseases. There was a time after the Communist era when phages were considered to be the â€Å"last resort†antibiotics when the decline for antibiotics took place. This was indeed an alarming situation worldwide. But this did not become hindrance in reviving the hidden attributes of bacteriophages.Bacteriophages are defined by Toronto, Funke and Ca se (2001) as viruses that host in bacteria and in bacterial cultures, they can be grown easily. This has been significant since bacteriophages are the main sources of multiplying viruses. How do bacteriophages multiply? The basic procedure in which multiplication of viruses happens is just the same as the other viruses and it is not affected by any means by which the entering and the exiting of a virus into a host cell differs. Most life cycles of a virus are difficult to understand but a bacteriophage is an exception.They are the easiest to be learned and be understood. Bacteriophages, also called â€Å"phages†, can be multiplied using two substitute processes. The first one is called the lytic cycle which leaves the host cell to a lysis or death. The second one is called the lysogenic cycle where the host cell lives. T-even bacteriophages such as T2, T4 and T6 are the phage types that are most studied. Using the bacterium Escherichia coli (E. coli) as a host, with the use o f lytic cycle, multiplication of the T-even bacteriophages can be demonstrated easily from one process to another.There are 5 stages involved starting from attachment, penetration, biosynthesis, maturation and release. During the first stage, attachment, the particles of the bactriophage and the bacteria collide. A chemical connection occurs between the attachment site from the virus and the bacterial cells’ complementary receptor site. A chemically produced interaction from the connection enables bonds that are weak to be formed from the two sites by using their fibered tail ends. During the stage of penetration, DNA is being injected by the T-even bacteriophages into the bacterium after connecting occurs.This is done when an enzyme called the phage lysozyme is released by the tail of the bacteriophage which in turn destroys the walls of the bacterial cell. In the penetration process, the phage’s sheath tail contracts and the core of the tail enters the cell wall. If the core’s tip has already reached the plasma membrane, the DNA from the head of the bacteriophage will pass through the tail core, it will eventually enter the bacterial cell. During the stage of biosynthesis, the DNA of the bacteriophage will initiate synthesis direction of the components of the virus by the host cell.Once the components of the virus are being put in place and are brought together into virions, the maturation stage occurs. When the lyses of the host cell and the new virions have already been released, it is referred to as the release stage (Toronto, Funke and Case; 2001). Bacteriophages have been found to exhibit a lot of features. They are tested to be of big use with local infections in relation to poor supply of blood like diabetic ulcers and infections of the bone. Unlike antiobiotics, these phages were keenly observed to multiply inside their host cell which enables them to penetrate more deeply to the area being infected.Another distinguishing feature of phage therapies is its ability to inflict no allergies, resulting to a fewer side effects. Phage therapies in addition are easier and are cheaper to produce than antibiotics. On the other hand, bacteriophages have their limitations concerning their fatality once they have already killed the harmful bacteria. But these issues should not lower the hopes of the society depending on the future developments of phages. In an interview (Society for Gen. Micro. , 2008), they have shared that modern scientists and researchers have already found ways of prolonging the lifespan of viruses.This new and possible idea is by combining them chemically with polymers but still this is limiting since it will likely cause poisoning of the blood and is surely a big threat to one’s life. The main objective of this project is to determine the longetivity of the bacterium Escherichia coli’s gaining resistance ability in two different viral invaders: the bacteriophage T-4 and an antibiotic . At the end of this project, results should report a comparison between these two, answering which has the longest and the most effective invading mechanism. B. METHODS AND PROCEDURES (EXPERIMENT PROTOCOL)Throughout the following procedures of this project, a strict Aseptic Technique will be used. During the whole duration of the experiment, a strict technique called the Aseptic Technique will be applied. According to a web article research, written by Hauswirth and Sherk (2007), they defined the aseptic technique as an accumulation of unique practices acquired and a set of processes undergone whose conditions are carefully controlled with an objective of minimizing pathogen contamination. In any type of clinical setting, the technique is used to maximize and stabilize pathogenic organisms’ absence.Its main goal is to simply protect a patient from infection and cease any possible spreading to other body parts. Prevention of infections are not achieved simply by sanitizing or disinfecting. In about more than 27 million surgical operations, surgical sites are the third most prone to more hospital infections prolonging, in effect, the hospital stay of the patient and at the same time, hospital bills become so expensive. The estimate was according to CDC or Center for Disease Control and Prevention (Hauswirth and Sherk, 2007).The main objective of performing this experiment is to identify the required length of time for a common bacterium called Escherichia coli (E. coli) to achieve its maximum log phase growth. When these cells have already arrived in its expression of maximum amount of bacteriophage receptors, it will eventually lead to an immediate vulnerability to infection. The bacterium E. coli must always be utilized at this stage of growth all through out the procedures to be able to achieve desirable results upon comparing of two different experiments.In beginning the procedures of the experiment, first, an overnight growth of culture will be prep ared to be able to supply the growth curve with inoculum. The growth of the culture will be done in a shaking incubator with a temperature of 37 degrees Centigrade. The culture preparation will also be dependent on what culture is available, its slope, its colony or plate, and inoculate broth of the culture. Second, a 1 ml of culture that will be prepared overnight and a 99 ml of inoculate nutrient broth (NB) will be taken and will be placed in a flask that is sterilized and flat-bottomed type.Through a process called resuspension, a sterilized tube containing a sample of 5 ml will be gently swirled, will be collected and will be marked Time Zero. The sterilized flat-bottomed flask will be placed inside the shaking incubator. Third, samples containing 5 ml each will be collected at a per hour interval. This will be done for 8 consecutive 8 hours and will be marked Time 1, Time 2, Time 3, Time 4 . . . Time 8. All samples will be stored at +4 degrees Centigrade. Fourth, the remains of the culture that has been prepared overnight will be left for one more night.At exactly 9 am the next day, a last sample of the culture remains will be collected. Fifth, from a sample of 400 nm and another sample of 450 nm, the OD of each sample will be measured. The LB or NB will be used but will be left blank if necessary. If in case, the OD will exceed 1. 0, both sample 1 and sample 2 that were used in LB and NB will be diluted and will be read for the second time. Sixth, the strict aseptic technique will be used in preparing for colony counts in each sample. The amount of workable cells (per ml) will be identified.Seventh, plotting will be done. A growth curve will be plotted and both the cell number and time will be involved in doing this. Eighth, another growth curve will be plotted. This time cell number and OD will be involved in the plotting. Ninth, the required time to reach the midway of the log phase growth will be identified. In doing this, cells within the time length , identified prior to the succeeding experiment, will be grown. Tenth and last step of these experiment procedures, the connection between the cells and the OD will be analyzed.All results acquired all through out the process of this experiment will be recorded and will be evaluated accordingly. References: Hauswirth, K. & Sherk, S. D. (2007) Aseptic Technique [Internet]. Available from < http://www. surgeryencyclopedia. com/A-Ce/Aseptic-Technique. html> [Accessed 8 May 2008] Tortora, Funke & Case (2001) Microbiology: An Introduction. 7th ed. Addison-Wesley Longman, Inc. Craigie, J. (2002) The Significance and Applications of Bacteriophage in Bacteriological and Virus Research [Internet]. Available from [Accessed 8 May 2008]
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